No respect from youth these days

No belief in God, not having faith or love for God is the cause.

I have none of this, was brought up with none of this and i have a hell of a lot more of respect for life and others than a lot of god-fearing brethren. Love in general people. :) God is for those who have not the strength within themselves to live in a just fashion. Not saying this is a bad thing either. Whatever works for one trying to make sense/meaning of their life. In my opinion only :)
ajnsx said:
I have none of this, was brought up with none of this and i have a hell of a lot more of respect for life and others than a lot of god-fearing brethren. Love in general people. :) God is for those who have not the strength within themselves to live in a just fashion. Not saying this is a bad thing either. Whatever works for one trying to make sense/meaning of their life. In my opinion only :)

I guess I'm not alone in my way of thinking....thanks brother AJNSX :smile:
ajnsx said:
God is for those who have not the strength within themselves to live in a just fashion.

Like Mother Teresa? Like Ghandi? Like Martin Luther King? Like Abraham Lincoln?
Your profile says you have a interest in martial arts. What of the monks that teach and perfect the martial arts? Say the Buddhists Monks that conceived Judo?
No strength within to live in a just fashion? Not inspired by the divine?

It's not how we judge ourselves. It is evident everyone would give themselves a passing grade. I'm sure the kids that inspired this thread feel justified and correct too.

AJ- This is not to say that you are not a fine decent man, I'm sure you are.I just feel that there is a flaw in reasoning that faith in God is a weakness or lack of strength as you put it.
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martin said:
"snotty" old people.

With the attitude: "We built this country and should have respect"..

Well they have all the time in the world so why would they try to sneak past me in the line at the grocery store when I am in a hurry?

martin said:
I turned out fine. :biggrin:

Are you sure? Worrying about some senior citizen getting ahead of you on line in a grocery store because you are in such a hurry doesn't sound so "fine" to me. :rolleyes:

Would you let your parents go first in line? If so, remember these are someone else's parents and think how good it would make you feel if you saw someone being kind, considerate or generous to YOUR parents.

If you can't pretend that God is watching imagine your mom is. :wink:
Sig said:
From the second I saw this thread, I started a mental countdown to see how long it was going to take someone to bring politics into the mix .Too funny!

As much as Bush probably enjoys being elevated to a stature in which he is cast as the cause for everything on the planet including the earth's gravitational pull... surely his inclusion in this thread is a stretch. Additionally, Bin Laden/Al Qaeda and similar groups were at it long before Bush was President. For that matter, 9-11's origination and planning took place predominantly during the Clinton administration. He certainly wasn't the cause and neither was Bush.

To link back to the thread's topic, calling Bush or any US politician the cause for extremist terrorist groups actions is the same problem we have going with the youth in our country. The world over, we (humans) have collectively become apoligists and spend more time trying to explain away and rationalize things like terrorism instead of calling a duck a duck. When a school kid is a disruptive problem-child, those around him/her spend all their cycles developing excuses for the behavior or better yet, my personal favorite: coming up with 'conditions' to diagnose them with that explains away their actions. ADD, ADDHD are good examples of this. I do believe they exist in rare cases. However, at some point... we have to accept that some kids are hyper and some are lazy.... deal with it and stop knee-jerk diagnosis'. Don't give every child that doesn't pay attention a perpetual crutch and Rx slip to fall back on. I was a hyper kid and my brother even more so, never did my family accept it as an excuse and neither did my school. Then again, this was prior to the shiekness of overdiagnosing such 'conditions'. In today's classrooms, both my brother and I would have been sucking down adarol by the 4th grade. For the rest of their lives, many of these diagnosed kids get to operate under lowered expectations and attend special classes with much easier requirments. The sad part is most of these kids have so much potential that will never be realized. About 5 years ago I took a year off from the business world and taught in my local school system under long-term substitute engagements. This particular school district, Northern Farifax County, is one of the best public school systems in the nation. I had assigments with GT-type classes, standard, and a special class for all the 'condition' diagnosed kids(90% being ADD/ADDHD). The difference between these groups was amazing and very eye opening. In offline conversations with these students, it was obvious that there was very little aptitude difference between the gifted students and the 'special' students. However, the difference between the acceptable behavior for the different groups was astounding. These kids (teens actually 14-17yrs old) have systematically had excuses handed to them for their entire school lives and freely use them whenever possible. Even worse, the parents embrace the excuse train as well thus reinforcing the child's metaphorical crutch. Unfortunately, the post-academic/real world couldn't give two hoots about these excuses and many of these kids receive a rude awakening once their academic years are completed.

