Not my week.. Vandalism.

I can't BELIEVE that someone did this to your car. Keying or denting a car is one thing but going this far is beyond imagining. The monster that did this has some very serious problems. Unbelievable. Just unbelievable.

Find a good shop to do the repair work and perhaps an arrangement to garage it or at least park it someplace where it's out of sight, out of mind.

Simply unbelievable. I am truly disgusted looking at the damage to your car.

If you live in a small town you can check with the local auto repair shops to see if they have record of purchase for the stripper. It is a long shot, but you never know!

I sincerely hope you catch the person responsible.

Feeling your pain... My car was backed into and hit and run. It took months, but I found a witness. We found the guy and my car was repaired at his expense.

I hope your luck changes!


[This message has been edited by (edited 28 February 2003).]
I am going to run a picture of the car and some text in the paper. (as i work there). Maybe that will help me catch the bastards.
I am really sorry. There were almost tears in my eyes when I saw the pictures since I could feel your pain.

Someone did the same thing to my old bimmer the second day after I got the car (brand new). He or They did that to the each pannel of the car, pretty much all over the car including the roof. And it was in the midst of me trying to make the final purchase of the insurance.

I hope that you will are okay both mentally and spiritually.
why would someone do this
I hope you catch these bastards. It pisses me off when people can't respect another's belongings. Man, I hope you are doing okay; as this is one of the hardest things to deal with when owning an Nsx. Damn vandals.
count me as another disgusted and angered prime member. Just a thought, if there are any trash receptacles nearby you might look to see if the spray can is in there. At least that would tell you what they used. Good luck finding and prosecuting this jackass.

Sorry to hear about your NSX, OMG those pictures are frightening. I hope your car is returned to newlike condition both mechanically and cosmetically soon. Oh and that what now, I'd have a friend come over with his Porsche (or the like) stakeout nearby, catch the culprit in the act and then get medieval on his a$$.
Originally posted by mother goose:
How about lending NetViper a helping hand? We can all make a small donation, thru PayPal or whatever, and make a stand as a community.

Sounds like a good idea. Even a little from all of us would be of great help. If someone does start one, NetViper has a small amount of $5 from me.

[This message has been edited by Dan H (edited 28 February 2003).]
Thank you all so much. You all wonderful. I appreciate this more than you can possibly imagine. You guys are the best!
Just seeing those pictures really upset me.

You should definately get a wireless camera system monitoring your car. Find out who done what, and then get medieval on alert the authorities.
If you want to catch the vandal ask some car stores and ask them if they have sold some of that spray recently. I don't think much people would buy that item. Then when you find a store that did sell a spray ask them what time it was sold and day. Then ask the security of that store to see if they can give you the video of the time and day that the bottle was sold. You might find a couple of people but if you do it quickly enough you might single out the guy that did it and there you go. You found the guy who vandalized your car. I hope this would work for you.
I agree with Midnight_Raven, but I would also suggest you discuss your approach with the police in your town; they may be able to help, either with the investigation or with providing advice.
I am so sorry to see your car like that and you had just bought it and fixed it from the hurricane that struck the car too. Really sorry and hope you catch those bastards who did that to your baby.
Jeez, that is sad.
I hope you catch the bastards responsible..

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[This message has been edited by PHOEN$X (edited 28 February 2003).]

Those cameras work ok. Do you have a high speed connection? If so you can strem the video signal and check it from the office (Assuming you have a static IP Address)

The police should get involved due to the cost of damage. I am guessing in excess of 4-5k if the lights are damaged.

I will be sure to make a donation to help you.

Wishing you better luck,


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