Nominations for hottest NSX


magnum PI - grey

gil -


I'll admit I follow the philosophy or the rule of thumb, if you have an NSX or a car similar in status then it deserves a quality wheel to roll on, until I saw the Varrstoen :eek: on an NSX at NSXPO 2010 in Las Vegas.

Flame suit is on :biggrin:
Here's my most current pic (taken last Sunday). Oil change just done (which is why there's a dropcloth for any potential drips) :biggrin:
I don't know how else to ask this... this is a full time job.

please do not post comments and questions on this thread!! Do not post non-member cars, this is not the random NSX photo thread. These are nominations for a contest only.

Payam, Hatchboi, HKS, please discuss on a different thread and it would be apprecaited if you can delete the last few comments. Thanks. CarolineNSX, please delete your last few posts.
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96cxt, is this a car you currently own? Is this a nomination? If not then as much as I like your car it doesn't qualify and these pictures should be posted elsewhere.

TURBO2GO, yes this is my current NSX. I have a few more goodies on the car but haven't been able to take recent pictures. Yes I would like to nomiate, is it to late to nominate my NSX?

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No unrelated posts please guys... Please delete last two posts. Trying to keep this thread clean and for nominations only. Thanks.
Jesus I give up. LOL... Ok everybody... post away whatever you want. No one seems to want to listen to or follow the rules on this thread. Unless one of the mods want to help me and delete non related posts, this thread will just wind up like the rest. 1 photo after every 3 pages of comments and questions.
Jesus I give up. LOL... Ok everybody... post away whatever you want. No one seems to want to listen to or follow the rules on this thread. Unless one of the mods want to help me and delete non related posts, this thread will just wind up like the rest. 1 photo after every 3 pages of comments and questions.

quit the whining. It's your fault. You let this thread go on for 6 months instead of just picking a winer.

sent from my crappy cell phone.
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quit the whining. It's your fault. You let this thread go on for 6 months instead of just picking a winer.

sent from my crappy cell phone.

Jim, do you know how much time I put into this thread? In an effort to give members some accolades for the hard work on their cars and making an interesting thread lots of guys from other forums come to? Do you know how many threads you'd normally have to sift through to see all the best NSX's around? Perhaps you'd like to take the time to contact trophy shops, contact suppliers for prizes, talk to forum management, spend hours PM'ing everyone with unrelated posts and asking them to remove their posts. I am not getting paid for this. This is just one guy's effort on this forum and it's been many hours. Now you are telling me I am whining when I ask people not to ruin the thread and contest that benefits everybody.

I have to one by one make sure the photos belong to members' cars. That there is enough representation with multiple photos. I have to track down owners then organize them all into categories, and have everyone happy they are in the right category. Then once that is all sorted out create a poll, and then make sure everyone gets their prizes and plaques.

I am about to just say F it and forget the whole thing. If others don't really care, why am I putting in the effort. Let it be as it was. Unless one of the mods contacts me and helps me remove unrelated posts, I will no longer work on this.
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Some members put in a lot of effort and took photos specifically for this contest. Many asked me to wait before closing the thread. And I did. Now all their effort is going to waste because some guys can't follow a couple of simple rules.
I can honestly say I don't think anyone in this thread cares about plaques or trophies. And if they do, then I guess I am wrong.

Overall a thread like this is great just to show some of the nicest NSX's out there. Alot of people like to talk about these cars/mods/etc because it benefits everyone on prime.

To catch a huge attitude and PM people demanding to delete their posts seems a bit ridiculous.

And the reason for all of the extra posts is exactly what CL65 said, this thread has gone on for over 6 months without a new thread with a poll. :wink:

Jim, do you know how much time I put into this thread? In an effort to give members some accolades for the hard work on their cars and making an interesting thread lots of guys from other forums come to? Do you know how many threads you'd normally have to sift through to see all the best NSX's around? Perhaps you'd like to take the time to contact trophy shops, contact suppliers for prizes, talk to forum management, spend hours PM'ing everyone with unrelated posts and asking them to remove their posts. I am not getting paid for this. This is just one guy's effort on this forum and it's been many hours. Now you are telling me I am whining when I ask people not to ruin the thread and contest that benefits everybody.

I have to one by one make sure the photos belong to members' cars. That there is enough representation with multiple photos. I have to track down owners then organize them all into categories, and have everyone happy they are in the right category. Then once that is all sorted out create a poll, and then make sure everyone gets their prizes and plaques.

I am about to just say F it and forget the whole thing. If others don't really care, why am I putting in the effort. Let it be as it was. Unless one of the mods contacts me and helps me remove unrelated posts, I will no longer work on this.
I can honestly say I don't think anyone in this thread cares about plaques or trophies. And if they do, then I guess I am wrong.

Overall a thread like this is great just to show some of the nicest NSX's out there. Alot of people like to talk about these cars/mods/etc because it benefits everyone on prime.

To catch a huge attitude and PM people demanding to delete their posts seems a bit ridiculous.

And the reason for all of the extra posts is exactly what CL65 said, this thread has gone on for over 6 months without a new thread with a poll. :wink:

It's not about the plaques, although there were prizes too and I for one would love a gift certificate to SOS. It was more en effort to bring the community together but I guess that point is lost.

It has NOT gone on for 6 months, as more photos have appeared from members that were not available before, and I was asked to wait.

I don't get it... I try to do something good and please everyone and you say I have a "huge attitude".

I don't want to argue with anyone nor cause any problems. Frankly I can do other things with my time. So people can post what they want from here on out. Thanks to everyone that participated and my apologies for not getting to an end point.
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