Good post Sig, I see this pretty much every day. My wife works with this every day. It's like to hell with those that have been deemed "different or difficult" Just get them out of my class to the Resource teachers, then I can concentrate on the next group. Vicious cycle.
I do have to agree with all these comments... I'm young myself and at times i'm almost embarrased for how other people my age act... It's sometimes shocking... I think respect is one of the most important aspects in children today... and its a shame that alot of parents have not taught this to their kids...
Not a good sign of how our society is going.

What age groups are we talking about? Generally, kids don't disrespect me unless I'm in my NSX. Up close and personal, I'm pretty well always treated with respect and no one incident comes to mind. Adults, on the other hand, are the ones who I find act like punks towards me. Damn slackers! ;)
pbassjo said:
Are you sure? Worrying about some senior citizen getting ahead of you on line in a grocery store because you are in such a hurry doesn't sound so "fine" to me. :rolleyes:

Would you let your parents go first in line? If so, remember these are someone else's parents and think how good it would make you feel if you saw someone being kind, considerate or generous to YOUR parents.

If you can't pretend that God is watching imagine your mom is. :wink:


I have no problem letting old people ahead of me in lines. I do that very often, but there is a difference in asking to go past and just sneeking past. And that is what I tried to point out in my respons.

My point is that old people with an attitude is not much better than young people with an attitude. It bothers me that young people just cut in line, but old people should know better.

The comment about God/mom is a good one :wink:

Sig said:
From the second I saw this thread, I started a mental countdown to see how long it was going to take someone to bring politics into the mix .Too funny!

As much as Bush probably enjoys being elevated to a stature in which he is cast as the cause for everything on the planet including the earth's gravitational pull... surely his inclusion in this thread is a stretch. Additionally, Bin Laden/Al Qaeda and similar groups were at it long before Bush was President. For that matter, 9-11's origination and planning took place predominantly during the Clinton administration. He certainly wasn't the cause and neither was Bush.


My point is this that I do not blame Bush for anything else than his actions. I do believe that he goes around the world as a crusader "for the love of God" and that is as wrong as any holy war by "others". But I agree it may be wrong to drag him into this thread.

Norway actually are equal to Iran that our top leader is a priest :smile:

Your observations on "trouble kids" and how they are fabricated excuses for is interesting.

martin said:

I have no problem letting old people ahead of me in lines. I do that very often, but there is a difference in asking to go past and just sneeking past. And that is what I tried to point out in my respons.

My point is that old people with an attitude is not much better than young people with an attitude. It bothers me that young people just cut in line, but old people should know better.

The comment about God/mom is a good one :wink:


I had a similar experience. A young Asian woman cut in line right in front of me. When I called her on it she didn't even turn around and acknowledge I was there. So I tapped her on the shoulder, she turned around and said " I sorry speak no English" So I turned to my friend that was with me and said " hey this lady in front of us doesn't speak English, wait for her to take a few steps forward and then we can pick up the 20 dollar bill she dropped right behind her on the floor. She whipped her head right around and looked directly on the floor behind her. I looked her right in the face and said " Bitch you fuc$ing budged right in front of me!
There were several people who were watching this go down and they were laughing when she busted herself.
W said:
What age groups are we talking about? Generally, kids don't disrespect me unless I'm in my NSX. Up close and personal, I'm pretty well always treated with respect and no one incident comes to mind. Adults, on the other hand, are the ones who I find act like punks towards me. Damn slackers! ;)

