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Nav Pod Guys ... putting out the feelers

1. Joshs (cancelled)
2. Bill_C (Shipped)
3. Veleno (Shipped)
4. arfnsx (HAPPY CUSTOMER) <--------
5. semnos_NSX (Shipped)
6. Hrant (Shipped)
7. STMPO (Shipped)
8. BerzerkFury02 (Shipped)
9. Pikko (Shipped)
10. Chippy (Shipped)
11. Hugh (Shipped)
12. Hugh (Shipped)
13. Got_Lip (Replied ... made arrangements)
14. R1uptempo
15. demigod (Shipped)
16. Sir Stunna Lot (Shipped)
17. ediddynsx
18. 99 rs (Shipped)
19. nsxhk (Shipped)
20. CDX_NSX (Shipped)
21. c30na1 (Shipped)
22. bluethunder (Shipped)
23. Quebec_nsx (Shipped)
24. roondogg (Shipped)
25. jorligan (Shipped)
26. Mvsenna (Shipped)
27. irving washington (Shipped)
28. 3.5lnsxr (Shipped)
29. bjay007 (Shipped)
30. woossh (Shipped)
31. Tim0001
32. Alittleboost
33. synth19
34. DnsxS (Shipped)
35. turbosgt
36. MikeC_587 (Shipping 6/18/2010)
37. Ko-nsx (Shipping 6/18/2010)
38. ncdogdoc (I hope!!)
39. NSX PTY (if any position gets open)
40. LoveNSXs - in for flakers =P

please and thank you!
1. Joshs (cancelled)
2. Bill_C (Shipped)
3. Veleno (Shipped)
4. arfnsx (HAPPY CUSTOMER) <--------
5. semnos_NSX (Shipped)
6. Hrant (Shipped)
7. STMPO (Shipped)
8. BerzerkFury02 (Shipped)
9. Pikko (Shipped)
10. Chippy (Shipped)
11. Hugh (Shipped)
12. Hugh (Shipped)
13. Got_Lip (Replied ... made arrangements)
14. R1uptempo
15. demigod (Shipped)
16. Sir Stunna Lot (Shipped)
17. ediddynsx
18. 99 rs (Shipped)
19. nsxhk (Shipped)
20. CDX_NSX (Shipped)
21. c30na1 (Shipped)
22. bluethunder (Shipped)
23. Quebec_nsx (Shipped)
24. roondogg (Shipped)
25. jorligan (Shipped)
26. Mvsenna (Shipped)
27. irving washington (Shipped)
28. 3.5lnsxr (Shipped)
29. bjay007 (Shipped)
30. woossh (Shipped)
31. Tim0001
32. Alittleboost
33. synth19 (Shipped)
34. DnsxS (Shipped)
35. turbosgt
36. MikeC_587 (Shipped)
37. Ko-nsx (Shipped)
38. ncdogdoc (Shipped)
39. NSX PTY (if any position gets open)
40. LoveNSXs - in for flakers =P
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Hello everyone.

Ok ...so I feel I have given everyone on the that was contacted a fair oppertunity to respond to my PM's sent for the purchase of the bracket.

Since I have not heard from R1uptempo, ediddynsx, Tim001, Alittleboost, turbosgt I am handing these spots over the guys I have on my waiting list in order of contact.

I do only have 4 brackets left as I am going to save one incase I need to get these made else where.

So, the guys listed below will get a PM with payment information.


I will post when I have news on when the next batch of brackets will be ready to ship.

I guess you all can start a new list for the next run, but please remember I have no idea of a ship date at this time.
Hi Darrin,

I received my nav pod bracket. There are a few things I need to do with my sound system, so I will have the bracket installed at the same time.


Hi Darrin,

I received my nav pod bracket. There are a few things I need to do with my sound system, so I will have the bracket installed at the same time.




Great to hear you received your bracket. Please let me know if you have any qustions before or during your installtion. Thanks again for the purchase.

Hi Darrin,

Box just arrived at my office, it took a while b/c it had to go from Miami to Panama. Everthing is just perfect, bracket, packaging, hardware, instructions... thanks for everything.

Hi Darrin,

Box just arrived at my office, it took a while b/c it had to go from Miami to Panama. Everthing is just perfect, bracket, packaging, hardware, instructions... thanks for everything.



I am very glad to hear it arrived and thank you once again for your purchase.


