Now drive the rest---SuperCars--Tampa (July 28)

17 January 2004
Hi folks.....

You drive the drive the rest of the SuperCars. The US tour of the World Class Driving event is coming to Tampa on July 28 and Miami on July 30.


You drive 6 of the above cars in two sessions. About 3 hrs of drive time and about 180 miles. Cost is $795. +tax.

I signed up for the Tampa event.
Anyone else want to go?

As of today, May 16, there is only 6 slots open. Hope to see you there too.
This is not a racing event!

Check out the website:
Keep us posted on how the event was..we are getting some guys here in Houston to go when the event gets here in September.
bodypainter said:
Ohhhh, that looks like fun. I need to talk to the entertainment committee (aka my lovely wife)... :)

My entertainment committee graciously approved my request. :biggrin: I'm going !!

These are the 6 cars to be there:

Ford GT
Ferrari F430
Bentley GT
Lambo Gallardo
Aston Martin DB9
I'm very interested. How do you talk the wife into this? I'd like her to be a passenger. You can bet I'll be doing the driving! ...If she lets me!

Do you guys think it's worth the money? Do we know if there are still spots available in Tampa? Are we sure this is a legitimate company?

Let me know what you all think. I'd love to go. Anyone leaving from Orlando or East? We could convoy over together in our NSXs.

blavenia said:
I'm very interested. How do you talk the wife into this? I'd like her to be a passenger. You can bet I'll be doing the driving! ...If she lets me!

Do you guys think it's worth the money? Do we know if there are still spots available in Tampa? Are we sure this is a legitimate company?

Let me know what you all think. I'd love to go. Anyone leaving from Orlando or East? We could convoy over together in our NSXs.


Hi Brian,

I hope it's worth the money, I can't think of any other way for me to drive this line-up of cars, even if only 20 mins. each, for this price. ...Also, because I already paid. I've seen posts on other boards accuse this of being a scam, followed by another post with pics of someone who just did the drive stating it definitely is not a scam. I paid with my AMEX which will refund me if it is a scam and they do have a working phone number that knew specific details about the program. They had 5 positions still open when I registered this week.

RadNSX and I have both registered and I'm sure we will drive the NSX's over. Let's have a convoy. :biggrin:
Makes me want to buy a Ford GT tomorrow then trailer it around the country charging $500 for a one hour drive. It would pay for itself in a matter of weeks.
Hugh said:
Makes me want to buy a Ford GT tomorrow then trailer it around the country charging $500 for a one hour drive. It would pay for itself in a matter of weeks.

This could be a good way to pay for a higher end car, which is I'm sure the reason why this company does it. Unfortunately, part of that money you receive would have to pay either your salary or someone elses to babysit the car, some type of advertising, vehicle maintanance, liability insurance, transportation and plain overhead. I calculate at the end of a couple years you would own a high milage super car. Let me know when you get a GT, I'll give you $250 for a one hour drive. Make it $500 if I can drive it alone.:biggrin: :eek:
Sounds interesting.

Everyone of these cars has been at the last two Chin Motorsports track events except for the Bentley! In fact, Maria Hicks did the checkout ride to sign our Ford GT driver to solo category......NICE.

This drive is coming up day after tomorrow, Friday. Myself and Rad NSX are coming over to Tampa in the NSX's to the Radisson Hotel & Conference Center, 12600 Roosevelt Boulevard N., St. Petersburg. The drive starts at 11:00am and should last around 4-5hrs.

Anyone around Tampa/St. Pete want to do dinner, etc.?
bodypainter said:
... I need to talk to the entertainment committee (aka my lovely wife)... :)

I think that is brilliant! I never heard that one before... It is sooo true though!

Nice one!
FeetFxr said:
This drive is coming up day after tomorrow, Friday. Myself and Rad NSX are coming over to Tampa in the NSX's to the Radisson Hotel & Conference Center, 12600 Roosevelt Boulevard N., St. Petersburg. The drive starts at 11:00am and should last around 4-5hrs.

Anyone around Tampa/St. Pete want to do dinner, etc.?

Dinner, NO. the drive hell ya. I just came off the booking page,waiting to be contacted,hope I am not to late. I really want to drive the Lambo and GT!
BTW your hotel is 3 miles from my home.
best regards dave
ps if I am to late to experiance this awesome drive you guys have fun like I have to tell ya!
NO response, have fun guys. I told my wife about it and she wanted to go real bad also,bummer. take some pics if you could.
Only one word describes this experience..."AWESOME". If you get a chance to do this drive I can't recommend anything more highly! :biggrin: :biggrin:

It was a long day lasting from 11:00am-7:30pm. They give a quick briefing about the power and nature of these high end cars and basically tell you to have a great time experiencing and driving them. You drive each car for approximately 25-30 mins. over a course they pre-determined to allow you to open it up and experience curves, etc. Then you ride as a passenger for the next ride and continue to alternate through the 6 cars. And believe me, they let you really get on these cars. I exceeded 125+MPH in each of the cars, and there was one part or our course, out in the middle of nowhere, with a stretch of about 1.5 miles that we would each time, depending on which car you were driving, line up next to the other and all out race. It was amazing to compare a brand new Ferrari vs Lambo vs Z06 vs Porsche vs Bentley vs Aston Martin.

