Nissan GTR team watching

Well said Glen.There is absolutely no corelation between the real thing and PS3GT5. Have driven well over 100 laps at the Ring and God knows how many laps on PS3. Totally different thing. As you may know, the GTR team was working very closely with Polyphony for the car functions display yet they developped the real thing on the track. Not even the Nissan proving grounds in AZ (7 miles oval with extensive infield) was used. The Ring offers every concievable performance driving scenarios and is now crucial in sports car development.

As to the mysterious NSX hybrid lapping the Ring, i would venture to say that is very unlikely.Every hotel, gas station and restaurant owners within a 50km radius of the Ring is "instructed" to pick up the phone and call the auto press as soon as a manfacturer brings a suspicious looking,prototype to the area. And then there are people who make a living monitoring the Ring on OEM-booked days.

As to Nissan making a hybrid GTR, aint going to happen. 4 years of sales, especially in the US have shown a buyer demographic that will not work with anything Green. Majority of GTR owners sport multiple tatoos and own elevated black pickup trucks ( not me:biggrin:) And then there is this:

I dont think these typical GTR owners would touch a hybrid with a 10 foot pole.:smile:

Agree 100%, it's not like Mizuno-san will be losing any sleep anytime soon, nor any of us who actually forked the $$'s or ¥¥'s to buy a R35 GT-R.

Playing on a PS3 and pretending that it comes anywhere close to being on the actual track is a complete joke and only shows the level of naivety that some folks have.
There is absolutely no corelation between the real thing and PS3GT5.

I wouldn't say there is "absolutely no correlation" as the driving sims are good enough for professional drivers to get them acquainted to a given track. They're great for learning, for instance, which turn is coming up next or general braking points. However, there is a huge difference in the feel of the track (off-camber turns, momentum, exits, etc) in digital vs. real life. I'm not sure there is a track in the world more different, in this respect, in digital vs. real life, than the Nurburgring.
I'm not sure what you are asking me?

But I was speaking about it in terms of most owners never seeing the track, but owners and dreamers are so gungho about the advertised time. I'm not downplaying the feat. I said it's fun to brag and also very assuring that your vehicle is capable of such a thing. But how many owners will actually traverse the track and then do sub 7:30 secs let alone 8 minutes? Forums break into "which is better" wars simply based on track times for the "Ring"... I personally find the track to be more of a proving grounds for a driver more than the car IMO.

Also, there were third parties that did their own testing for the top vehicles that claimed such low numbers (and for vehicles that had no record) and they could not reach the claimed numbers at all, even with their own professional/veteran drivers. There were all about 10-15 seconds off. It just shows that the advertised records are a result of a lot of rented track time from the manufacturer so they can manicure the target time and put it on display. It is the result of mental endurance matched with unlimited resources rather than actual proof that car A is better than car B. This is the fluff that I speak of, like what they do to male genitalia before they go on display :rolleyes:

I think I understand your point. You're right it's a lot about bragging rights, but so is any benchmark. But I think we should encourage testing at the 'Ring due to the good effects on the end products, and we can ignore the bragging in the meantime. Well, maybe I won't, because Ring lap times give me a sense of scale on how fast a car is. 8:30? Ok not supercar fast, but it might be a fun car. 7:30? Wow, that thing must be so amazing to drive.

I think it's fair or a manufacturer to show off their "best" lap time. After all, it can take a lot of practice (many hundreds of laps over months) for a test driver to learn every detailed nuance of the car and then use that knowledge to get the best possible time. When a magazine can't replicate the times, I would say they should hire the same driver as the manufacturer used and let the guy practice to get something close to that time again. They can't just bring out the "expert driver" that has only a few laps of practice in that model of car, then claim because he couldn't go as fast that the car company must be lying. That's why they post videos on the web. Any driver knows that last 5% of lap time is the hardest to get.
I think I understand your point. You're right it's a lot about bragging rights, but so is any benchmark. But I think we should encourage testing at the 'Ring due to the good effects on the end products, and we can ignore the bragging in the meantime. Well, maybe I won't, because Ring lap times give me a sense of scale on how fast a car is. 8:30? Ok not supercar fast, but it might be a fun car. 7:30? Wow, that thing must be so amazing to drive.

I think it's fair or a manufacturer to show off their "best" lap time. After all, it can take a lot of practice (many hundreds of laps over months) for a test driver to learn every detailed nuance of the car and then use that knowledge to get the best possible time. When a magazine can't replicate the times, I would say they should hire the same driver as the manufacturer used and let the guy practice to get something close to that time again. They can't just bring out the "expert driver" that has only a few laps of practice in that model of car, then claim because he couldn't go as fast that the car company must be lying. That's why they post videos on the web. Any driver knows that last 5% of lap time is the hardest to get.

O don't get me wrong, I am just as excited as anyone else about the prospecting news. I think it's friggin awesome that there are worries/caution from Nissan's side. I just think it's silly for some to hate or dislike the new NSX because it's not what they imagined in their mind as a worthy successor and then jump train as soon as they hear clamor for time setting records on an arbitrary track. I think performance is just one part of why the NSX is so special.

The manufacturers obviously know of this type of mentality and they are taking full advantage of the campaign, even if it could become a bit scandalous, just like any other competitive sport. Video proof does not guarantee that the engine output in shown test car is within factory claimed specs (especially when turbos are involved), just like all of the Japanese super cars claim of only "280" hp.

I'm just saying that IF the new NSX is put together like the original, with or without the electric motors AND with or without ousting the GTR's Ring time, I will definitely still like it much better than the GTR and rather own the NSX over the rest of the current market as well. This is because it will still be the only practical, reliable, refined, considerate and good looking exotic super car in the market. No other high performance car can check off on all of that. The LFA could have been included in this category if it wasn't overpriced due to being impractically designed for manufacturing, therefore rendering it virtually unobtainable and thus the reliability will probably never be fully tested unfortunately.

