It's kinda a questionable situation that this is being covered. When the previous owner had it in to do the clutch and short gears he knew it was in range and said to change the half cases. When they got into it, they realized that the half cases were not original for some reason, but they could not verify for sure that they were replaced as the Acura database went back only five years. This was done around 33,000 miles I think and I'm at 48,000 or so. Theoretically it could have been done, just back in 1992, no one knew as this was in the hands of the third owner. John's reason for covering me was because AoB made the call to not do it and just keep an eye on it, rather than be completely sure that it was done by just doing it.
Believe me, I'm very thankful, which is why I'm trying to go out of my way to have some items done that they can bill me for. As of now, I'm putting in the 4.23 gear, flushing my brakes, changing the oil pan gasket, plus anything else I can think of from now until july 14 when i'm going there. Coolant hoses were already done and the clutch and flywheel are only two or three years old with less than 20,000 miles on them.
The other thing I want to point out was I in no way asked AoB to do this for me, I called John just looking for some guidance and information on my half cases since the previous owner wasn't sure and he recommended doing this. I expected him to say have my local dealer take the tranny out, ship it to them for rebuilding and ship back to my local for the install, but he went one farther than that, huh? :-D Also, I think one reason was because the previous owner did so much business with them and worked with him at some track events, so they wanted to maybe take care of the car more than me?