New Mid-Engine V6 Acura to be shown in Detroit Auto show?

No surprise here, Honda need a sub NSX mid engine sports car to fill the gap between S2k and the upcoming NSX replacement. Only make sense to have it in the line up to fight the Porsche Caymen.
If it's true, what price point do you all think it'd be in? I'd guess around what the nsx cost when it was new in 91, especially if the next next is going to be six figures. If that's the case it's gonna be a tough call for me between that and the Nissan GT-R..... decisions decisions.....:biggrin:
comquat1 said:
If it's true, what price point do you all think it'd be in? I'd guess around what the nsx cost when it was new in 91, especially if the next next is going to be six figures. If that's the case it's gonna be a tough call for me between that and the Nissan GT-R..... decisions decisions.....:biggrin:
I would go for the gtr, you already have an nsx. And, honda wouldn't develop a whole new motor just for a concept that comes before the "big" nsx.
spyderplayer2002 said:
I would go for the gtr, you already have an nsx. And, honda wouldn't develop a whole new motor just for a concept that comes before the "big" nsx.

Not unless it's based off of the new V-10.
I bet it's going to be around 60k, Current NSX's aluminum body revised to Steel body and updated C32B engine. Around the same performance as the NSX and bridge the gap between S2k and the upcoming supercar.
Vancehu said:
I bet it's going to be around 60k, Current NSX's aluminum body revised to Steel body and updated C32B engine. Around the same performance as the NSX and bridge the gap between S2k and the upcoming supercar.

No way....Ever since the first day I went to work for Acura in 1990 I learned that when it comes to Honda, the rumors are always better than the reality..this mid level V-6 sports car goes totally against Honda's past marketing strategy...I hope I'm wrong but I would not put any hopes into this "rumor"....with the way honda has performed in the past my bet would be that the "new V-6 sports car" is the HSC.
zahntech said:
No way....Ever since the first day I went to work for Acura in 1990 I learned that when it comes to Honda, the rumors are always better than the reality..this mid level V-6 sports car goes totally against Honda's past marketing strategy...I hope I'm wrong but I would not put any hopes into this "rumor"....with the way honda has performed in the past my bet would be that the "new V-6 sports car" is the HSC.
I think you are right.

comquat1 said:
Not unless it's based off of the new V-10.
I doubt Honda has even finalized the v10, so I doubt they would ever release it on a car this early.
everything you are about to read is based upon a completely unsubstantiated rumor. Furthermore, if this rumor is correct, it could spoil a surprise, so you may not wish to read any further if you like surprises. We don't even know what to think of it ourselves because we're hearing about it so late and it seems a little bit too good to be true. So PLEASE treat it as such and don't be surprised if it proves to be 100% false....

we very recently heard from unnamed sources that....

Sounds like an article they completely made up themselves!

This is the "We completely made this up so we could give all you people hope that you will be able to get a cheap brand new baby NSX soon" clause...


And it's not even April fool's day!!!
Vancehu said:
I bet it's going to be around 60k, Current NSX's aluminum body revised to Steel body and updated C32B engine. Around the same performance as the NSX and bridge the gap between S2k and the upcoming supercar.

This assertion is consistant with some rumblings I heard about 3 years ago about the "next NSX" being a steel bodied car at a lower price point.

When we heard that rumor I recall my Dad and I agreeing that it should not be called an "NSX" if it were going to be retrograde to the current car (no aluminum chassis, lower price point ect...)

Like Zahntech- I have doubts that they would risk diluting the segment for a next NSX with yet another sports car, but then I do not have access to the facts here, just speculation so who knows what the deal is.

I also agree that rumor with Honda is often just that- Historically Honda has proven that they know how to keep a secret. We won't know diddly until they want us too. If this *rumor* is true, then it is unprecedented in a Honda vehicle release.

Why would Honda want to pee off the NSX market by devalueing our car bringing out a cheap version of it.
This would seriously hit the proper 'new' car and would affect sales of that also.

As for a mid engined coupe style S2000 car with a 3.2 litre in it, that could be nearer the mark.

