New Photochop...

That HSC rendition is sweet..


Id get this in a heartbeat. I wish someone could post the old threads of what everyone was saying when the HSC concept came out. Im pretty sure a lot of people here were still whining about it.
Many of us, including me was critizing the HSC. In retrospect, with where Honda is going now with the Front engine layout. I'll shut up and just open up my wallet if they productionize the HSC.

I've gotten over bitching about the front engine layout. Now I find it humorous and feel sorry for Honda and Fukui's lack of direction and going the mainstream route for cost reduction. Its been the roller coaster ride with the on again and off again front engine/mid-engine/I don't know what the hell I am doing layout. Like the boy who cried wolf, except its like 6 times now, I'm not holding my breath anymore and will look at other marques when the time it right.

Porsche comes to mind. Even though I'm not crazy about Porsche's styling, I admire their philosophy and consistency in sport car execution.
I will never buy honda again if they switch to FR platform. I sold my prelude and now thinking about JDM rx7 or supra. I know NSX is better but unfortunately i dont have sufficent funds. plus im protesting honda!
Why do we not have a photo like this on the HOME page, so we can remind HONDA, that if they build it we will buy it! We need to put this in there face and never back off. Maybe at the very least the moderators on this site will put up this shot of the HSC to draw interest. Let us be heard - bring on the HSC! Just listen to that sound of a 4.0-4.5 liter V10, this would definitely give Lexus and NIssan's supercars a run for the money.

now thats a good idea.

If Honda issues a press release this Monday announcing production of this car, I'll drop a $50K deposit before close of business the same day!

I'm not holding my breath. :mad: