New NSX owner from Dubai

Well here are the photos of the NSX being loaded onto the enclosed car carrier yesterday!

Can't wait!


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I second that JP. This place is unlike any in the Middle East, and is quickly becoming a desert gem. I'll pit Friday at the Mall of the Emirates against any other in the world!!
Congratulation on getting the shipping its like waiting for the big bonus to hit your check!!

Hey man - look forward to seeing the car when I get there next and meeting you and DubaiRich.

Let us know when it arrives,
Congrats my friend Jetpilot,

U finally seen her and drove her, I bet that was a load off your back,
I am happy for u :), and also think u are well deserveing of a X, I know u read forever and did your homework like me.
I have been driving my beast alot lately and this Lovefab turbo is insane, I love it.
U are very patient I see waiting for the car , and than shipping it to Dubai, u are very serious and patient NSX owner, How does it feel bud?
I know I still have that grin from ear to ear, and after all the hard work is done, its nice to finally enjoy.

Have alot of fun and take care of her.
Very cool.....I've always wanted to visit Dubai. I might finally get to visit in the October timeframe

Thanks buddy and I've been reading your posts regarding the Turbo - you've got me interested and I'll need to do more thinking and see if that's the way I want to go.

My car arrives in port on September 7th and will take an afternoon to clear. I'll of course update the post.

Ben and DX3 - just send me a PM when you arrive in Dubai and I'll try and hook up. There are only 3 running NSX's in Dubai at the moment and mine will be the forth so I'm told.

Ben and DX3 - just send me a PM when you arrive in Dubai and I'll try and hook up. There are only 3 running NSX's in Dubai at the moment and mine will be the forth so I'm told.

Will definitely send you a PM when I visit.

Offhand, the last US-Spec automatic NSX #5S000008 was exported to the UAE. Any chance that is one of the other 3 in Dubai? If so, have you seen it or know anything about it or it's owner?
Offhand, the last US-Spec automatic NSX #5S000008 was exported to the UAE. Any chance that is one of the other 3 in Dubai? If so, have you seen it or know anything about it or it's owner?

At least the owner doesn't have to worry about rust :tongue: Rains -- what, 3 times per year there??


beautiful. extraordinary excess, gota love it.

didnt they just have a price cut from like 16 cents down to 8 cents/L :biggrin:

WOT all day.
Ben I think that last automatic NSX is the one sitting in the Honda Rashidya yard which was smashed up after being here for a month or something.

I'm in the process of trying to find out what the story is on that car as its just been sitting outside in the dust/sun for something like a year?

With Dubai being that liberal I wonder why it has not been put on the
Taliban / Al Qaeda hit list. :confused: Maybe Bin Laden has a vacation house their? I'm sure it must be nicer than the cave he's been living in. :rolleyes:
nice car!...... im here in bahrain im thinking if i should ship my nsx here too....:rolleyes:

nways, have fun with your toy! and WELCOME!:smile:

With Dubai being that liberal I wonder why it has not been put on the
Taliban / Al Qaeda hit list. :confused: Maybe Bin Laden has a vacation house their? I'm sure it must be nicer than the cave he's been living in. :rolleyes:

That would be biting the hand that feeds you. If you don't think that monies flow out of UAE AND Saudi Arabia into Al Qaeda coffers than you are naive.
Yup I have a few mates who are working on Yas Island at the moment and I've also been approached for a position handling Logistics on the island. We'll see what happens but my first thought was what if I was the first to drive my car on it and also being an NSX!!!...

Yeah I'm a dreamer...LOL!

Ben I think that last automatic NSX is the one sitting in the Honda Rashidya yard which was smashed up after being here for a month or something.

I'm in the process of trying to find out what the story is on that car as its just been sitting outside in the dust/sun for something like a year?


Interesting. Do you think you can get the VIN, and take a picture of the doorjamb VIN label? I'm trying to find out the production date to definitively answer a few questions about the history of NSX production. It's a shame that a piece of NSX history has been totalled, if it is in fact the car we think it is. The description you gave of how long the car has been there, and when it arrived seems to correspond with the data that I have for the last US Spec Automatic NSX.
Hey Ben,

Okay mate I'll drive to the Honda dealership tonight and see if I can gain access to the car and snap some photos. I've meant to go there for a while now and take a peek at the car because a few of us think the car isn't totalled really. It was hit on the front left or right side and the insurance company/owner never fixed it because there's no one here that can handle Aluminum repairs. Anyway part of me wants to see if I can buy the car and fix it to keep forever.

