NSX as a garage queen?

This thread has gotten me to calculate how many miles I've driven mine since purchasing. I got mine in April of last year and have put on about 3500 miles on it.

My car was never meant to be a garage queen but dayam, it's looking like she rarely gets driven. And most of my miles have come on group drives or going to and from the track.

I definitely plan on putting more miles on her this year.
Dont get me wrong, when the weather is nice...Im driving it every chance I get.
Pardon my crassness, but this topic is STUPID!

Who gives a fuck how often someone else drives their NSX? It's their NSX, their business. You wouldn't give someone else a hard time for how often they have sex with their partner would you? :wink:

For the record, my NSX can be considered a garage queen. I reserve her for nice, long NSX drives.

My daily driver is a 4 door sedan. I use it to haul a lot of crap, and have a baby seat for my kid. It is a lot more usable as a daily driver than my NSX ever could be, in terms of storage, baby seat space, etc.

I don't feel like that I've missed out by not driving my NSX ever day. It is a very special NSX and it gets driven on special occasions.

/end sermon.
Pardon my crassness, but this topic is STUPID!

Who gives a fuck how often someone else drives their NSX? It's their NSX, their business. You wouldn't give someone else a hard time for how often they have sex with their partner would you? :wink:

For the record, my NSX can be considered a garage queen. I reserve her for nice, long NSX drives.

My daily driver is a 4 door sedan. I use it to haul a lot of crap, and have a baby seat for my kid. It is a lot more usable as a daily driver than my NSX ever could be, in terms of storage, baby seat space, etc.

I don't feel like that I've missed out by not driving my NSX ever day. It is a very special NSX and it gets driven on special occasions.

/end sermon.

Agreed :biggrin:
I have withdrawels not driving my car for more than a 2 day period, I need help :biggrin:
Of course I wouldn't have it any other way!
Looking at the used specimens that come through here, it seems like average mileage for a '91 is about 75K-100K miles. Thats only on avergae of 5000-6000 miles a year. Thats pretty light for a car. My car is no where as special as an NSX, but I've had it 2 years now and have 28000 miles....I feel like thats too much and I've slowed down the last year. Poeple still make comments about it not having a single door ding.

I'm not sure I understand the point of keeping cars out of the rain?

I wash my car at least once a week, its the crap that gets picked up with the rain thats the problem. I keep my cars out of the rain because I enjoy working on my cars and I don't want to have to deal with that grime on everything. I've seen engine bays and suspensions with 10 years worth of road vomit on it...everything is fused together and caked in a gray layer.

Also you should keep it garaged for the fact the garage makes a great UV blocker :cool:
Judging by the milages on all NSX's, I would say that almost ALL are garage queens of some sort compared to an ordinary car, and driven a fair amount compared to most exotic cars.

People that drive their cars very little inherently reduce the resale values of other cars driven "normal" miles. If you look at most highline cars they have very little milage. I have seen tons of Aston Martins that are 5 years old and have less than 2K miles... Ferrari at 10K is "high milage".

So if any person buys a garage queen type of car, he gets penalized when selling because his 45K mile car will never sell.
The way I look at it is that the NSX is too reliable and practical to be left as a garage queen. If you really love driving the car, you should drive it as much as you can. No one can guarantee that one will live tomorrow. All my NSXs have been daily drivers. Garage queen is like a gorgeous girlfriend that you love to make love to but you chose to visit only on rare occasions fearing that she would get worn out.:tongue:

I concur.

As rare as the NSX is, it can be replaced. It is a beautiful piece of garage art, but it is far more beautiful from behind the wheel.

I drove my 1993 29,000 miles in 2.5 years. It was not my daily driver, but I did use it for work on occasion. (I average 30-35k/year total). For me, it filled the role of the fun car, designed for weekend and light track use.

I drove it as much as I could, year round. It was used far less in the winter, but with enough frequency to keep the battery (and owner) charged.

Whatever the situation, an NSX is to be driven.

The Queen in her Courtroom... :biggrin:

Driven for enjoyment. The windsheild wipers are in the trunk...

absolutely the best post of the thread. you da man... and your ride is The Queen :smile:
I have seen tons of Aston Martins that are 5 years old and have less than 2K miles... Ferrari at 10K is "high milage".