Respect is respect. Old or young it should be practiced by all. Is it going to be, NO! I've been disrespected from both sides and can tell you that one is no better than the other. I teach Tae Kwon Do and have since I was about 13. At the time I was a second degree black belt and working with the intermediate belts in the adult class. There was a standing rule in the scholl that you only fight the blackbelts as hard as you want to be fought. Meaning if you wanted to hit with all your might, then you would be met with the same. At 13 I was maybe 100 lbs and 5' tall. This guy was huge. He said that there was nothing that I could teach him because I was a kid and he didn't care about my rank. He went on to refuse to call me "Mr. Hart". Later thet same class he was called into the ring I was teaching in and was set to fight me. Refused to bow, then went balls to the wall trying to kick the shit out of me. Trying to prove his point I guess. because he was a purple belt, he fell into the catagory that he could be fought hard by the black belts. A nod from my instructor and I was given permission to fight hard. long story short, a fractured eye socket and a broken rib later, he learned to respect me. To this day he is still in my class and is now a blackbelt. A good ass whoopin from a "kid" set him straight.
steveny said:
So I turned to my friend that was with me and said " hey this lady in front of us doesn't speak English, wait for her to take a few steps forward and then we can pick up the 20 dollar bill she dropped right behind her on the floor. She whipped her head right around and looked directly on the floor behind her.

LOL! Absolutely a perfect response, you're obviously a pretty sharp guy.
I guess I'm not alone in my way of thinking....thanks brother AJNSX

Welcome to the fold :)

Like Mother Teresa? Like Ghandi? Like Martin Luther King? Like Abraham Lincoln?
Your profile says you have a interest in martial arts. What of the monks that teach and perfect the martial arts? Say the Buddhists Monks that conceived Judo?
No strength within to live in a just fashion? Not inspired by the divine?

It's not how we judge ourselves. It is evident everyone would give themselves a passing grade. I'm sure the kids that inspired this thread feel justified and correct too.

AJ- This is not to say that you are not a fine decent man, I'm sure you are.I just feel that there is a flaw in reasoning that faith in God is a weakness or lack of strength as you put it.

Thanks for the response Pbassjo and i understand your stance. My own opinion (in a spiritual sense) as i mentioned is that i do believe many need to have the feeling that there is something out there to justify a reason for being. Some oriental thought does ask to accept the world as it just being, not to seek reasons why, but deal with you situation as best you can. I do acknowledge and admire that many great things have been done in the name of a faith/religion.I have an interest in Martial arts and humanity in general. Some have said we need to look inside for our strength instead of outside for a parental figure guidance. Some people need this existential assurance, some don't. You can read this in a negative view if you like, i just like to acknowledge that it exists. I won't/don't judge people for their passion, and again as i said, i admire those who believe whatever they deem necessary to become a better person. Including you! Live and let live, yeah rock on :)

Aaron j :)
Parents are 90% of the problem. All of the trouble makers in our neighborhood have parents who just let their kids roam the area. I am so used to seeing the bad apples, that when I come accross a great kid, it almost brings a happy tear to my eye! I always try to go out of my way to make friendly conversation to kids. BUT to the bad ones, I sometimes wish their was no law about adults not laying a hand on a minor! :mad: I caught one of our neighborhood kids walking into our house, and snooping around our bedroom! He was only 8 yrs old! He also goes around and unties dogs, or opens kennels for fun. I am arming my kids with paintball guns this summer, they will know what to do if he comes near my NSX :wink:
RP-Motorsports said:
Parents are 90% of the problem. All of the trouble makers in our neighborhood have parents who just let their kids roam the area. I am so used to seeing the bad apples, that when I come accross a great kid, it almost brings a happy tear to my eye! I always try to go out of my way to make friendly conversation to kids. BUT to the bad ones, I sometimes wish their was no law about adults not laying a hand on a minor! :mad: I caught one of our neighborhood kids walking into our house, and snooping around our bedroom! He was only 8 yrs old! He also goes around and unties dogs, or opens kennels for fun. I am arming my kids with paintball guns this summer, they will know what to do if he comes near my NSX :wink:

