No respect from youth these days

On topic:
I'm driving my average Accord (the DD) through the neigborhood, approaching home. As is my habit, I'm traveling slowly, I hate speeders on my street. 4 houses away from my driveway, the local 7 yr old brat rolls out into the street in front of me on his plastic pedal powered toy. I stop promptly, with plenty of room. I don't even use my horn. He's in the middle of the street, not near the edge of his driveway... AND HE GIVES ME THE FINGER AND STARTS YELLING AT ME! A 7 YR OLD! I contemplate getting out and collaring the kid to drag him up to his front door to have a conversation with his parents about safety, but realized right away the futility... From their point of view, it would be all my fault. I don't respond, and just drive on slowly to my driveway.

It's really all about parenting.

BTW, the family are not native Southerners! :biggrin:
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A little topic test: Who wrote that and when?
The youth loves the luxury nowadays. It has bad manners, disrespects authority and elder people and discusses when it should work. Young people don't stand up no longer when elder people enter the room. They contradict their parents and terrorize the teachers.

Solution: It was Sokrates (lived 470 to 399 before Christ) - could have been posted at in the kid's forum.... :wink:
Old problems - still present.
BTW: If you complain that the link here doesn't work you have a serious education problem...