LoL you referenced two brands that it's not easy to get miles out of..j/k

Honda really messed up with the NSX and this is the real reason for it's poor sales. Exotic to most means rare and precious. Something not often seen and enjoyed in small doses. How many people had a problem with Ferraris/Astons/Lotus/Porsches poor reliabilty back in the day? Their short comings made their owners love them even more ( stupid ,but passion isn't logical it's emotion bad or good generally very strong emotion ) Frustration when something love won't start to joy once it's fixed and running ( albeit brief..running that is )

Honda said that's not good and made a car that looked like an exotic ,but didn't act like one.

People thought this was great...at first. Of course then like most good things that don't have problems people get bored. People complain. Forgive the female references ,but it's akin to having a beautiful woman who doesn't cause you any problems. Guy says yeah sure everythings fine we've been together for years with no problems. Then the ex girlfriend i.e Ferrari/Porsche/Aston/Lotus you know the one who always had some type of drama going on gets a boob job ( more hp ) and all of sudden guy says "wow whatever happened between us we had some really good times?". All of a sudden guy thinks his current relationship "just isn't as passionate or intense" and wants the ex back using stupid reasons for rationalization like "she's not a b!tch just fiesty" ( belt jumps or spittin out oil ) "she was gonna pick me up ,but wasn't feeling good" ( a$$ stuck by the side of the road ) "Hey where's you girl at? Uh she's not feeling well what with all this crazy weather" ( stuck in the garage no idea what's wrong with it) LOL sorry for the long post ,but you all know this is true:biggrin:
Pardon my crassness, but this topic is STUPID!

Who gives a fuck how often someone else drives their NSX? It's their NSX, their business. You wouldn't give someone else a hard time for how often they have sex with their partner would you? :wink:

For the record, my NSX can be considered a garage queen. I reserve her for nice, long NSX drives.

My daily driver is a 4 door sedan. I use it to haul a lot of crap, and have a baby seat for my kid. It is a lot more usable as a daily driver than my NSX ever could be, in terms of storage, baby seat space, etc.

I don't feel like that I've missed out by not driving my NSX ever day. It is a very special NSX and it gets driven on special occasions.

/end sermon.

Who pissed in your cheerios? I care, and so do the other 52 people who replied prior to your post. You post is the dumbest thing I have read on prime in a while.
Who pissed in your cheerios? I care, and so do the other 52 people who replied prior to your post. You post is the dumbest thing I have read on prime in a while.
Really? I think not as dumb as "If your not going to drive it, why have it ?
Garage & Show Queens are a waste of time...." and posts like that.

Really gets under my skin when people don't mind their own business and have to taunt other people for how they handle their own business.

This is the umpteenth time I've seen stupid posts like that. I have a garage queen. So what? Who cares? The responses are pointless.

We are all NSX lovers. Who cares if someone doesn't drive theirs everyday?
Really? I think not as dumb as "If your not going to drive it, why have it ?
Garage & Show Queens are a waste of time...." and posts like that.

Really gets under my skin when people don't mind their own business and have to taunt other people for how they handle their own business.

I'm curious. If you walked up to a group of people, most of them strangers whom you've never met, in real life who where having this discussion, would you interject with your opinion that their conversation is dumb?

I'm just attempting to find out if you're an asshole all the time or only when online.
I'm curious. If you walked up to a group of people, most of them strangers whom you've never met, in real life who where having this discussion, would you interject with your opinion that their conversation is dumb?

I'm just attempting to find out if you're an asshole all the time or only when online.
I'm curious, would you find it offensive if someone asked why you owned your NSX and that it's silly you don't do this or that with it? Would you find it tiresome if it came up every month?

And thanks for the personal attack. I never called anyone an asshole or specifically derided any single person, just the idea that it's silly and stupid to post that garage queens are silly.

I think it's silly and dumb to transport Christmas trees in your NSX, as you have posted before, but I have never or would post something like that to threadcrap in your picture thread, because it's how I handle my NSX, not your NSX.

How you handle your NSX is NONE of my business. There, how's that? I can be a jerk sometimes, but I keep my mouth shut when it truly is none of my business.

