NSX as a garage queen?

6 December 2006
N. California
I kinda figured that I would not be using my NSX as a daily driver. I've been using my friends 1995 M3 while he's away and now have to return it. I just leased a 2007 Honda Accord for an awesome price ($149/month) for 3 years and will use it for work. The only sad thing is that I love driving the NSX!!:( How many others are using their NSX as a garage queen? Please dont be shy to admit it!
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I orignally intended to use the NSX as a garage queen. Until I was hit by a rock on the 405 freeway. That kind of made me re think the whole idea.

No offense to anyone else but the more I thought about it, the less sense it made to me to preserve the car for the next guy.

The best thing about the NSX is driving the damn thing.
That makes total sense Da Hapa. Perhaps over time, I will feel the same way. I just am too paranoid driving this car to work and leaving it there all day.
The way I look at it is that the NSX is too reliable and practical to be left as a garage queen. If you really love driving the car, you should drive it as much as you can. No one can guarantee that one will live tomorrow. All my NSXs have been daily drivers. Garage queen is like a gorgeous girlfriend that you love to make love to but you chose to visit only on rare occasions fearing that she would get worn out.:tongue:
I'm just as anal and paranoid as the next guy, but where's the fun in garage queening an NSX? That wasn't the philosophy behind it's creation, and it certainly isn't the reason why I bought one. Daily driver, deliveries, groceries, food runs at work, Costco hauler - I wouldn't have it any other way.
i second on steve 's comment "No one can guarantee that one will live tomorrow".

i used to think the same way, "make her as garage queen" but after attending couple funerals, my thought has changed. i drive it whenever i like it.

my co-worker also own a "garage queen" as well and when he saw me driving my car, he makes a remark "you drive it agan?" i just smile and told him. we don't really know what is gona to happen tomorrow, just live the moment as you can, else you gona to regret it.

The way I look at it is that the NSX is too reliable and practical to be left as a garage queen. If you really love driving the car, you should drive it as much as you can. No one can guarantee that one will live tomorrow. All my NSXs have been daily drivers. Garage queen is like a gorgeous girlfriend that you love to make love to but you chose to visit only on rare occasions fearing that she would get worn out.:tongue:

Haha. Very well said.
If your definition of a "garage queen" is an NSX that not used as a daily driver... then that's mine. I do try to drive it a few times a month (except in winter when its under cover), but generally use it for short errand trips, special events, or weekend road trips. I have a truck as my DD and several other "nice" cars that need to be in the mix. This approach works fine for me and I still enjoy the NSX as much, despite the limited use. Keeping the mileage down isn't a bad thing either!!
Mine only comes out on clear days usually just on the weekends. If i go somewhere like a mall where i would have to leave it in a parking lot i will take another vehicle. I have no choice about daily driving as i have a company vehicle that i have to drive while i am at work.
First two years it fit the garage queen profile- 5,000 miles per year :confused:

Last 5 years it was driven daily, although not as daily driver.
Always in a moderate to drive it like you stole it mode :biggrin: - 10,000 miles
per year :cool:
Drive it baby.....life is too short......Steve
Drive it, like you stole it. :biggrin: I drive my every couple of days, I do not believe the car (or any car for that matter) was meant to sit in a garage collecting dust. What the quote from one of the car shows on tv “restore them don’t crush them”. :cool:
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i probably drive it about 100-200 miles a month only.. 99% of the time it's in the garage unless it back it out and detail it..
I have over 135K miles on mine, and those miles didn't get there by staying in the garage! :wink:

And Steve, you're an animal! You don't want to wear her out? Good one!
Unfortunately my NSX is definitely a garage queen. I'm never around to enjoy it. It currently has less than 800 total miles on the odometer. Yes, that is not a typo, it is eight hundred.

It also helps that I have many other cars that I can put the mileage on.

Once I retire I think I can enjoy the car as it was intended.
Once I retire I think I can enjoy the car as it was intended.

If you make it....It's a honda fercryinoutloud. Drive the damn thing!
I drive my car about 1,000 miles per month and its not my DD. I would drive it more, but we get rain several times a week and the car is no fun to me in the rain. I would drive it everyday if I could. The roads in my area are so nice and curvy, that a trip to work/store is a pleasure.

There is a guy in my town that is the original owner of a 91. I think the car has 10k miles on it. I have never seen the car only spoken with him several times. I told him he is just preserving the car for the next owner. I don't understand people like that. Stamps are for collecting, cars were meant to be driven, especially ours.

I will drive it everyday until it dies. I will then replace it with another one and keep going. This will allow me to keep the smile on my face for a long long time to come.

I would like to thank you garage queen owners for preserving my next NSX for me
Mine is #3 out of 4 cars. For work reasons the El Camino is first. As a result most of the miles on mine are autoX or track miles. So certainly not a garage queen, just low mileage.
If your not going to drive it, why have it ?
Garage & Show Queens are a waste of time....
If your not going to drive it, why have it ?
Garage & Show Queens are a waste of time....

I disagree :rolleyes: There are owners out there that use there car to show and therefore take excellent care of it and keep it in the garage. There choice, not mine but they have that right IMO
I disagree :rolleyes: There are owners out there that use there car to show and therefore take excellent care of it and keep it in the garage. There choice, not mine but they have that right IMO

Also I can't point fingers, I've got a show VW Bug that hasn't been off the lift in two years. I'm Bad :biggrin: