Need help installing Chrismas gift for my NSX

27 October 2004
This is one of the gifts I received for my NSX over Chrismas. There will likely be zero gain. It never hurt to give it a try.

It needs to be installed on the fuel line as close to injectors as possible, however there are two fuel lines connecting to each side of the cylinders.

Alternative location is after fuel pump and fuel filter. can anyone please tell me where is the exact location after fuel pump and fuel filter?


"Max Power", isn't that what Homer Simpson changed his name to when everyone was making fun of him? If it works for you like it did for him, then you'll soon be eating Thai food, hanging out with famous people (Ed Begley Jr.) and chaining yourself to trees. Good luck! :wink:
nsxsupra said:
This is one of the gifts I received for my NSX over Chrismas. There will likely be zero gain. It never hurt to give it a try.

It needs to be installed on the fuel line as close to injectors as possible, however there are two fuel lines connecting to each side of the cylinders.

Alternative location is after fuel pump and fuel filter. can anyone please tell me where is the exact location after fuel pump and fuel filter?

Did you check out chapter 11 in the service manual?
nsxsupra said:
There will likely be zero gain. It never hurt to give it a try.

How do you know it won't hurt? If it has fuel flowing through it, then it's possible some material from it can contaminate the fuel, blocking injectors etc. If you're cutting fuel lines, you will be making more joints in the line, with the possibility of leaks, and fire etc.

Though it looks like a magnet type of thing, and clamps over the fuel line, still, the only thing you can be sure of is adding weight.

The only place I would put this sort of thing is on eBay :smile:
If you insist: Install this "thing" around the fuel line that is located in front right hand (facing the front of the car) side of the engine.

The other fuel line behind it (close to trunk) is the return line.


It can never hurt to try? I disagree! All you get is time on this planet, you spend any amount of time on this: you have wasted time that you will NEVER get back. So yes, installing this will actually hurt you permanently in the "lost opportunity" and "spent life force" category.

Throw it away: you will be much better off.
Throw it away.... thats the best thing to do with it. I thought all this junk went out with the old JC Whitney catalogue along with the 'engine overhaul in a can' pills that you drop in the spark plug holes to "replate the worn spots and make them just like new" or the "supercharger" which looked suspiciously like a distributor rotor, or the Water Injector to make your car "run on water"

If I was buying an NSX and saw crap like this on it, i'd leave.

just my .02
Can anyone translate the box? I'm curious to know what it says...

SCS2k said:
"Max Power", isn't that what Homer Simpson changed his name to when everyone was making fun of him? If it works for you like it did for him, then you'll soon be eating Thai food, hanging out with famous people (Ed Begley Jr.) and chaining yourself to trees. Good luck! :wink:

sorry for being off topic on this one but I had to laugh ahahahahahhaahh..
When I saw the box and read SCS2k reply. Right away I thought of "Mr. Sparkle". The episode when hHmer found the box of japanese soap...
More Homer Simpson

Season 10 Episode 9

Homer changes his name to Max Power after a dim-witted television character called Homer Simpson becomes an overnight sensation.
Thanks for the responds and advices. I guess I will use it as paper clip on my refrigerator:smile:

As for what it said on the box. It saids torque up, power up, responds up, better gas mileage, cleaner emission, various claims etc. Basicly it is a huge piece of magnet fitted around the fuel line, no fuels will actually flow through it.

more info here:
If these magnets on fuel lines actually did what they claim horsepower wise, then every race car would have one because it doesn't weigh that much, has no moving parts, and won't increase the likely hood of engine failure. And if it accomplished the emissions claims, then every car on the road would have it because it is such a cheap add-on and with the government mandating improved emissions, if the big 3 could improve their emissions with just a simple magnet, they would. :rolleyes:
VBNSX said:
Can anyone translate the box? I'm curious to know what it says...

The box says, "Maximum suctions in FIVE big ways. It sucks! Use with extreme caution near vital organs. May use with vacuum erectile device in emergency situations. It really really sucks big time."
That thing costs $118? Sheesh. Those guys have no shame.
nsx4fun said:
If these magnets on fuel lines actually did what they claim horsepower wise, then every race car would have one because it doesn't weigh that much, has no moving parts, and won't increase the likely hood of engine failure. And if it accomplished the emissions claims, then every car on the road would have it because it is such a cheap add-on and with the government mandating improved emissions, if the big 3 could improve their emissions with just a simple magnet, they would. :rolleyes:

Why stop at just one. If each added 5hp, you could install dozens of them and get another 50-100hp easily. Hell, with 100 of them, they will be putting out enough power that you wont even need an engine!

BTW, Im sure some less fortunate ricer kid would be thrilled to get one of those for xmas.

-- Joe
JoeSchmoe said:
BTW, Im sure some less fortunate ricer kid would be thrilled to get one of those for xmas.

-- Joe

Some of the comments are getting out right unbelievable.

you never received a Christmas gift that is useless or something you will never use? :rolleyes:
nsxsupra said:
Some of the comments are getting out right unbelievable.

you never received a Christmas gift that is useless or something you will never use? :rolleyes:

Sorry if you are offended by it -- Im just saying that there is a certain crowd out there that loves this sort of thing and throwing it away will be a waste.

As for receiving a christmas present that I will never use... I have only received a few gift certificates and no presents these past 5 years. :frown:

-- Joe
SCS2k said:
"Max Power", isn't that what Homer Simpson changed his name to when everyone was making fun of him? If it works for you like it did for him, then you'll soon be eating Thai food, hanging out with famous people (Ed Begley Jr.) and chaining yourself to trees. Good luck! :wink:

Strap yourself in and feel the cheese.