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New Comptech Parts 10% Off List

mackash said:
Only 10% :confused: my dealer gives me 25% off on all Comptech parts. :tongue:

What dealer? I thought a dealer's cost was about 25% off list. I have a dealer that gives me a 20% discount and I've always thought that was a great deal. I know you can go direct to Comptech for a 10% discount with NSXCA membership.
gobble said:
What dealer? I thought a dealer's cost was about 25% off list. I have a dealer that gives me a 20% discount and I've always thought that was a great deal. I know you can go direct to Comptech for a 10% discount with NSXCA membership.
I don't want to step on anyones toes but what dealer gives you 20% off? :smile:
gobble said:
Tell me who gives you 25% and I'll tell you who gives me 20%.
mackash just got owned by gobble. :biggrin:
Would a dealer selling at a discount like that risk problems from Comptech for discounting items? Because the place I buy through gives a ~15% discount on Comptech parts. If they don't risk any trouble for that, I'll post where I buy. But if it's against their dealer agreement, then I guess we all gotta buy from where ever we already buy from.
Time to stop flapping the gums and list the Comptech vendors that give a 25%, 20%, or 15% discount. :biggrin:

What is the sound of one hand clapping? :tongue:
Generally speaking:

Most standard vendors of comptech get a 20% discount. Whether or not they sell it to you at that discount is a different story.

The only one's who get a 25% discount are usually the Hondas and Acura dealerships that agree to do business with Comptech.

Everything else in between is just a variance of a dealer getting the discount and offering it cheaper than the main website.

pbassjo said:
Time to stop flapping the gums and list the Comptech vendors that give a 25%, 20%, or 15% discount. :biggrin:

What is the sound of one hand clapping? :tongue:
OK, e-mail Acura of Escondito. They offer a ~15% discount. You can find his contact info through ebay. His user ID there is aofeparts. Acura of Lynnwood from ebay also offers a good discount. I've bought from those two and have nothing but good things to say about them.