Probably as far off the truth as above, hmm thinking ??
If there's a $50,000 difference in price I don't see how it would caniblize the next gen nsx. This would seat in the product line up similar to how the Cayman does for Porsche. I'll keep my fingers crossed, but only because the next nsx will be out of my range for several years. I also have a hard time justifying paying that much for one car when you could have three other used cars for the same ammount. Has anyone been watching the price of first year Corvette Z06's? It's insane, I'm tempted to buy one as a winter beater!:biggrin:
Back in 92 the Del Sol was rumored to be a 4cyl mid motor mini NSX ...we see what we really got,,:frown: ....I wouldnt hold my breath for anything other than the HSC....JZ
zahntech said:
Back in 92 the Del Sol was rumored to be a 4cyl mid motor mini NSX ...we see what we really got,,:frown: ....I wouldnt hold my breath for anything other than the HSC....JZ

Yes, it called Honda Beat, a mid engine 3 cylingder convertible only for the JDM market. But anyway, I'm looking forward to see the concept. I think it's Honda's first major assult on European performance cars. I don't thnk they want that segment untapped - leave the hole open till 2008 for the next gen NSX, and this make a lot of sense by having a high performance car that is on par with Caymen, and of course, base 911, since the NSX replacement will be above that class.

zahntech said:
No way....Ever since the first day I went to work for Acura in 1990 I learned that when it comes to Honda, the rumors are always better than the reality..this mid level V-6 sports car goes totally against Honda's past marketing strategy...I hope I'm wrong but I would not put any hopes into this "rumor"....with the way honda has performed in the past my bet would be that the "new V-6 sports car" is the HSC.

I worked for Honda for a little while and I know them as the only "Risk Taker" of any japanese car manufacture. They also have the biggest ego than Toyota and Nissian. NSX is the perfect example. They might want to sell more, but they will have a car in the market just to prove they can do it. Element, NSX, S2k (with 4 banger), new RL, etc., and the first to enter the US Lux market with Acura. This is just another move by them to up the Acura market, perhaps the concept they're going to show is a way to see how the public react to it before they make the final decision, but if this car is built to production quality, I'm believe they will built it.
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zahntech said:
Back in 92 the Del Sol was rumored to be a 4cyl mid motor mini NSX ...we see what we really got,,:frown: ....I wouldnt hold my breath for anything other than the HSC....JZ

The Del Sol was never a mini NSX. It is/was the new CRX at the time. I believe American Honda dropped the CRX part of the name for insurance reasons. JDM and other markets still called it CRX del Sol.
I never said the Del sol would be called the "mini NSX" it was just rumored to be way better than it turned out to be. Just because it was the replacement for the CRX did not mean it could not have a mid engine set up.......the RL was rumored to have a V8 or V10 and compete with the lexus LS400...that never happened they seem to have given up on the full on Luxury market....maybe they will come out with a mid level sports car but I'm not holding my breath....
zahntech said:
I never said the Del sol would be called the "mini NSX" it was just rumored to be way better than it turned out to be. Just because it was the replacement for the CRX did not mean it could not have a mid engine set up.......the RL was rumored to have a V8 or V10 and compete with the lexus LS400...that never happened they seem to have given up on the full on Luxury market....maybe they will come out with a mid level sports car but I'm not holding my breath....

Guess I never heard the rumor was false :biggrin: J/K, it was a winter project 2 years ago.
thats cool! too bad Honda didn't sell something like that in the US..

I once drove an 88 civic hatchback with a legend 2.7L and manual trans in the was really fast and really cool.....

Oh sorry back on topic:redface:
like others have said, it's entirely possible it's just a restyled HSC..they spent so much time on it and realized they couldnt' sell it for $100k, so they announce a V10 supercar and then slide this in to compete with cayman/G35 tetc..without people complaining that the nsx image has been cheapened.

If that's the case, and it's ready to roll by 2007 I'm in.
Or maybe it will be a V6 coupe like the rumors state but instead of a mid-engine car it could be the oft-rumored RL coupe. That would make more sense right now.
Motegi said:
Or maybe it will be a V6 coupe like the rumors state but instead of a mid-engine car it could be the oft-rumored RL coupe. That would make more sense right now.

That sounds much more likely....