New Owner Just bought '02 "Mugen-like" NSX

28 July 2009
hi All,

I just bought my first NSX. Lovin' every minute. Live in Kentucky and my pal in Tennessee, who's a photographer, took these pics for me. Wanted to share with y'all.







My pal said: "It's like taking pictures of a BEAUTIFUL woman."


Man, that really cracked me up!



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Looks nice! What wheels? Hood? Miles?

WELCOME! :biggrin:
Great looking car--my favorite color. BUT, I would rather photograph a beautiful
woman. Just my opinion.

Best of luck with the new car
BTW- did that car pass through NJ . I came close to buying one-and those wheels look familar. The guy also spent like 6k on wheels for his wifes car.
He owned a couple of Pizza places on the Boardwalk---also collected
old tin kids cars. I would bet money on it that this is the same car--it was
a real "garage Queen"

Gorgeous! Well done. Onyx or silver interior? Looks prolly onyx...
Bet you've got a bunch of curvy and hilly roads all picked out for it :biggrin:
I think I remember a thread about this car cuz it was under 50,000 which is kind of unheard of and we found out it has a salvage title. Good Luck with it man
Go back to the factory rims,,, try cleaning those, take 20 minutes each wheel,,, to many holes to stick your soap rags thru,, Very nice though,, Wish mine was a 02,, but my 92 NSX will have to do for now!! dont wreck her and keep her clean,, treat her with love and she will in turn rub your feathers,, watch were you PARK,, people are asses with opening their door and hitting your NSX,,, the 2nd day I had mine huge ding in the side of the door from a rusty Corolla with like 4 kids in back flip flops and an OBAMA supporter get my drift!!,, I wasnt gonna call my insurance so it was 500 bucks outta pocket,, watch were you park!!!
What do you mean by "Mugen-like"?

I was wondering how long this would go before someone ask that question...? :biggrin:

Welcome! :smile: What part of Kentucky?
I was wondering how long this would go before someone ask that question...? :biggrin:

Welcome! :smile: What part of Kentucky?

I guess because of the hood?


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I'm the "pal" who took the pictures. Glad you all enjoyed them! It was a privilege to shoot the car and he even let me drive it. :biggrin:

If anyone in the Nashville TN area is interested in hiring me to shoot your car, PM me.
hi All,

Sorry for the late reply. Let me see if I can answer all your questions.

Looks nice! What wheels? Hood? Miles?
Wheels: 17" and 18" Extreme XR Nitro from Japan with MRR Design Rims
Hood: Believe it or not, it is the original hood, just customized
Miles: 21211 miles (yup, I'm not kidding)

Great looking car--my favorite color. BUT, I would rather photograph a beautiful woman. Just my opinion... BTW- did that car pass through NJ?
Hey man, thanks for the kind words! lol on rather photographing beautiful women. I have to say, this car attracts lots of such women. So in one manner of speaking, you can get photos of BOTH a hot car AND photos of hot women. who would've thunk it?

And on NJ, while "no" that wasn't me. Curiously, I AM about to take this car up to Cherry Hill to visit family. Thanks again!

Onyx or silver interior?
Your intuition is correct - Onyx.
And yes, I like the curvy roads of Kentucky!!! I invite you to visit if you haven't already!

What do you mean by "Mugen-like"?

If I remember correctly, Honda actually toyed with the idea of introducing a new "version" of the NSX under the name "Mugen" concept. It was a pretty pimped out car that would likely have infuriated purists. But it's still an NSX inside and it's got it's own cache. Here's the full print. Check it out...

The Tokyo Auto Salon sees the public revelation of the Honda NSX Mugen RR Concept. The concept has been inspired by the Honda NSX sports car which was recently put on production hold by Honda....

What part of Kentucky?
Ans: :smile: Lexington

thx man! Yeah, it may well have been the one previously referenced. I indeed bought it salvage. I knew going in that salvage could mean any of a number of things including a potential money pit.


But I also knew insurers of such cars can economically "total" a car even if the car itself was not mechanically totalled. It's just easier for them to treat it that way. And such was the case here where the damage was so minor - i.e. no frame damage, no deployed airbags, no nothing. It just wasn't virgin anymore.


And so I proceeded - hopeful but not too hopeful and following the whole mantra of "trust but verify." And verify I did as I had two quality independent mechanics check it out. To my pleasant surprise, not only did everything check out, but even the mechanics themselves were pleasantly surprised by the build quality.

Anyways, don't get me wrong, an accident is an accident and damage is damage. But this car's gone over 6000 miles with no probs. So, chalk me up as someone who had a GOOD buy salvage experience. :smile:
(Besides which - did I mention it's an NSX baby!!!! heh heh heh)

hi man, would you believe I am moving to Vancouver this month? I tried getting in touch with you in another thread, but yeah - CANADA - it's in my future! :biggrin:
