No respect from youth these days

26 June 2003
On the job
Today I had a debt to collect. The kid looked about 24. He showed no respect for his elders, no respect for himself. He gave me some smartass answers. I was not impressed. Let me just say he won't be eating solids for a while. :D

I share this story because I'd like to know if anybody else has noticed this disappointing trend in our society. No manners. No common courtesy. No respect. em all (well a good portion of em anyway). if their parents dont have the time or balls to teach em respect and discipline, then they dont deserve to breath my air. :biggrin:
(and btw set the parents adrift on an iceberg in the pacific sounds good too) :biggrin:
Kids are a product of their parents, school, surrounding - so don't blame the children. They may not have been educated better. What do you expect from children in a world where people like politicians, sports stars etc. have no respect, education and social behaviour either?
I have to agree, most of my peers are such losers... waste of air, space, electricity, housing, clothing, food, and gasoline.
I am only 29 (well in April), but I recall a time where teenagers where the disrespectful ones (15-18). Now it's to the point where little 8-12 year old kids will cus you out or talk all tough.

I was snowboarding with some friends last month when we came across a bunch of 10-12 year olds in the snowboard park. They were all standing in front of the jumps. So I boarded down and asked them if they could stand about 6 feet over so we can hit the jumps. One kid immediately says...."we always stand here". Another one says, "go around us". These kids are 4 feet tall and weigh 75 lbs (if that). I wanted to pumle the crap out of them. Unfortunately, my job would be effected if I was to be charge with assault or something simular. But I truely hope one day these kids talk tough to someone who doesn't care and will kick their asses!!!!
Do you think this is because the parents today are younger and some still children and teenagers themselfs ? I know the age of the parents should not the reason for not teaching kids to respect your elders but like one commercial I seen. It said that your kids learn from what they see and if they are still kids and living with there parents and they themselfs are still rebeling and disrespectful to there parents it just passes on down.
Acura NsX Pilot said:
Do you think this is because the parents today are younger and some still children and teenagers themselfs ? I know the age of the parents should not the reason for not teaching kids to respect your elders but like one commercial I seen. It said that your kids learn from what they see and if they are still kids and living with there parents and they themselfs are still rebeling and disrespectful to there parents it just passes on down.

I think that has a bit to do with it. I also know of many children/teens who know they can do anything they want because the laws favor them. It is not possible for a parent to control a completely out of control child/teen. If a teenage girl/boy (13-17) wants to leave the house what can a parent really do about it? Ground her. Then she sneaks out the window at night anyways. Can the parent smack her ass, no the parent will be jailed and most teens know this. What can someone do to make a child mind without putting themselves in trouble.

I know this may not be the popular opinion but it is what I believe to be true. Although I don't think all beatings/punishments I received as a child were always deserved I know had I been able to get away with half the shit most kids get away with these days I would have turned out to be a very different person. I was the bastard of all bastards when I was a child-teenager. Had my parents not stepped in I would still be a bastard today.

Most children I have come in contact with don't respect you unless you force them to. Maybe I am just meeting bad children? Where I grew up the older people were respected and treated better than those younger. When an elder walked in the room the younger gave up their seat for the elder. I still practice this today, but I have never had a teen ask if I would like their chair and they will stand. In fact most of the time if I leave my chair a teen will take it and refuse to get up when I return. I have had a few huge arguments on this topic with the teen and the parent of the teen, who protects the teens bad behavior. That in fact is the root of most problems. In the eyes of most parents the kids can do no wrong.
I think that part of the problem lies in what is considered "acceptable" behaviour these days. There is also a line that seems to have been blurred between parent and child in the effort to be the child's friend. With so much going on in the world around children these days, parents desperate to find a connection into their child's world blur those lines between parenting and friendship and let more things slide to maintain a raport with their child. These behaviours that are excused at home spill into society, and slowly becomes the norm.

From what I've seen, the "good kids" exist primarily within homes of parents who aren't afraid to be parents.
As a society(parents, media, trial lawyers), we have tought our children that they have little to fear when it comes to consequences of ill-behavior. Kids have become progressively more emboldened with each passing year as the fear of real consequences fades.
newby said:
I am only 29 (well in April), but I recall a time where teenagers where the disrespectful ones (15-18). Now it's to the point where little 8-12 year old kids will cus you out or talk all tough.
I agree- I just turned 27, and I don't remember seeing the large number of disrespectful teens/kids when I was younger. Maybe I surrounded myself with some good kids and just didn't notice others. I do think, however, that it is a problem, especially in schools. The parents don't seem to care that their child is misbehaving in my wife's class, and then blames her for their child getting in trouble... Who's going to take responsibility?
steveny said:
If a teenage girl/boy (13-17) wants to leave the house what can a parent really do about it? Ground her. Then she sneaks out the window at night anyways. Can the parent smack her ass, no the parent will be jailed and most teens know this. What can someone do to make a child mind without putting themselves in trouble.

