Not my week.. Vandalism.

23 October 2000
Saint Augustine, FL
Most of you know my car won't start. We'll, I woke up this morning and saw some foam and stuff on the car. I got down and looked at it. Didn't look too bad. So I wiped it off and it took the paint RIGHT off. So the rear quarter panel is ruined and the rear bumper also. I will post pics when I get them.

Just not my week.
That is terrible...I can't imagine why someone would do that. The worst thing you can do is mess with a man's car.

Because your car is an easy target to this as I am assuming that it is not garaged, I would be proactive in the future? I had a friend who had similar problems with theft and so forth, who set up a video camera to catch the jerk. Park under a light and if it ever happens again, you got em.

Lastly, what kind of foam takes off paint?

Sorry to hear about your vandalism.
sounds like varnish or paint cleaner to me, you can get it at economy hardware stores around apply to paint, wait for few mins, the paint can be easily rubbed off like soaked tissue paper
That sucks to hear that someone would mess up a person's pride and joy.
Do not use your bare skin to remove the foam. It sounds like someone sprayed it w/ aircraft stripper.The chemicals in it are very harsh. While the content should be disipated by this point, it can still be an irritant to the skin.

Sorry for your loss though, I can't stand people who do things like that to cars.

I don't know about the aluminum painting process, but you don't have to worry about flash rust...but oxidation perhaps? A paint shop can tell you what needs to be done before you take it in.

I have had brake fluid poured all over a car before

Thanks for the concern guys. I cannot get a garage in this area and I really don't have the money to move somewhere else.

I will put up a big light and a security camera of some sort.

Here are the pics.



You can see the rest here:
I feel your pain, its hard to look at those pictures, Let me know when you get these punks and I will give you a hand beating the crap out of them
That made my stomach turn. I'm so sorry, someone did that to you. I hope you can catch the culprit and put an end to this.

Sorry to hear about what happened to your NSX.

You might want to also consider getting some flood lights with motion detectors.

Are there any self storage places near you?

You can probably put the car there and the monthly costs are usually pretty reasonable. Of course, you would need to get another daily driver.

A friend of mine got his M3 vandalized during the winter and the cost to put it in storage would have been cheaper than paying the deductible.

[This message has been edited by wctsao (edited 27 February 2003).]
It takes a gutless POS to do that kind of stuff to a defenseless, INANIMATE object. Yeah, whoever did that is a real man.

X 100!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm really sorry to hear/see what happened to your car.
I hope everything ends up coming out okay from all this.

1995 NSX-T
1999 3.2TL
2001 Odyssey ..........SOLD!!!
1992 SC400
2003 Chevy Suburban LT

[This message has been edited by FuryNSX (edited 27 February 2003).]
Hang in there's my advice that I can give you...I know people suggested moving or a garage..

I would bite the bullet and try to fork out a couple thousand either from credit advance or friends or whatever, to get a place with a garage or a daily driver, you can find a good one 89-91 Honda/Acura for about 2k.

I spend ALOT to keep up my 89 Minivan with 185K miles on it for practical purposes and when the NSX is in for repairs. It will give you alot of piece of mind. GOOD LUCK.
Yep.. Aircraft stripper. That's the non aerosol version, so they had to slather that nasty stuff all over the car. Sold in big jugs at napa/autozone stores.

You can tell by the red pigment dripping from the marker lens... this stuff eats and permanently etches plastics (trust me).

Wash the car off w/ water and baking soda to neutralize the stripper. Make sure to take detailed photos for the insurance company. If the chemical came in contact with any other plastic or painted surface, that item will have to be replaced or re-painted.

Sorry to hear about it, Dave. It sounds like someone in your area either (a) doesn't like you, or (b) really resents your car, enough to vandalize it. It's probably (b)... the only reason I mention (a) is that one of our members here had his NSX repeatedly vandalized by a vengeful ex-wife.

I would suggest you think short-term and long-term. Short-term, you should (1) call the police immediately to file a police report; (2) call your insurance company next; and (3) call the body shop (presumably the one who did your previous repair, assuming you're happy with their work) and get their advice on what to do with the car, such as hosing it off (?) and getting it to their premises and away from its current location.

Then you can think medium-term - what to do for transportation while the car is being repaired, and where you will keep it once the car is back.

Unfortunately, on a long-term basis, assuming they don't catch the cretin who did this, there's a good possibility he might try it again after it's fixed. The alternatives mentioned by others - getting a beater and keeping the NSX in a storage facility, or moving somewhere the car will be safe - may be the only way to keep your NSX safe. Otherwise, you may be forced to choose between risking a recurrence or selling the car. I don't need to say it, but the whole thing sucks. All it takes is one person to make life miserable and screwed up, and you happen to have such a person near you with a hard-on for your car.

[This message has been edited by nsxtasy (edited 27 February 2003).]
sorry to hear about that. I know your car won't start but, try to find somewhere to put it.

Those pictures are hard to look at. I am sorry for what happened.

I live in an apartment as well. I shopped around and found a really nice complex with garages. It is not that much more expensive than the previous place I lived that lacked garages.

I would take the advice of everyone here and find yourself a "beater". Anything will do so long as it is less than 2k and reliable. This will allow you to store the NSX until you find an apartment with a garage. It will also suffice for transportation while your NSX is in the shop.

Good luck Dave.
Originally posted by nsxtasy:
assuming they don't catch the cretin who did this, there's a good possibility he might try it again after it's fixed. [This message has been edited by nsxtasy (edited 27 February 2003).]

My sentiments exactly, right down to the word "cretin". There is no excuse for this type of illegal behavior, and it makes me ill to even look at the pictures. I drove my C43 AMG to school one day and it was keyed and dented within 30 minutes!

On the bright side, it's only paint and light lenses, and that's why we have insurance. But to insure it won't happen again you'll have to use caution where you store it in the future.

Good luck, and let us know how the new paint comes out.
This is terrible! This is one of the worst acts of vandalism I've ever seen.

Sory to hear about this Dave. This made my stomach turn too.
That's just painful to look at. I agree with
Ken's comments. This is more than just random "I hate rice-burners" redneck stuff.
Do you have a friend on the local police force or know a private investigator? I sure hope everything works out for you. Good luck!
I saw the pix.. its horrible.. seems its melting the plastic parts as well, maybe its HCL? usually paint removers will not melt the plastic,at least in the way yours are they were designed to remove paints and preserve other parts.

I see the trunk, bumper, rear 1/4 panel paints are ruined. what about roof and door?

I think your insurance will cover this, you ever thinking of informing the local police?

And you got any garage around for rent? For me as example, my building doesnt have a garage, I rent a private garage near by which only the monthly parkers can get in with garage people aroung