I'd never even ridden in an NSX before, so I really had no idea what to expect when I got my car a week and a half ago. Now that I've replaced the fuel filter, it's obvious that it wasn't running right when I got it.
The car would buck when I gave it a lot of throttle at low RPMs, the engine idled at a rough 1000-1200rpm, and the AC compressor made the idle go as high as 1800rpm... and of course, there was that 4000rpm surge. The car was still easily driveable, and I didn't think any of this was that bad. I figured it was just the ornery nature of the NSX's high strung engine.
With the new fuel filter, the bottom end feels much more refined. Smooth 900rpm or so idle, no surge at 4000rpm.. just a smooth, powerful pull right up to redline. I tried it a couple of times just to be sure
Now, though, less than 24 hours and about 20 miles later, some of that roughness is coming back. There's a tiny bit of bucking when I dip into the throttle at low RPM. It's not nearly as bad as it was before, but I'm pretty sure it wasn't happening last night during my test drive. There's no odd surges and the idle is still silky smooth.
I'm going to try a can of carb cleaner and keep an eye on the engine's behavior. In the meantime, though, can any of you think of what it could be or what I may want to look for?
Thanks again everyone, for all your help.
- Ken
The car would buck when I gave it a lot of throttle at low RPMs, the engine idled at a rough 1000-1200rpm, and the AC compressor made the idle go as high as 1800rpm... and of course, there was that 4000rpm surge. The car was still easily driveable, and I didn't think any of this was that bad. I figured it was just the ornery nature of the NSX's high strung engine.
With the new fuel filter, the bottom end feels much more refined. Smooth 900rpm or so idle, no surge at 4000rpm.. just a smooth, powerful pull right up to redline. I tried it a couple of times just to be sure
Now, though, less than 24 hours and about 20 miles later, some of that roughness is coming back. There's a tiny bit of bucking when I dip into the throttle at low RPM. It's not nearly as bad as it was before, but I'm pretty sure it wasn't happening last night during my test drive. There's no odd surges and the idle is still silky smooth.
I'm going to try a can of carb cleaner and keep an eye on the engine's behavior. In the meantime, though, can any of you think of what it could be or what I may want to look for?
Thanks again everyone, for all your help.
- Ken