not an NSX owner (yet) so heres my fit

How much is it to restore/maintain the 360?

I like your car. That Fit is Go! :biggrin:
How much is it to restore/maintain the 360?

I like your car. That Fit is Go! :biggrin:

well, right now i am looking at a 360 with extensive front end damage and they want about $28k for it. doing the work by myself (and with the help of friends) id only be paying for parts and for all the parts it would be around $20k give or take a few grand. so all together it would be around $48K but ive seen rebuilt 360's with salvage titles sell for as much as $80k so i could turn around and sell it and double my money.

if i buy an nsx, i will just mod the shit out of it and it will become a money pit with not much return in the end. but on the other hand, the 360 is going to be an ASSLOAD of work to get it back to zero. i still have some consideration and some saving to do.
I think its a little heavier than that

Great cars though.

okay well, when i took it to the dumps to be weighed, i had my rear seats out and the gas tank was almost on empty. also you have to take into consideration alot of the weight reduction i did. seats, srs system, air conditioning compressor and condenser, carbon fiber stuff, suspension, etc etc etc. the official weigh in was 2265 or something. i lost the receipt before i could scan it.
If you think you can get that money back than it is certainly a good investment. Keep in mind though, anyone who forks over $80K on a salvaged F-Car will want to know that the work was done by a reputable shop. You didn't mention if you work at one or if you're like me, a backyard painter! :redface:

HA! Great Picture! Denver! Snow! NSX! Gotta love it!

My GSR ain't much better though! I've left in in ditches all over Denver during blizzards. :biggrin:
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