I have had many parents ask me how far they can take it to control their child. I tell them to follow the same rules I have to follow when it comes to making a criminal cooperate. It starts with verbal commands... if that doesn't work....we move up to hand to we pull out the taser or mace (ok, that might be a bit far for most kids).

The point is to always have the upper hand. Kids are smart and they will manipulate you if you let them. I have had many kids call the police to report child abuse. There was only one time where it was looked into by Human Services. Every other time, the kid complained that their mom slapped them just because they swore.....or Dad spanked them because they were caught smoking. I always take the time to hear them out, then sit them down and explain to them what real children who face child abuse deal with.

Don't ever be afraid to spank your child. As long as you can justify it, you have nothing to worry about. If any cop or judge wanted to charge me with assault for spanking my child because he said "F%#K You" to my face.....I guarantee there would be a lawsuit!! We as cops (and our judicial system) cannot raise your kids. It's up to the parents to raise their children to grow up to be respectful and a beneficial part of society.
Another thing that not enough parents realize is that if you always tell your kids they can't do something, they're going to be curious and want to try it, or rebellious and do it just to piss you off.

You can't just go to your kids and say "don't smoke, it's bad for you."
You have to say "if you start smoking you're going to get addicted and develope breathing problems, waste all of your money, and eventually die a terribly painful death coughing up blood from your lungs."

They'll think twice...

Same thing with fast food... make sure to tell them that if they go to McDonalds every day their arteries will clog up and they'll have a heart attack. Hahaha. :tongue:
newby said:
Don't ever be afraid to spank your child. As long as you can justify it, you have nothing to worry about. If any cop or judge wanted to charge me with assault for spanking my child because he said "F%#K You" to my face.....I guarantee there would be a lawsuit!! We as cops (and our judicial system) cannot raise your kids. It's up to the parents to raise their children to grow up to be respectful and a beneficial part of society.
Well said Newby. I remember when I was a kid and I misbehaved, I would get a serious whipping from my dad. Now that everyone is so sensitive about even the slightest spanking, kids are getting out of control.

What bothers me more than "snotty" teenagers is "snotty" old people.

With the attitude: "We built this country and should have respect"..

Well they have all the time in the world so why would they try to sneak past me in the line at the grocery store when I am in a hurry? :eek: :mad:

Well I think I drifted from the topic here..sorry. :redface:

I pride myself on having respect for everyone. I get pretty angry, too, when I see people who have no respect for others.
NeoNSX said:
I'd agree with that. I think you mean active belief though... lots of people believe there's a God but don't do anything about it.


I disagree. Having something to believe in is always good. If you believe in yourself or a God is up to you. I do not think that young people (of any age) that do not believe in God is more likely to (mis)behave than others.

I can only speak for myself and I have been raised in a family where church and God was not the centre of our world. I was raised to find out of things for myself and I am glad that I did not get any kind of religion "down my troath" <-spelling

I turned out fine. :biggrin:

martin said:

I disagree. Having something to believe in is always good. If you believe in yourself or a God is up to you. I do not think that young people (of any age) that do not believe in God is more likely to (mis)behave than others.

I can only speak for myself and I have been raised in a family where church and God was not the centre of our world. I was raised to find out of things for myself and I am glad that I did not get any kind of religion "down my troath" <-spelling

I turned out fine. :biggrin:

I agree. Although I believe in God, I do not believe that that's a major reason for the decline in our youth's behavior. There are plenty of people in other countries that do not have Christianity as a central belief system, and many of their children turn out with way better attitudes. I think that a major part of it is the way our culture is here in the states. We raise our children with less discipline, and in turn try to blame everything on the media.

I agree that the belief in God can be a good thing, but on the other hand, there are those in this world that take this belief too far. I mean, that's one of the reasons why there are those in the world that feels the need to wage a "holy war" against us.
erik76 said:
I agree that the belief in God can be a good thing, but on the other hand, there are those in this world that take this belief too far. I mean, that's one of the reasons why there are those in the world that feels the need to wage a "holy war" against us.


