Name your useless talent

13 April 2005
As the subject title suggests, name a talent or skill you have that is pretty useless.

For me, I can speak in all sorts of accents, impressions and characters. I can do almost any accent from anywhere in the world. I can also do a variety of characters from cartoons to people. The only use I've found for this skill is for making prank calls to my co-workers, with hilarious results.

Oh, and I have the incredible ability to make tasty beer to just vanish completely. It eventually reappears, but in a completely different form and a lot warmer.
I have the ability to do an impression of the common house fly. It's really quite good. The only problem is that I am seldom called upon to perform the impression and exhibit my talent. Sometimes in small groups and lots of drinking I'll take it upon myself to perform the impression without being called on to do so. Perhaps a video is in order.
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I have the ability to do an impression of the common house fly. It's really quite good. The only problem is that I am seldom called upon to perform the impression and exhibit my talent. Sometimes in small groups and lots of drinking I'll take it upon myself to perform the impression without being call on to do so. Perhaps a video is in order.

anxiously waiting
I've always had a close connection with electronic devices. I walked by an aisle at the Home Depot where they sell those Zircon stud sensors and they all started flashing and making noises. I don't know why, but this happens anywhere they sell these sensors...

I've always had a close connection with electronic devices. I walked by an aisle at the Home Depot where they sell those Zircon stud sensors and they all started flashing and making noises. I don't know why, but this happens anywhere they sell these sensors...

Sensors.jpg's obvious.. they are broken.:biggrin:
I've always had a close connection with electronic devices. I walked by an aisle at the Home Depot where they sell those Zircon stud sensors and they all started flashing and making noises. I don't know why, but this happens anywhere they sell these sensors...



–noun 1. a knob, nailhead, or other protuberance projecting from a surface or part

Don't beat yourself up. :biggrin::tongue:
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Ummm..... I can recite pi to approximately 70 decimal places. I've actually been able to do this since I was around 12 years old, long before I even understood what it actually was. I was taking a summer computer class and one of helpers was an MIT guy who knew it to something like 20 places, so I made it my goal to memorize more digits than him. We went back and forth each memorizing more, I eventually won and never forgot the stupid thing.

I can also recite the alphabet backwards very quickly, but that's not nearly as exciting to women as pi is.
I can also recite the alphabet backwards very quickly, but that's not nearly as exciting to women as pi is.

HA, both my sisters can do this also VERY quickly in fact faster than I can say it forward. One night I was out with my younger sister and we got pulled over. You should have seen the look on the cops face after he asked her to say the alphabet back-wards. LOL
Useless talent ... I have very steady hands and the ability to see very, very small items. I mean, I can see an amoeba in a droplet of water under the right conditions.
So my useless talent is that I can write the Lord's prayer on the edge of a business card. In college I used to draw cartoons so small that my classmates would use a dissecting microscope to read them.
The "talent" might come in handy to someone who might study and become a neurosurgeon ... If that fact is ever pointed out to him before the age of 30.:redface:

I also know the words to "I am the very model of a modern major general."
HA, both my sisters can do this also VERY quickly in fact faster than I can say it forward. One night I was out with my younger sister and we got pulled over. You should have seen the look on the cops face after he asked her to say the alphabet back-wards. LOL

well thats what actually got me memorizing it, back when i was younger and was stopped all the time for speeding, i'd heard that cops would ask you to say it backwards, but i can tell you, after i'd learned it, I was NEVER asked anything remotely similar :P.
well thats what actually got me memorizing it, back when i was younger and was stopped all the time for speeding, i'd heard that cops would ask you to say it backwards, but i can tell you, after i'd learned it, I was NEVER asked anything remotely similar :P.

I am able to write it backwards, but it takes me a while.
Did you go to school for that, or is it just a natural talent you've developed?

I first noticed it happen when I walked into Piazza San Marco in Venice and some innate power in me caused thousands of pigeons to magically become airborne. It must just be a gift I have. I try not to abuse my powers.
I first noticed it happen when I walked into Piazza San Marco in Venice and some innate power in me caused thousands of pigeons to magically become airborne. It must just be a gift I have. I try not to abuse my powers.

Speaking for ornithologists from around the globe and our feathered friends, we salute you.and appreciate your restaint of powers.
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So... nobody has a useless talent? I would have thought NSX owners would have tons of them!
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So... nobody has a useless talent? I would have thought NSX owners would have tons of them!

Well, it's somewhat useless, but a talent that I have is that I am able to see into the past. Don't do much with it, and haven't found a real use for it.

If you guys find any value in my talent, please PM me?:confused:


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I don't know,,,,:confused: but ever since birth I have been able to express this foul smelling brownish clay like substance from between my buttcheeks:redface: Anyone know how I could capitalize upon that:smile:
I don't know,,,,:confused: but ever since birth I have been able to express this foul smelling brownish clay like substance from between my buttcheeks:redface: Anyone know how I could capitalize upon that:smile:

Sculpture, if you are looking for free meds.
I can rapidly move my eyes left/right repeatedly. I can do this quickly enough to be able to identify the spoke design/number on wheels on a car driving next to me at about 60-70 mph. I'm not kidding, and I haven't yet figured out a useful way to use this talent.

I can also voluntarily tense my tensor tympani muscle. that's the muscle that puts tension on your eardrum to lower incoming sound to protect your inner ear. It is usually involuntary, most people don't even realize they have it. I never knew what it was until med school. I just knew i could dampen out volume voluntarily.