You have to think why the parents are the problem too... parents are always growing and being manipulated by the information around them. So the problem isn't only the kids, but everyone. Thats why I say, Kill Your Television!
ajnsx said:
Welcome to the fold :)
Some have said we need to look inside for our strength instead of outside for a parental figure guidance.

You are correct.
God is inside all of us we do need to look within for our strength and our parents are not always right.

I also agree with others here that there that have suggested that there are too many distractions such as TV and it's programming.
Commercial Network TV exists primarily to sell us things, things that serve as our masters and rule us through greed, pride and vanity.

When we turn off the TV, the phone, the music, and the computer and silence the distractions then we can begin to hear His voice which is inside of us.

Sorry :smile: but I just can't quit.
To set the record straight, I'm no Saint, and I'm not perfect. I've done a lot of wrongs and have a daily struggle with my demons both inside and out, but like the fellow Jules (Mr. Wolf's Co-hort) in the movie "Pulp Fiction" said, "I'm tryin..., maaaan I'm tryin."
For me it's ladies, and seniors first, and hold the door! :biggrin:
Pax Vobiscum :smile:
I have this burning desire to post my feedback, but didn't want to tarnish my perfect image in this forum. :biggrin:

Well, here I go.

I think "most" parents are trying their best to raise their kids to be good. The fact is, that kids are half baked human in the adult world. Use me as an example.

Example#1: I have dented plenty of car roofs with my fist when I was a kid, because I wanted to find out what brand has harder body panels. The result: 70's Mercedes are best.

If someone do that today, I'd be :mad:

Example #2: me again. I remember the smart ass remarks I made in front of female friends to try to impress them. Now when I see kid doing that, I was thinking to myself. Stop already! It is so corny, but it always reminded me that I was once like them. :redface:

This is just a phase we all go through. Some grow out of it by building walls around them. The logical song by Supertramp is the story of my life. :tongue: Of course some just never learn. :rolleyes:
I know this Knukle Head from the "BIG CITY" who still at 33 years old makes derogatory comments about other peoples mothers. You think by 33 y/o he would be grown up enough to be a little more original? :biggrin: :biggrin: :eek:
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I remember i was to scared to do anything wrong!! I got my a$$ kicked in the school classroom and had to ride the bus home :eek: :eek: . I'm 31 and my parents and all the parents in my neighborhood simply didn't play. When I got out of line(seldon, for fear of being out in a coma), my parents straightened my right out. "remember son," my dad used to say. "wherever you show out is where you get worked out!!" Lot's of my friends are teachers in the same schools we went to as kids. They say they can't effectively teach because they have to do to much baby sitting. Fear will make you not so and say a lot of stuff. You don't have to terrorize kids but you have to let them know who's boss. When i argued with my dad about something I didn't want to do, his favorite shut up phrase for me was, "I'm the damn daddy! man, he sure meant that.
About one year ago, in a thread here on prime, someone used the word
"gay" to mean ugly or undesirable (as it is sometimes used in youth slang),
and another member commented on how that was a crude comment, and
how it is disrespectful of gay people to use the word gay to mean "bad"
or "tasteless".

The thread continued with several people expressing various opinions,
some defending the use of "gay" to mean bad. And one member
gratuitously posted an animated GIF image with a falling limp wrist.
The *same member* who posted that disrespectful image is a
participant in this thread; he says he agrees that a lack of faith in
God is the cause of not being respectful.

I can't tell you what to think about homosexuality. If you want to
base your opinion on what Leviticus says, that's your prerogative.
But last years posting--the animated limp-wristed GIF--was just
mean-spirited. (I can't cite it here because moderators killed the
whole thread.)

