Name your useless talent

I can also voluntarily tense my tensor tympani muscle. that's the muscle that puts tension on your eardrum to lower incoming sound to protect your inner ear. It is usually involuntary, most people don't even realize they have it. I never knew what it was until med school. I just knew i could dampen out volume voluntarily.

Is that what you tell your wife/GF/parents/boss?
I can rapidly move my eyes left/right repeatedly. I can do this quickly enough to be able to identify the spoke design/number on wheels on a car driving next to me at about 60-70 mph. I'm not kidding, and I haven't yet figured out a useful way to use this talent.

I can also voluntarily tense my tensor tympani muscle. that's the muscle that puts tension on your eardrum to lower incoming sound to protect your inner ear. It is usually involuntary, most people don't even realize they have it. I never knew what it was until med school. I just knew i could dampen out volume voluntarily.

I thought just about everyone could do the eardrum thing. If not then this is a talent I have. I have a low rumble when I do it. Both of my sisters can do the rapid eye movement thing.
I can use divining rods to locate underground cables, pipes, etc.
I can squirt saliva out from the ducts under my tongue at will. I can shoot it 2 sometimes 3 feet. Looks like a squirt gun.
I can clear a 14 foot PVC bong (from the second floor balcony) without over-toking.

Oh, and I can lay 300' skid marks in front of the Dairy Queen. As well, I can lay 1-1/2' skid marks in my boxer shorts.
(laying rubber in front of Dairy Queen was suppose to be an Olympic Sport, but they didn't have one in China).
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Oh Yeah?


I can ride across the ocean on the head of my d*ck.

I can eat a ton of cat sh*t and NEVER get sick. :biggrin:

Uh huh!
I think I have y'all beat. I know the cars that all my co-workers drive, and can identify their cars. I'm talking hundreds of cars.


I can do this for my school....Carleton University...


I also used to know the entire period table by order. (This was for a bonus point in first year).

I also used to know the entire multiplication table up to 20 x 20 (this is dads fault)

I also probably know way too much about every Simpsons, Boondocks, Family Guy and American Dad episode (Some i know the entire dialog)
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I can not remember the roads in front of my house but I can remember every store on the way to my friends off of every exit and we have 100's of them. If I had to I bet I could map out 95% of all of the stores in the city lol but I can not name 10 roads. My brother also has a photographic memory so it maybe heritory, he is a pro poker player so he can remember the cards and such well.
I can squeek my right eye.
Look for this at Nsxpo!
Along with the pimp daddy hat.
I can rapidly move my eyes left/right repeatedly. I can do this quickly enough to be able to identify the spoke design/number on wheels on a car driving next to me at about 60-70 mph. I'm not kidding, and I haven't yet figured out a useful way to use this talent.

Have you considered race car driving? There was a study awhile back and one common trait amonst drivers was that they could pick out details on the fly, such as reading the label on a spinning phonograph disc.

Oh, yeah, I forgot a talent: I have a pornographic memory. It's like a regular memory, except that the girls are naked.
I can tie a knot in a cherry stem with my impressed my wife when we were dating. LOL

I can also wiggle my ears...
I can twist both my thumbs to face the opposite way, without the aid of another hand...

I can identify any car anywhere...

I play guitar like a champ but don't make money doing it so....

I speak several languages but find myself mostly using the curse words...

I can write with both hands....

I can do impersonations and accents. I always talk like Barney when I'm drunk at the bar and I also yell out an authentic "Giggity Goo" when in vicinity of hot females...

I can put together my puzzle rings with only one hand...

I am full of useless information about history, physics, math, geography, geology, space, religion, time and porn....

I'm a good painter...

And lastly...

When I put water up my nose I can squirt it out my eye...

Between that last one and my thumb thing, I am one goofy mofo!
i can tell you the name of a car without looking at it, just by shutting its door. I always remember what sound they make for some weird reason. Now that is useless.
My physics teacher could erase the black board with his right hand and be writing with his left hand right behind the eraser. Try that sometime. Near impossible. He was a smart guy.