By "us" you mean the US and the western world. I do not agree in the methods that "those" use against "us". But I think that Bush and his faith has been one of the problems we are in this mess we are in now.

Here in Norway we have been known to go around smacking peoples heads if they did not believe in the same God as us, but that is now some thousands years ago.

Now the western worlds head smasher is your leader and I do not agree in how he does things around the world.

I do not think that it teaches our children the right way to do things: Let's invent some reasons to smack someones heads. Then smack them and then deal with the bogus reasons afterwards.

Have you ever wondered what this world would be like without any organized religion??? More people have died from religious causes than any war. If people lived by treating people like they wanted to be treated everything would be ok. I know I will get a lot of sh#t for this post but oh well.... Organized religion is a business. People don't like to think of it that way but it is. Religion has been used to "help the Indians". They needed saving because they lived like savages and the white man needed to give them some booze, beads and some RELIGION so they could pray to the RIGHT GOD. Civilization has a way of changing or amending things to their benefit or liking.
blackcat said:
I know I will get a lot of sh#t for this post but oh well.... Organized religion is a business. People don't like to think of it that way but it is. .


Well I will not give you any sh** because I agree. Have you seen the video for that song by Genesis? :)

pbassjo said:
No belief in God, not having faith or love for God is the cause.

I did not mention religion or Christianity.

Neo said "lots of people believe there's a God but don't do anything about it."

So what? It's up to you.

Blackcat:"Civilization has a way of changing or amending things to their benefit or liking."

Change civilization to "California". :eek: :biggrin: :biggrin:
I remember seeing a huge wall near a high school that had grafitti on it. It would be painted over every once it a while but the punks would grafitti it again. What I'd love to do is add my own grafitti next to it reading "The Product of America's Youth."
martin said:
But I think that Bush and his faith has been one of the problems we are in this mess we are in now

From the second I saw this thread, I started a mental countdown to see how long it was going to take someone to bring politics into the mix .Too funny!

As much as Bush probably enjoys being elevated to a stature in which he is cast as the cause for everything on the planet including the earth's gravitational pull... surely his inclusion in this thread is a stretch. Additionally, Bin Laden/Al Qaeda and similar groups were at it long before Bush was President. For that matter, 9-11's origination and planning took place predominantly during the Clinton administration. He certainly wasn't the cause and neither was Bush.

To link back to the thread's topic, calling Bush or any US politician the cause for extremist terrorist groups actions is the same problem we have going with the youth in our country. The world over, we (humans) have collectively become apoligists and spend more time trying to explain away and rationalize things like terrorism instead of calling a duck a duck. When a school kid is a disruptive problem-child, those around him/her spend all their cycles developing excuses for the behavior or better yet, my personal favorite: coming up with 'conditions' to diagnose them with that explains away their actions. ADD, ADDHD are good examples of this. I do believe they exist in rare cases. However, at some point... we have to accept that some kids are hyper and some are lazy.... deal with it and stop knee-jerk diagnosis'. Don't give every child that doesn't pay attention a perpetual crutch and Rx slip to fall back on. I was a hyper kid and my brother even more so, never did my family accept it as an excuse and neither did my school. Then again, this was prior to the shiekness of overdiagnosing such 'conditions'. In today's classrooms, both my brother and I would have been sucking down adarol by the 4th grade. For the rest of their lives, many of these diagnosed kids get to operate under lowered expectations and attend special classes with much easier requirments. The sad part is most of these kids have so much potential that will never be realized. About 5 years ago I took a year off from the business world and taught in my local school system under long-term substitute engagements. This particular school district, Northern Farifax County, is one of the best public school systems in the nation. I had assigments with GT-type classes, standard, and a special class for all the 'condition' diagnosed kids(90% being ADD/ADDHD). The difference between these groups was amazing and very eye opening. In offline conversations with these students, it was obvious that there was very little aptitude difference between the gifted students and the 'special' students. However, the difference between the acceptable behavior for the different groups was astounding. These kids (teens actually 14-17yrs old) have systematically had excuses handed to them for their entire school lives and freely use them whenever possible. Even worse, the parents embrace the excuse train as well thus reinforcing the child's metaphorical crutch. Unfortunately, the post-academic/real world couldn't give two hoots about these excuses and many of these kids receive a rude awakening once their academic years are completed.