Luckily, we had no accidents, but last month the Ford GT was wrecked in New York, costing them 91K to repair and wasn't ready for us to drive.:frown: Of course, this was the one I was the most looking forward to driving.:frown:

I did run out of gas in the Lambo, they knew it was running low, and was stranded on the side of the road for about 30 mins. I got some great looks and a HWY patrol stopped wondering why I'm sitting next to this exotic. Luckily, he knew the drive was in town and didn't ask for registration, etc.

My quick impression of the cars:
(btw- all were '05-06, most with 2-4K miles each)

1. <u> Ferrari F430</u> - Amazing car. Handling and response was awesome. It had the best gear box(F1) of all the cars. The exhaust note was orgasmic. It took the Lambo easily off the line every time, but not the Z06. Definitely, my favorite!

2. <u>Lambo Gallardo</u> - Best visual lines of all the cars, but least comfortable. Had a lag off the line but handled and drove great. Got the most attention driving in traffic and out of gas on the side of the road.

3. <u>Porsche Carrera S</u> - This replaced the Ford GT (cough) it was fun to drive with good acceleration but exhaust note was weak next to the Ferrari.

4. <u>Bentley GT</u> - Amazing for such a big, luxury car with 550ish HP. It could almost hang with the F-car in speed and still not hear or feel the road under you. I got up to 130 in it and thought I was going 80-90MPH until my passenger noticed the speed. I thought I would hate driving this car but was very impressed! (Twin turbo's-see the pic below)

5. <u>Corvette Z06</u>- Unbelievable raw power! None of these cars could beat it off the line or from a rolling start. Yes, it feels and looks cheap and plasticy inside, but was great fun just because of the power. Each driver fish-tailed the hell out of it. Two of them got mild warnings to be more careful. Front end is way too long.

6. <u>Aston Martin DB9</u> - Pure luxury with cool paddle shifting. It had a little trouble keeping up with the others but had plenty of torque and handled nice. It's convertible roof gave my a nice sunburn.:redface:

The people running this were great. The pace car driver in a Chrysler 300, that exceeded 130mph several times, was a previous Le mans pro driver and made sure you enjoy the drives. They provided a nice lunch, and beverages throughout the day. They take lots of pics and give you two 8x10 group and individual pics, cd rom of all the pics, a hat, and a cool certificate of participation, all included.
They recommend driving the cars when they go to a more rural area to really be able to open the cars up and better experience them, but I can't imagine driving them too much harder than we did around St. Pete. Luckily, no one got a ticket!

I'll do this again in a heartbeat!!

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looks like fun.
You had the Gallardo on the straight away outside the garbage dump thats gotta be good for a couple 100mph runs.:biggrin:
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I hope you cleaned up the F430 after the orgasmic exhaust note :wink: :biggrin: :biggrin: I went to the Homestead Track Sunday. There was a lady there that had a Bentley AND A F430. There were some crazy cars there. But I didnt get to drive any though :frown: I'm going to have to hang with you guys next time this comes around :cool:


Looks like you guys had fun, sucks that the GT40 was damaged:frown: That pic of you next to the Gallardo is funny as hell, sure you got some looks from traffic!
Kudos to you for jumping on the chance to wring out these power mongers. Ironically, I was in Orlando that weekend instead of St. Pete! Timing is everything.

Based on your feedback I'm sure we could get a good sized group of NSX'rs together if they come around again.

Thanks for your detailed impressions...I enjoyed them as well as the pics!

looks awesome.. i wonder what would happen if you get into an accident and it was your fault.. does the company have their own insurance so your personal insurance won't go up??
darknezz_ghost said:
looks awesome.. i wonder what would happen if you get into an accident and it was your fault.. does the company have their own insurance so your personal insurance won't go up??

They told us they are fully insured, but we would pay the $2500 deductible per car damaged. Of course, once you wreck one your day is over.:frown:
Breaking News....

Here is your second chance to drive these super cars....
Orlando, FL has just been added to the schedule.

Nov 4-5

I will do this event again........what a kick to drive the Ferrari and Lambo back to back. Money well spent.

We hope to be driving the winding roads around Mt. Dora.
Rad NSX said:
Breaking News....

Here is your second chance to drive these super cars....
Orlando, FL has just been added to the schedule.

Nov 4-5

I will do this event again........what a kick to drive the Ferrari and Lambo back to back. Money well spent.

We hope to be driving the winding roads around Mt. Dora.

enough of these drives and you can buy a supercharger instead :biggrin: