NSteXpo 2012....

2 April 2002
Highland Village, TX
Anybody have any News, Dates, Updates on this topic?
Figured some of you down in H-Town, Austin or San Antonio
would be in the know.

Would be great to get the Texas NSX's out for a couple
of days together this year.....

Captain Z / Zishan... Inquiring minds want to know:confused:
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Dang Terry no love in here, I guess we're not going to have one this year!
Please htown this year lol :cool:
Hopefully it can be in September timeframe. I be be in Texas from the beginning of Septemeber until the 22nd. :smile:
Wow! Some Replies:tongue: Yippie! I was thinking it was a No Go!
November sounds great!
I drove out to Penn. last year and the only guy who came further was from Hawaii. Flew it to CA and drove it to Penn. That's a guy that loves his car!

Getting married on 9/16 and will be on my honeymoon that week. I would go otherwise. Sorry!

Funny, I'll be Hawaii then, but no NSX.
If its in October, I'm in
Sorry guys, been busy looking for a job, moving, etc.

So the rumors are true, we are thinking Oct/Nov time frame. That way the weather will cool off a bit. In the past we did one Halloween weekend that was a blast.

I'll be working on it shortly. I think some others are already working on something, so if that's the case, I will gladly help and we'll get something together.
I would vote on Oct 31 time frame.


- If it's in Houston that following week of Oct 31st Wednesday has Cars and Coffee Houston 3 Nov 2012 Saturday. A few weeks before start of the Formula One Kick off.

- I don't think we ever had a Multi City NSTEXPO. Austin to Houston or Austin to Dallas (Drive is long).

Anywho any place I am will be on ground NSX or New Car lol.