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    Caveat Emptor!

NSX Camber Kit Before and After Photos

The product is ready pending the final submission of the patent, which could take a month.

As for price, I'm continuing to find ways in manufacturing and product to keep the price down. Currently the price will be between $450-500, and that is a promise.

Once all information is a “go” from the patent office a new thread will be started with all pertinent information.

I must say, these parts look great!

Thank you all for your patience.

Put me on the list as well! I need this like I need new tires all the time. :tongue:
Put me on the list.



Sky :wink:
Bump for newly lowered NSX's
Is anyone looking for a Thom's camber kit?
Cedar Ridge Fabrication has stock on camber correction bearing sets, front and rear. Feel free to PM if you need some help.