New Acura concept... could it be the new "NSX"

OMG !!!

This car is so ugly that even people who doesn't care about design and are proud to say that a car is only a tool to travel from point A to point B would be ashame to find themselves in this ... oof! Like akira3d said: My vocabulary doesn't include colorful enough words to describe how fugly that thing is!

I wish everybody to not be forced to buy such ... My vocabulary doesn't include colorful enough words to describe how fugly that thing is!
Juice said:
EVERYONE needs to go to and click on "Future Vehicles" to see what this thing was supposed to look like! They really F'ed it up bad from concept drawing to car show model.

God have mercy on their souls.:mad:

To me it looks like the same damn thing. That car looks WRETCHED!

Juice said:
EVERYONE needs to go to and click on "Future Vehicles" to see what this thing was supposed to look like! They really F'ed it up bad from concept drawing to car show model.

God have mercy on their souls.:mad:

After you look at some of the photos, look down at the bottom center of the page and there is a link that takes you to a survey. You can give feedback directly to Acura about what you think about this ugly thing. I did! :biggrin:
My friend and I went to to the L.A. car show and I told him we had to see the new Acura concept car (not previously having seen it online). I have never been so embarrassed in my life! We just stood there and couldn't believe what we were looking at. The Cadillac area was close by and at first I thought we were looking at a Caddie. Then I saw the "A" and I was in shock.
Went home and immediately debadged my NSX.

The good thing is almost every post in this thread is hillarious.

You guys are the best.

Thanks for the laughs.
Many times car designers purposely try to polarize opinion with their design, ie, you either love it or hate it. Clearly, lots of people hate it. Does anyone love it?
TC said:
Many times car designers purposely try to polarize opinion with their design, ie, you either love it or hate it. Clearly, lots of people hate it. Does anyone love it?

I'm sorry but thats a mug only a mother or father could love..or a blind person:biggrin:
I personally agree - that is one fugly car - but I'm curious to see if some people find it compelling. For example, I think the Z4 is ugly, but clearly enough people like/love the styling since it is a commercial success. Similarly, I like the Cadillac CTS while others find it revolting - but it is also a commercial success. Some cars such as the Aztec are just plain ugly to nearly everyone and the car is a commercial failure.

So, is the Advanced Sedan a Z4 or CTS, contraversial styling but enough fans to make it viable on the market? Or is it an Aztec - a car that no one can love?
TC said:
I personally agree - that is one fugly car - but I'm curious to see if some people find it compelling. For example, I think the Z4 is ugly, but clearly enough people like/love the styling since it is a commercial success. Similarly, I like the Cadillac CTS while others find it revolting - but it is also a commercial success. Some cars such as the Aztec are just plain ugly to nearly everyone and the car is a commercial failure.

So, is the Advanced Sedan a Z4 or CTS, contraversial styling but enough fans to make it viable on the market? Or is it an Aztec - a car that no one can love?

I like the post-body-cladding Azteks :p
dro said:
My friend and I went to to the L.A. car show and I told him we had to see the new Acura concept car (not previously having seen it online). I have never been so embarrassed in my life! We just stood there and couldn't believe what we were looking at. The Cadillac area was close by and at first I thought we were looking at a Caddie. Then I saw the "A" and I was in shock.
Went home and immediately debadged my NSX.

The good thing is almost every post in this thread is hillarious.

You guys are the best.

Thanks for the laughs.
i found another pic
Viper Driver said:
After you look at some of the photos, look down at the bottom center of the page and there is a link that takes you to a survey. You can give feedback directly to Acura about what you think about this ugly thing. I did! :biggrin:

So did I. But there was no way of NOT selecting which view i preferred (which was none... although the under-carriage might be nice ;) )
FuryNSX said:
It's the second generation 6000 SUX: the 7000 SUX!! :D

Something with reclining leather seats, that goes really fast, and gets really shitty gas mileage!
"How about a 6000 SUX?"
RoboCop 1987 that's great stuff Johnny :biggrin: :wink:
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