New Forced Induction, New Numbers

BioBanker said:
Who cares, 700HP, 600HP, 10,000HP. It would be all the same to me.

That is a remarkable engine bay.

I am not sure even Armando will try for 10,000 HP; but who knows what the future will hold.:confused::rolleyes::biggrin:

It is not only a great accomplishment but LOOKS GOOD too.

It also appears to be dependable.:cool:
How many miles on the engine since the original tune?
Bob Kenney said:
I am not sure even Armando will try for 10,000 HP; but who knows what the future will hold.:confused::rolleyes::biggrin:

It is not only a great accomplishment but LOOKS GOOD too.

It also appears to be dependable.:cool:
How many miles on the engine since the original tune?

Thanks Bob

We have about 2300 miles so far, and we have yet to even clean the engine bay.

Factor X Motorsports said:
Does this mean Frank gets the $5,000?:biggrin: Now turn that sucker up!

Shouldn't it go to Danny? After all he really was the first one to mention it if you follow the post timeline.
MiamieNeSeX said:
Just spoke with Frank and he confirmed that he did use nitropropane to tune the car. I did not know until this morning . If I hurt anyones feelings (Danny not included) then I extend my apologies, now that I know the final mix in the "reservoir" we can turn up the boost and retune.

D'Ecosse said:
If he can't get so much as an apology not much hope of the $5K! :rolleyes:

Ken, Brian,

No apologies or money expected here, but maybe a BIG THANK YOU?

Thanks for not collecting on your $5000 bet.
Thanks for showing you how to read a dyno plot.
Thanks for pointing out something "you did not know" about your car just by looking at your dyno plot.
Thanks for helping you avoid a BLOWN or DAMAGED motor from running the wrong map for the past 2300 miles.

Okay, maybe I'm expecting too much. Maybe a little humility then.


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lowellhigh79 said:
Ken, Brian,

No apologies or money expected here, but maybe a BIG THANK YOU?

Thanks for what? For insinuating I was a liar? I don't think so.

lowellhigh79 said:
Thanks for not collecting on your $5000 bet

You were right when you said you would not have found it as all this came about after I refilled the reservoir with methanol, about 100 or so miles ago.

lowellhigh79 said:
Thanks for showing you how to read a dyno plot

lowellhigh79 said:
Thanks for pointing out something "you did not know" about your car just by looking at your dyno plot.

Thanks again, but given the circumstances around this build, I would have got the information from my builder.

lowellhigh79 said:
Thanks for helping you avoid a BLOWN or DAMAGED motor from running the wrong map for the past 2300 miles.

After talking to Frank, the difference in the AFR would not have been enough to cause any damage, no need to tell you that the lack of nitropropane would make the car run rich not lean. But thanks for your concern anyways.

PS the car ran with the original mixture for the first 2200 miles.

lowellhigh79 said:
Okay, maybe I'm expecting too much. Maybe a little humility then.

I believed I agreed that I did not reading the dyno correct, as well as apologized.

MiamieNeSeX said:
Anyone have access to the nitropropane? I would like to source it from more than one place.

I believe you can pick some up at Hazmat Depot. You could also pick up some of this stuff over at Amazon. It has nitropropane in it and comes in a convenient squeezable tube.

What an entertaining thread! Our friends at OSHA sum it up best though!

"Exposure to concentrations of 2-nitropropane on the order of 20 to 45 ppm are reported to cause nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, loss of appetite, and severe headaches in humans."

I believe all of these symptoms have been documented in this thread.:smile:

They go on to tell us....

"Liver damage attributed to high concentrations of 2-nitropropane in humans has been reported. While additional studies are in progress, NIOSH believes it would be prudent to handle 2-nitropropane as if it were a human carcinogen."

Yummy! This is just the stuff I want sitting around my garage in some jug so I can pour it into my car every few days. Gee, I hope I don't get any on my skin or God forbid have a drop or two nail me in the eye. Of course I'll store my jug of nitropropane next to my radioactive isotopes. :biggrin:

I did get a huge chuckle out of this......