I also find it interesting that the GTR is considering the hybrid path for the next gen too. That is causing as much controversy as the new NSX being hybrid. It will be interesting to see how the next gen GTR will be received also after the new NSX debuts. It's definitely a new era of high performance cars and things are going to get much more complicated.
O don't get me wrong, I am just as excited as anyone else about the prospecting news. I think it's friggin awesome that there are worries/caution from Nissan's side. I just think it's silly for some to hate or dislike the new NSX because it's not what they imagined in their mind as a worthy successor and then jump train as soon as they hear clamor for time setting records on an arbitrary track. I think performance is just one part of why the NSX is so special.

The manufacturers obviously know of this type of mentality and they are taking full advantage of the campaign, even if it could become a bit scandalous, just like any other competitive sport. Video proof does not guarantee that the engine output in shown test car is within factory claimed specs (especially when turbos are involved), just like all of the Japanese super cars claim of only "280" hp.

I'm just saying that IF the new NSX is put together like the original, with or without the electric motors AND with or without ousting the GTR's Ring time, I will definitely still like it much better than the GTR and rather own the NSX over the rest of the current market as well. This is because it will still be the only practical, reliable, refined, considerate and good looking exotic super car in the market. No other high performance car can check off on all of that. The LFA could have been included in this category if it wasn't overpriced due to being impractically designed for manufacturing, therefore rendering it virtually unobtainable and thus the reliability will probably never be fully tested unfortunately.

I also find it interesting that the GTR is considering the hybrid path for the next gen too. That is causing as much controversy as the new NSX being hybrid. It will be interesting to see how the next gen GTR will be received also after the new NSX debuts. It's definitely a new era of high performance cars and things are going to get much more complicated.

100% agrees.. I believe this will be the new thing. hopefully the new NSX will set the bar high again.
O don't get me wrong, I am just as excited as anyone else about the prospecting news. I think it's friggin awesome that there are worries/caution from Nissan's side. I just think it's silly for some to hate or dislike the new NSX because it's not what they imagined in their mind as a worthy successor and then jump train as soon as they hear clamor for time setting records on an arbitrary track. I think performance is just one part of why the NSX is so special.

The manufacturers obviously know of this type of mentality and they are taking full advantage of the campaign, even if it could become a bit scandalous, just like any other competitive sport. Video proof does not guarantee that the engine output in shown test car is within factory claimed specs (especially when turbos are involved), just like all of the Japanese super cars claim of only "280" hp.

I'm just saying that IF the new NSX is put together like the original, with or without the electric motors AND with or without ousting the GTR's Ring time, I will definitely still like it much better than the GTR and rather own the NSX over the rest of the current market as well. This is because it will still be the only practical, reliable, refined, considerate and good looking exotic super car in the market. No other high performance car can check off on all of that. The LFA could have been included in this category if it wasn't overpriced due to being impractically designed for manufacturing, therefore rendering it virtually unobtainable and thus the reliability will probably never be fully tested unfortunately.

I also find it interesting that the GTR is considering the hybrid path for the next gen too. That is causing as much controversy as the new NSX being hybrid. It will be interesting to see how the next gen GTR will be received also after the new NSX debuts. It's definitely a new era of high performance cars and things are going to get much more complicated.

I agree too. It's exciting to see all these cars come out nowadays.
I would only want to see the nsx to beat the 458 italia in laps, price, and reliability, this will be legendary for honda once more.

Well that wouldn't be too hard for Honda to do considering the Italias are burning themselves up one by one lol :D I kid I kid.
I would only want to see the nsx to beat the 458 italia in laps, price, and reliability, this will be legendary for honda once more.

IMHO, this is the key point. If Honda can merely match the 458 in performance and still retain NSXlike reliability, the new NSX will be a great car.

If the article is correct, and the NSX engineers are targeting beating the GT-R, then the outperforming the 458 shouldn't be an issue.

I wonder what the chassis code for the new NSX will be? NA3?
Back on topic, a poster on Temple of Vtec [whom WingZ doesn't seem to like :) ] has intimated that a NSX v2 mule, dressed as a modded v1 is already doing the rounds at the Nurburgring!! Most interesting if true, and puts the original topic of this thread in context!
Back on topic, a poster on Temple of Vtec [whom WingZ doesn't seem to like :) ] has intimated that a NSX v2 mule, dressed as a modded v1 is already doing the rounds at the Nurburgring!! Most interesting if true, and puts the original topic of this thread in context!

LOL yeah we have different views on the ASC , but we both love the HSC.

I've no way to prove it but if you look at all the information especially the oddball stuff (like this article for instance) it would seem Honda is further along than the mock up car they've been toting around would lead us to believe.

I told you guys back in January when I talked to Mendelsohn that he let slip that he'd driven the car and how great it was. Even before that though we'd heard that there were rumors of a supercar prowling around (no pictures of it though) at Honda hq. Then another oddball story from last year was a guy posting about all these supercars Corvette ZR1 , 911 TT and a couple of others at the development (or maybe it was engineering) complex at the Marysville Oh plant. That was long before we knew it would be made there.

What gotten lost in the NSX 2.o talk is that "two" sportscars were mentioned. One expensive and one affordable. Also there was talk of a limited run of the ASC/HSV race car. Honda was in a bad way publicity wise so perhaps they were doing a blitz. NSX 2.0 has really given them some breathing room in that area but it would be great if 2.0 isn't the only thing coming to market from them.
Lol this is starting to sound like nessie the loch-ness monster.... Is it really there? What is that thing out the water there? The mystery continues....

FWIW wingz I hope your sherlock Holmes ass right about all this theory and conjecture. :biggrin: