Not really an nsx question but sorta....

17 August 2002
Cold, snow north...
Could you put a nsx 5spd in a prelude? I am wondering cuz the nex is mid rear wheel and the lude is front wheel front drive; so can you put in a 5spd backwards?

I am wonderin as converting a lude other wise can be expense prposition... but nex 5 spd trans go for about 1.5K...

I am only asking all of you guys cuz you have alyways been really helpful.
I am not sure about the "backwards" part, since the gearing is always through three gears in both cars: mainshaft gear, countershaft gear, ring and pinion gear.

In the NSX vs. Prelude, the crankshafts turn in opposite directions. The trans gearing is the same. (direction wise, anyway)

I think the big problem will be mating it up to the engine in the Prelude. Clutch is totally different, So you would have to probably get the NSX flywheel in there, which puts you right up there in the "custom" arena.(read$$$) one off.

Once you get that worked out you will then have to figure out how to get the starter to mate with teh flywheel, etc. It goes on and on

I would also guess that the mounting flanges are not the same, and you probably cannot mate the two cases together, but I have never seen this first hand to actually confirm.

I don't really think this is a cost effective option.


[This message has been edited by Larry Bastanza (edited 28 August 2002).]