I believe the car is a Yellow 05 automatic from what I've been told. I'll get the correct information and report back.


Oh to another poster...I'm not a Jet Pilot but Jetpilot was a sponsor of mine way back and the name has stuck so hence my username. I am a huge fan of anything that fly's and my father's a pilot and Airline Mechanic so there is some connection there too.
Hey Ben,

Okay mate I'll drive to the Honda dealership tonight and see if I can gain access to the car and snap some photos. I've meant to go there for a while now and take a peek at the car because a few of us think the car isn't totalled really. It was hit on the front left or right side and the insurance company/owner never fixed it because there's no one here that can handle Aluminum repairs. Anyway part of me wants to see if I can buy the car and fix it to keep forever.

I believe the car is a Yellow 05 automatic from what I've been told. I'll get the correct information and report back.


Oh to another poster...I'm not a Jet Pilot but Jetpilot was a sponsor of mine way back and the name has stuck so hence my username. I am a huge fan of anything that fly's and my father's a pilot and Airline Mechanic so there is some connection there too.

If it's yellow, then it's not the one. There is only one US Spec Yellow Automatic '05, and it wasn't the one that was exported to the UAE. The one that was exported was Silverstone.

I actually thought you were a pilot for Emirates. Almost all of my commercial airline pilot friends have talked about trying to fly for Emirates at one point or other. Apparently, they are really good to work for compared to most other airlines.
Ben you are right! It is a Silverstone. After work yesterday I made some calls to the guys at Honda in Rashidya. Its a 2005 Silverstone Automatic owned by a local guy. It was smashed up pretty heavily (frame damage at the front) and its been taken back by the owner.

Now we are unsure as to whether the car is still here in the UAE or shipped to the U.S. for repairs. Regardless, the guys at Honda now know that my NSX is coming and that I'm interested in speaking with the Silverstone owner so they are trying to chase up the guys name and number for me. My contact at Honda said that it could have been fixed here (I don't know where) but the owner refused as the cost would have been 160,000AED. He paid 250,000AED originally (approx $68,000 US)

But definately its a Silverstone and the confusion arose as a yellow one was in for repairs as well.

I'll keep you posted as the car had no miles on it when it was crashed.

As luck would have it, I will be shipping my red '92 over next month. Just filling the void of those who have moved on to NSX heaven!! We will have to get together and have our own "little" meets!!
You need to post some pictures!!! Glad to see more people are bringing them in.

Mine arrives in Jebel Ali port on September 7th!!!

I will...once I get to Florida to pick it up. Hope to have it here sometime near the end of September...just in time for the cooler weather! Considering the number of exotics in Dubai, we will pretty exclusive!!!
Ben you are right! It is a Silverstone. After work yesterday I made some calls to the guys at Honda in Rashidya. Its a 2005 Silverstone Automatic owned by a local guy. It was smashed up pretty heavily (frame damage at the front) and its been taken back by the owner.

Now we are unsure as to whether the car is still here in the UAE or shipped to the U.S. for repairs. Regardless, the guys at Honda now know that my NSX is coming and that I'm interested in speaking with the Silverstone owner so they are trying to chase up the guys name and number for me. My contact at Honda said that it could have been fixed here (I don't know where) but the owner refused as the cost would have been 160,000AED. He paid 250,000AED originally (approx $68,000 US)

But definately its a Silverstone and the confusion arose as a yellow one was in for repairs as well.

I'll keep you posted as the car had no miles on it when it was crashed.


Wow, $68K - cars seem cheap in Dubai. I guess the UAE has no domestic auto industry to protect, so they don't have to levy unfair import taxes.

If you could confirm the VIN, and get a picture of the VIN label in the doorjamb (to confirm date of build), that would be great. It will definitively answer the question as to which car is the last US Spec NSX built.