Sspeed said:
Hey Danny,
Very close we use nitropropane, Not as expensive or as dangerous, and is not supposed to cause cancer.
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Ryanmcd2 said:
Keep drinking that Gray Goose, hey it may not be Gray Goose maybe it's Colt 45 in a Gray Goose bottle :)

Why edit what you initially wrote? Dumb? How about busy with more important things to do other than how to build or tune a motor?

Ryanmcd2 said:
Keep drinking that Gray Goose, hey it may not be Gray Goose maybe it's Colt 45 in a Gray Goose bottle :)

MiamieNeSeX said:
Why edit what you initially wrote? Dumb? How about busy with more important things to do other than how to build or tune a motor?

What's Gray Goose anyway? I thought that French swill was grey. :)
i was puzzled at the non boosted numbers too. :rolleyes:

dont know how you get that much from a NA motor with lowered compression for boost.... which means it makes shitty power compaired to a high compression N/A counter part when not boosted. Compression gives you power if your NA and compression gives you detonation if your going boost. So you gota trade off one for the other. If you build an engine for boost, you drop the compression.

300 HP at 2800 RPM looks like some doctored N/A numbers.

and 250 torque at 2800 is pretty silly to concidering our stock engines make 185 torque at 7000 RPM in the 3.0L form and about 250HP to the wheels at 7500 rpm.

So taken into concideration... that your engine has less compression than the stock motor and still puts out 300HP at 2800 is just bogus.

Danny i get what your saying. many of these people dont know the ins and outs of an oil change let alone the motor and are just here to gock at numbers. on no boost, i dont see any NA motor even at the 5.0L range make 300HP at 2800RPM.

whats that i smell?.... hum...some serious bs or that magic fluid i know nothing about... neo what?:rolleyes:

oh ya, remember the first response i put to this tread was give us details on the engine work done.... guess what? didnt hear dip about the interals yet. just LOOK AT MY NUMbeRS. LOOK AT MY NUMBERS. nothing soild. If the engine work came out, we would all call it bs cause it does not add up to 5.0L+ displacement.

hey i'll go photoshop a 1900 HP dyno run... and i'll stick to the LOOK AT MY NUMBERS defense. :rolleyes:
I don,t belive it so it must not be true


Flexer said:
Now that makes for some SAD READING! :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :frown:

J. R.

Seeing as you guys brought this up, there is no "issue" the car was sold almost a year ago of which my cell phone has been posted all of that time. I have never received as much as a phone call. Lots can happen in a year.

omeys_berlina said:
Would this affect the credibilty of the person that originally posted? Hate to get off topic but like i said the credibilty factor would come into play here.....

Credibility? I sleep very well at night wether you choose to believe what we have done or not done to the car. Last time we checked we do not receive any royalties for doing the r/d for many on here. If I wanted to hide anything I would have never posted "any" of the information or involved the builder/tuner in giving out the technical aspects of the build and tune. One of the reasons for doing so was to show it could be done and how. Plenty of Prime members have seen and riden the car so if you want to continue to say it isnt so, knock yourself out. So please continue to stir the pot as it is very entertaining.

Starting to get way off topic here but I must just add this. Armondo is nothing short of a class act in my book. Since purchasing his BBSC he has made himself available to me and answered every one of my questions about install/fabrication of it...and due to my lack of experience there have been many.
NA1MT said:
Since purchasing his BBSC ......... <snip>

You know how fighter planes that score a kill will put a decal or paint on an icon representing the enemy shot down with an X through it. How many pictues of NSX motors with an X through them are on your BBSC? :biggrin:
Hugh said:
You know how fighter planes that score a kill will put a decal or paint on an icon representing the enemy shot down with an X through it. How many pictues of NSX motors with an X through them are on your BBSC? :biggrin:
lol......just Armondo's but I hear it was kinda intentional. Luckily for me everybody figured out how not to blow up the motor years ago. I have faith. But I do have an extra Novi 1000 unit for Charlotte for sale if ya wanna breathe some new life into her....forceably that is:tongue: :smile: