17 April 2002
Hey guys...

Just got back from a AWESOME weekend at nopi. It was finally nice to put faces with some of the SN on here. The nsx ring of owners are like one big family! Romeo, Charles,Markuese and Tony...I have made friends for life, or as long as I own a NSX... hehe Just kidding.. =o)

Romeo,Charles,Marguese and Myself all recieved trophys for showing our cars....Romeo and myself also recieved trophys for the " Dyno contest "

It was nice meeting you guys, and YEAP its time to get my supercharger. I was the only natural aspirated NSX there, but im hoping to change that soon.Im looking forward to the upcoming nsx events and hang out with you guys again.
Oh that would be NICE, you need to do that for your SN pic.... =o)

I also sent you a copy of the list posted by NOPI just with the list for the NSXs wins.Im going to see about making it a link on here sometime this week, if you know how to it let me know.

Kudos to Romeo for taking first place NSX at the event and third place in the dyno finishing behind two turbocharged Supras! Way to go! I heard that "MYNSX" was there for the show. Anyone know how he finished?
Originally posted by THEPOGNSXTC:
Oh that would be NICE, you need to do that for your SN pic.... =o)

I also sent you a copy of the list posted by NOPI just with the list for the NSXs wins.Im going to see about making it a link on here sometime this week, if you know how to it let me know.

Pog, I'm still trying to change my avatar

How do you change it?

Its all good and we are ALL winners!!!

Congrats to everyone, lets not turn this into a pissing or whinning contest here.

[This message has been edited by THEPOGNSXTC (edited 25 September 2002).]

[This message has been edited by THEPOGNSXTC (edited 25 September 2002).]

When I get to the house ill send you that pic in avatar ready format, so its not so blury when its loaded as its showing now with all color not matching and blury.

Want me to add a name or something at the bottom?
Originally posted by THEPOGNSXTC:
****Second place (no prob) I already have a room full of trophies.And I didn't even want a trophy (let someone else take first) less to carry on the plane home.*****

IF saying that makes you feel better about not getting 1st thats totally cool...BUT I was there and i know that it bothered you so much that it brought tears to your eyes, and even made the comment "I lost to that"

SO....Enough with the I got plenty of 1st places, and i wasnt really even wanting to show and like you " let " it go to another person. "let someone else take first" Some one didnt TAKE first they EARNED it.

I mean if ANYONE can say that they wasnt going to show there nsx and didnt really think they would win a thing would be me.. I didnt think anyting of it, and won!

If it will make you feel better, ill send you one of my 2 first places from nopi to add to your room full...

Anyways... Maybe I need to blow my own little horn also like you.. LMAO


Sorry to burst your bubble, but your car wasn't that great. The custom carbon fiber was cool, but I would have to say that MYNSX got a little screwed. We couldn't even set the car up properly, prop hoods and doors, becaseu the both it was in would not allow it. And the trophies for the car show were an absolute joke. They weren't trained judeges, they had no forum, and there was no rulebook. Taking home a trophie at NOPI doesn't mean a thing. I do think that your DYNO was great, I actually watched it, so much props there, but when it comes to actual show, sorry - Black will never cut it.

Its all good and we are ALL winners!!!

Congrats to everyone, lets not turn this into a pissing or whinning contest here.

[This message has been edited by THEPOGNSXTC (edited 25 September 2002).]
Glad to hear you got what you came for at the show with the sponsors and movie gig thing, that is really cool. Glad to get to meet you and sorry the deal with me buying your wheels never worked out.
I agree about the judging thing though. They didn't have a clue on what they were doing or what they were supposed to be looking for. But it's alright. I walked away a lot wiser about the way that show operates and what not expect.
That having been said I did have an absolutely GREAT time with Romey, Charles, Bill and his friend(sorry I forget your name). We had the best seat in the house and the best looking row of cars there by far!!!

Charles, nice avatar! Is that your car or mine?

I need to work on my drifting though...LOL !!

*** Thats what I thought*** <~~~ typical sore loser comment.

NO, thats not it at all. Im not going to stoop to your level of ignorance and feed the fire with gas. Im a better person than that, and dont have time for posting back and forth and having a little baby pissing contest with you or anyone for that. Making stupid comments and bragging about your room of 1st places and your movie gig. Once again blowing your little horn.. TOOT TOOT

Ive seen you MYNSX and I have also meet you as a fellow nsx owner and you pose NO THREAT to me or anyone, and probally wouldnt or couldnt hurt a fly. Telling me to say it to your face like a little child in grade school. I think you need to ask around before you go and make comments like that, you might not like who comes and gets in your face when you see who you told to say it to your face.

Plus... If your going to sit there and tell us you didnt have tears when you didnt win 1st, whinning about it like a little kid, and coming back with a comment "I lost to that". You can deny it till the day you die, but you did! Hey wait you did get one thing right, you did lose to that.. =oP
Fact is that you posted something about romeos win and congraded him, just so you could come back in the same paragraph and brag about all the stuff you got and have. Like congrad on the win romeo...BUT look at all the stuff i got and all the attention I me me me pay me some attention kinda of comments.

PS... Charles you were so right about the drama that is on this site and in the posts..

PSS..... He wasnt talking about you and that bill(gdfella)
*****That having been said I did have an absolutely GREAT time with Romey, Charles, Bill and his friend(sorry I forget your name)****** ~~~~~Its kurt

Plus about your comment gdfella (arron)
****Sorry to burst your bubble, but your car wasn't that great. The custom carbon fiber was cool, but I would have to say that MYNSX got a little screwed. We couldn't even set the car up properly, prop hoods and doors, becaseu the both it was in would not allow it.***** Of course you think you got screwed you didnt win. BUT i bet if you did, you wouldnt have anything bad to day about the judges or how stupid they were, you would be gloating and bragging about it.
Also arron, whats up with your avatar? Last time I checked this was a site for NSXs....Guess we all have to dream sometime or start somewhere. hehe

Hmmm.. sounds to me you dont know what your talking about or who you are talking about, you didnt see my car dyno and your not even talking about the right person...I only have a carbon shifter.... HAHA =oP Hmm, why dont you drop romeo a little e-mail telling him you dont think his car is so great, that would be funny to see.


We are one big family here and all own the same beast we love the most.... the NSX!

[This message has been edited by THEPOGNSXTC (edited 25 September 2002).]
Wow, this is turning into a heated little room isn't it. I thought after we all had eventually met each other and walked away with trophies we would all be patting each other on the back rather than putting something else in the back...

As for Romeo's carbon car being all cool and everything but MYNSX getting screwed, I don't think that is very accurate. I respect Yellow for what he has done to the car and was given the opportunity to look at it up close and can say that it is very nice. On the other hand I looked at Romey's car also very close and have to admit that the best car DID win 1st place. That is just the way it goes sometimes, you think you should win but the judges(?) don't agree with your opinion. Screwed or not, it is over and nothing can be done about it.