Have a nice day.
,but it's akin to having a beautiful woman who doesn't cause you any problems. Guy says yeah sure everythings fine we've been together for years with no problems. Then the ex girlfriend i.e Ferrari/Porsche/Aston/Lotus you know the one who always had some type of drama going on gets a boob job ( more hp ) and all of sudden guy says "wow whatever happened between us we had some really good times?". All of a sudden guy thinks his current relationship "just isn't as passionate or intense" and wants the ex back using stupid reasons for rationalization like "she's not a b!tch just fiesty" ( belt jumps or spittin out oil ) "she was gonna pick me up ,but wasn't feeling good" ( a$$ stuck by the side of the road ) "Hey where's you girl at? Uh she's not feeling well what with all this crazy weather" ( stuck in the garage no idea what's wrong with it) LOL sorry for the long post ,but you all know this is true:biggrin:

LOL..... I am afraid there may be some truth in there...
Really? I think not as dumb as "If your not going to drive it, why have it ?
Garage & Show Queens are a waste of time...." and posts like that.

Really gets under my skin when people don't mind their own business and have to taunt other people for how they handle their own business.

This is the umpteenth time I've seen stupid posts like that. I have a garage queen. So what? Who cares? The responses are pointless.

We are all NSX lovers. Who cares if someone doesn't drive theirs everyday?

Taunt? What? Dude, you need to chill man. If the problem you have is with people who want to know what other people think, and do with their cars, then you might as well not read prime. You have close to 3500 posts, and I am sure that there have been a few of those that people didn't find informative or of any use. The responses are pointless??? Wow, then why in the hell did you respond to it? For the record, I say drive it if you got it. For those who like to look at theirs in the garage more than they drive it...hey, it is not my cup of tea, but I can appreciate both sides. This is the beauty of discussion, individualism, and respect for others.
It's rather funny how someone who thinks a post is "stupid" would waste their time to post in said "stupid" thread. Why even bother wasting your time if you don't like it? Just ignore it next time and carry on.
I don't think anyone was blasting anyone on this thread (from what i recall without having to re-read the thread) if their car was a garage queen or not. It is his/her own car to do with what they please. The OP was just gauging an idea to see what the general consensus was.

The only eye-popping post was made by you NsXMas for coming out with profanity and blasting this thread.

In any case, what you must say must be the law and we should all agree with you :rolleyes:
My post was my personal opinion. I'm not errogant enough to believe that everyone should have the same views as I do. It was not the opinion of everyone here that owns or doesn't own an NSX, just my personal opinion after owning 8 Porsches, 2 Lamborghini's, 2 Ferrari's and 2 Pantera's, now an NSX, in my lifetime so far and driving them 75% of the time.

But I realize now that I am not entitled to my opinion because you feel it's dumb. I promise next time I post anything I will check with you first to be sure it's OK and you don't think it's dumb.

God forbid I should ever piss off someone that believes his opinion is more valuable than anyone elses. Gee, I might have to sell my car next time for being so dumb.

Really? I think not as dumb as "If your not going to drive it, why have it ?
Garage & Show Queens are a waste of time...." and posts like that.
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Just my opinion but; God Help Us!:eek:
We are talking about how each of us decides to use their own car.
A discussion that was meant to be fun, interesting and informative about how each of us views our rides.:biggrin:
Now it is starting to appear we are at each other like members of different religious sects.:confused:
We are all bright enough to have purchased an NSX; I respect anyone that smart.:cool: :biggrin:
Agreed Bob....
Maybe can get back to the discussion we were having without all the B/S, including mine.
Mine is usually a garage queen but I am not ashamed. I bought the car for my own personal enjoyment. Just to be able to go look inside the garage and it waiting for me to go drive it is exciting enough. But when I do get behind the wheel it is a special feeling. I feel like I own the road when I am behind my car and listening to some good music. Besides I hate driving stick in LA traffic....it sucks to have to be in 1st gear or 2nd for an hour just to move 5-10 miles......thats why a lot of people own daily drivers. It makes more sense to me to have it that way. Even when I get a Ferrari it will be a weekend toy just like the NSX.

With my daily driver I don't have to worry about where I park it or having to worry about other stupid drivers on the road hitting me.

So therefore I rather have my car as a weekend toy garage queen than beating the hell out of it from daily driving. Everything is a personal preference on how we choose to own our cars. There is no wrong or right way of owning them.

The Queen in her Courtroom... :biggrin:

Driven for enjoyment. The windsheild wipers are in the trunk...


Dude, you have issues...:biggrin: J/k

Well, if I have a garage, I'll probably do the same.