Northern California is now in the SouthWest -- alert the media!

14 August 2005
Belvedere, CA
NorCal Forum is now posted in the SouthWest Region Group.
Why not move it to the SouthEast? That would make as much sense.
I'm not sure it makes "as much sense" as putting it in the southeast since geographically San Francisco is right about in the middle of the coast and the Bay Area is the hub of NSX activity for Northern California, but I agree it is not part of the southwest, which is why I had it in the northwest for all these years.

Someone working on the NSXCA stuff approached me about aligning the regions better between the club and this site and I felt that was a good goal. If this is a terrible idea I can move it back and ask the NSXCA to reconsider their regional definitions if they want them to align with this site.

Really there should be a third option, since I don't think a ton of folks from the SF Bay area and Seattle area are regularly attending each others events, but that's another issue entirely. At one point I considered just eliminating "regions" and simply listing major metro areas instead, since they are the hub of pretty much all regional activity.
I was thinking Lud knows something we don't yet know! :biggrin:


is this movie worth watching saw previews for it last night was gonna click it but passed
Donald Trump says that San Francisco is right in the middle of the South West.... that ought to tell you something.
We don't want you here. We get enough snowbirds from the North East who don't know how to drive.

Are you incinerating I don't know how to drive??????????