NSX / CORVETTE, which is faster ?

Originally posted by NetViper:
I have only been for a ride in a Z06, so I can't compare driving the two. However, just from my ride i thought it was REALLY LOUD! I had to yell just to talk to the guy next to me. Not cool, and not fun for an everyday driver IMO. It had plenty of power, but the interior materials are PATHETIC.

ALL in all, i'll keep my NSX

Are you sure the car was not modified? I've spent many hours in my friend's Z06, and I actually think my car is a bit louder (I have a nearly bone stock 94').

One thing that struck me about the Z06 was after 4000RPMs something started rattling. My friend said it was "normal" and part of the design. It had something to do with the transmission.

However, that unnerved me to no-end. I can't stand rattles in my car and have been obsessing over some minor rattles in my X.

Originally posted by hyuan:
Are you sure the car was not modified? I've spent many hours in my friend's Z06, and I actually think my car is a bit louder (I have a nearly bone stock 94').

A stock Corvette is actually pretty quiet. Even with an after-market exhaust system, it's not loud to the point that you can't converse inside the car.

Originally posted by O-Ace:
A stock Corvette is actually pretty quiet. Even with an after-market exhaust system, it's not loud to the point that you can't converse inside the car.


Yeah, its pretty amazing how quiet it is considering the power underneath the hood. Despite the kind of car it is, it also beats the pants off of the NSX in terms of gas mileage. Its a bit ironic that although Honda is trying to make "green" cars, in the Corvette we have a faster and more fuel efficient example of a sports car (I know the NSX is a 10 year old design, not fair comparison, blah-blah, just making a statement here).

For you folks who have never been in a Z06, I'd highly recommend it. I was getting whip lash riding in it. You can really feel the torque!

That said, I still prefer my NSX. The surround sound experience experience of the engine behind your ears as you approach VTEC has its own unquantifiable charm.
I dont think there was any modifications. It has the titanium exhuast and that is ALL i could hear while we were driving. It sure does a lot of power though.