How about a little respect for everyone?
Tom239 said:
About one year ago, in a thread here on prime, someone used the word
"gay" to mean ugly or undesirable (as it is sometimes used in youth slang),
and another member commented on how that was a crude comment, and
how it is disrespectful of gay people to use the word gay to mean "bad"
or "tasteless".

The thread continued with several people expressing various opinions,
some defending the use of "gay" to mean bad. And one member
gratuitously posted an animated GIF image with a falling limp wrist.
The *same member* who posted that disrespectful image is a
participant in this thread; he says he agrees that a lack of faith in
God is the cause of not being respectful.

I can't tell you what to think about homosexuality. If you want to
base your opinion on what Leviticus says, that's your prerogative.
But last years posting--the animated limp-wristed GIF--was just
mean-spirited. (I can't cite it here because moderators killed the
whole thread.)

How about a little respect for everyone?

Sheeze! A whole year later still later and still burning about some content in a deleted thread? I must of missed that one. Sorry I did.

Just to get things clear, it is not I who Tom is referring to.

Mr. Ace, if you still feel bothered about the posting of this GIF a year later may I "respectfully" suggest you take it up with them in private?
Sometimes people post things to be funny and don't realize how much they can hurt someone. That person should know but not here, not this way.

Here and now just hijacks this thread.
pbassjo said:
Sheeze! A whole year later still later and still burning about some content in a deleted thread? I must of missed that one. Sorry I did.
I bring it up now, because the person in question made a point of agreeing with
you and thereby presenting himself as pious. When he did that, I thought he
invited being reminded--yes, even in public--of his own behavior.

Just to get things clear, it is not I who Tom is referring to.
Yes, I was referring to someone else, not pbassjo.

Mr. Ace, if you still feel bothered about the posting of this GIF a year later may I "respectfully" suggest you take it up with them in private?
Sometimes people post things to be funny and don't realize how much they can hurt someone. That person should know but not here, not this way.

Here and now just hijacks this thread.
In the posting that kicked this thread off, Mr. Wolf said he'd "like to know if
anybody else has noticed this disappointing trend in our society." Well yes,
I have noticed this trend, it even occurs here on Prime sometimes. I didn't
see anything in Mr. Wolf's posting to suggest he was only interested in
instances that happened more recently.

As to whether my point is personal and didn't belong in a public posting,
I'd hoped people would see that in addition to a specific complaint, I have
a general point: disrespect is common, it happens here on prime sometimes,
and it isn't just the godless who are disrespectful. Sometimes a general
point is more understandable when it's presented with a specific instance.
my 2 cents:

"As to whether my point is personal and didn't belong in a public posting,
I'd hoped people would see that in addition to a specific complaint, I have
a general point:

disrespect is common
i couldn't agree more.

it happens here on prime sometimes
we're a representation of the general population, i think - we're not immune

and it isn't just the godless who are disrespectful."
amen, brother ;)

no single demographic (i say this in direct response to the initial "youth" focus of the thread) that i can identify appears to have the exclusive franchise on lack of sensitivity or respect towards others. we're human, at times, i'm betting we all think/say/do things we'd "do over" if we could... me included.

this ends our daily broadcast, let's all remember to be good to one another

Tom239 said:
I bring it up now, because the person in question made a point of agreeing with
you and thereby presenting himself as pious. When he did that, I thought he
invited being reminded--yes, even in public--of his own behavior.

Once good stone toss deserves another eh? :tongue:

Agreeing with my point does not make or infer that someone is pious. I don't believe anyone who agreed with me suggested that about themselves.
Perhaps since that time of that old post that person has changed how they feel. Some folks do change you know. :smile:

The world is hard enough to live in and if a person can find someone to love who loves them back that's ok with me. Thank God if you find someone at all. Just please pull down the shades :eek: .
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