New Red to White NSX-R conversion

Ok I have all the rubber seals done for both doors,
all the coolant hose under the car ( a bitch ) and front coolant hoses
the front of the cars abs, radiator, wire harness is done etc.,
almost finished the dynomat on the driver door.

the owner told me that he had the huggabugga window pulley installed by his local auto mech ( not an NSX mech ) and the wire jumped the pulley
and the windows has not worked for some time.
well I have not seen one of huga's pulley fail but if you dont install it right this is the outcome. the wire is not useable and need to be replaced the person used a greese that dried up destroted the regulator.
the internal pulley the guides are ripped and broken off its useless now
lucky I have spares so I will just add hugga's pulley onto my spare regulators.

also something got into my eye so I cant see out of my eye right now
it sucks adding pics in a minute

also here are some pics when I picked the car up it was early in the morning so the sun messed with my camera









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Great build! I am so happy the owner decided to not do a black roof.. I understand paying tribute to the NSX-R, but I personally think the black roof on any color other than black, dates these cars horribly..
More pictures of the front end from perhaps wider back?! From what i see so far it Looks like oem fitment!

Great job
but I personally think the black roof on any color other than black, dates these cars horribly..

I think or white nsx with 02+ front end it can look pretty slick with the black roof without looking dated.

but I Definately feel the same way you do in almost all other cases, with blue batmobiles car being the exception; where the original front end with black roof and all sorts of aftermarket goodies look great
thanks guys the owner is jumping for joy with the outcome of the car so far, it sucks I cant go full time yet very close but Uggh
I could have this car finished in a week if I didnt have to work

going there tonight to start the next door in dynomat
install the new regulator/ with huggabugga pulley and
then try and repair the passengerside window regulator
as I was told its very slow.

fun fun fun.

stay tuned
can't wait. this build is looking like its really coming together.

thanks guys the owner is jumping for joy with the outcome of the car so far, it sucks I cant go full time yet very close but Uggh
I could have this car finished in a week if I didnt have to work

going there tonight to start the next door in dynomat
install the new regulator/ with huggabugga pulley and
then try and repair the passengerside window regulator
as I was told its very slow.

fun fun fun.

stay tuned
sorry for not posting any updates guys,

things I have done pics later tonight.

dynomat installed, sound dead on the upper headliner
re-wired the Best buy stereo install what a nightmare, never let best buy do your NSX install, they have 600 feet of speaker wire to go 2 feet to the amp behind the seat, It was a real headache. but thats all fixed.

everything in has been re-installed, 80% LOL

the engine is back on the subframe and will be getting a full cleaning today. then put the motor back in hopefully tonight.
waiting on parts like always. Both headlights are installed, wiring for the headlights are done, special tail lights are tested and in place only test fitting though.
all the panels are off for the motor install I have been a busy boy
keeping my mind off other things in my life.

this car is going to be sick, a few members of NSXprime has stopped by to see the car and they are all in shock of the color.

stay tuned for pics. getting near the end guys.
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thanks SleakAcura

I got the engine installed the other day but then I have been in bed for 2 days with what seems like the FLU uggghh
my dog dies on my birthday I get the Flu, whats next :eek:

I have been taking pics all along but have not uploaded them

guys just hang in there.

the car is being lower 1.5 inch so the TEIN springs are done and installed on the car. its gonna look sick.

Im tring :rolleyes:
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Ok guys sorry for the delay on pics I know your guys are wanting to see it so here they are.
engine is done, panels are all done, waiting on the windsheild to be re-installed and it still needs some buffing and sanding to finish it off.
also waiting on the new carpet and leather. fill up all the fluids and she can drive. oh and align the wheels.






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Making good progress... But make sure that rear valence overspray is taken care of. Please tell me those eBay led taillight aren't staying on permanently ! :)
LOL the taillights dont look bad in person. I didnt like them at first but they grow on you like the bubble lights and they are very bright.
but the Owner loves them so thats all that really matters right.:rolleyes:

Valhalla I know..kinda was a surprise

as for the rear lower valance yes we are going to paint it black. it doesnt look right with the current color.
and the brake calipers are going to matched to the same color as the valve covers.
still some work to do on it after it done Im gonna get some bad ass pics taken outside of the shop.
maybe some palm trees ear the water etc. the color is amazing a couple prime members have stopped by to see it and they love the color.
to see a pearl white NSX in person is almost as good as seeing a LBBP in person. just amazing.
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I had a Type-R hood from my other 2004 but he said he didnt want it, kinda wanted his own version of type-R
so this car is a made for him.

when I get some better pics those tails may grow on you.

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