P.S. I still do nto have a date on when the next run of brackets will be available. I will post as soon as I do.
If anyone is interested, mine is up for sale. It is new and unused. Great product, I just ended up selling my navpod and going back to stock.

UPDATE: this is now sold

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I'll be starting a new list soon ....

The new batch should be in my hands soon. I'll post the details as soon as have them ready.

Thanks to all for the intrest.
Re: Nav Pod Guys ... xory72 NAV POD Bracket

Hey all ... since there seems to be a number of you wanting to be on "the list" I figure I will start one ... again!

I have received word they have been cut, just waiting on sanding, bending & the hardware to arrive. Should be soon.

There will only be 20 made. Here is the list;

1. R1uptempo
2. Ediddynesk
3. Tim0001
4. Aliitleboost
6. Frank Spano
Hey there,
Add me to that list as well. I could use a bracket now I guess.
Hey Guys,
I just wanted to post on how much Netviper and I like this mount.
Darrin, Thanks a bunch

..other than the GPS frying everything else was a snap with it.
1. R1uptempo
2. Ediddynesk
3. Tim0001
4. Aliitleboost
6. Frank Spano
7. VegasSpeed
8. SoCalDude
Where is the original poster? I haven't heard or seen him on Prime in awhile. Is he out of town?
Hey guys,

Sorry ... I have been traveling on business for the last few weeks and am still on the road as I am typing this.

I've only recveied 1/2 the hardware for these brackets and I just got word I should have the other half Monday or Tuesday next week.

Here is the updated list so far;

1. R1uptempo
2. Ediddynesk
3. Tim0001
4. Aliitleboost
6. Frank Spano
7. VegasSpeed
8. SoCalDude
9. pchristie

Each of you will be contacted directly and I will post here when they are ready to ship. I have the brackets in hand and half the hardware needed.

Thank you for your patience.
I spoke to the original poster and he cleared up what is going on. Thanks for calling me Darrin.
I'm in for one.

1. R1uptempo
2. Ediddynesk
3. Tim0001
4. Aliitleboost
6. Frank Spano
7. VegasSpeed
8. SoCalDude
9. pchristie
10. Dhalsim
Ok ... here is the update.

There are 20 brackets ready to ship by Monday to Tuesday next week.
These are now available for purchase through STMPO RACE PRODUCTS.

Since my travel schedule has gone crazy the last few months and will continue to be so for the upcoming months I want to make sure people get thier brackets when needed. I have worked out a deal with Ross at STMPO to sell these brackets.

In fact Ross is selling the backets for a few $$ less then I could. Here is the direct link to place your order;


I decided to have Ross at STMPO sell and represent my bracket since he has done so much for me in the past. We need to keep guys like Ross in business to support and make parts for our cars today and in the future. Ross has helped me so many times from first thing in the morning to very late at night. If I call, 90% of the time he answers.

If any of you have questions when you receive the bracket you can PM me and I will answer as soon as I can. As you can see from the posts left on this tread, it is pretty staight forward and has installed in minutes by many previous buyers.

I am just trying to provide you (the end user) quick service and with my schedule I am unble to do that efficiently. Ross will be able to provide you the service.

Please contact STMPO by phone, e-mail or on thier website to order your NAV Bracket. Ross will also be in touch with the Prime users already listed in the posts above.

Thank you for your understanding and THANK YOU ... STMPO for helping the NSX community, once again!
I'm tempted to snag one of these just in case I ever decide to get a nav pod. Who knows what the availability is going to be like in the future, especially with the way things are going around here lately. :|

How exactly does this sit on the dash on the top? it looks like it could scratch or make dents if it is on there a long time. Or am I missing something?
I'm tempted to snag one of these just in case I ever decide to get a nav pod. Who knows what the availability is going to be like in the future, especially with the way things are going around here lately. :|

How exactly does this sit on the dash on the top? it looks like it could scratch or make dents if it is on there a long time. Or am I missing something?


This bracket does not even touch the dash!

It can stay in place for years and the bracket itself will not leave a mark. The NAV POD itself may leave an indent (from the weight), but nothing will cut, scrap, puncture or hurt the dash in anyway.

To explain, the bracket contours the dash, but never touches it. The rear of the bracket lines up with the upper holes on the POD. When fastened, the rear of the bracket slightly rises as it is being pulled upward from the screws through the POD.

I hope this some what explains things. Please let me know if you have any further questions.