NA1 vs NA2....which is the better driver car?

i never felt the need to shift into 6th since our 5th is geared to do 186mph. in fact i sometimes forget what gear i'm in if i'm driving in auto pilot mode and i'm in 4th doing 60mph and i think i'm in 2nd and i ended up downshifting. remember 2nd gear in most cars only goes up to 60mph and 2nd @60mph is actually when v-tec engages in ours.

I agree. 4th gear is good for 144 mph...thats enough for me!

Stock US (5-speed): 45, 81, 114, 144, 186 (theoretical - top speed is of course drag-limited below 186)
Japanese "short" gears (5-speed): 40, 65, 90, 124, 166.
Stock US six speed: 46, 72, 99, 126, 155, 168
With the short gears I do wish there was a 6th gear.. just for the noise and gas savings when cruising on the freeway. The rest of the time I'm very happy with it. :biggrin:

The lack of power steering kinda sucks in parking lots, but is great everywhere else.

Having a heavier less rigid car just so I can take off the roof a couple times a year? no thanks. :wink:
from past discussions the 6 speed seems to be the most significant upgrade.As others have said better headers and exhaust can get the na1 closer to na2 to be imperceptable.The power steering is only felt in the parking lot and at slow speeds.
after driving both the na1 and na2 prior to purchase, the 6-spd was the single biggest deciding factor for me.
as for the heavier flywheel- it does rev a bit slower but it helps during launch and overall tractability (not a lot).
While shopping for NSX's I was able to test drive 3, 2 been NA1 (91 and a 93) and one Na2 (the one I have) ... all I can remember is that both Na1's were a bit faster than my Ap1, now the NA2 (stock) was indeed, A LOT faster than my Ap1, and I am very perceptive of speed.

Driving around NSX's on my Ap1 I always could tell which ones were na1's (they used to leave me a bit behind)... and the Na2's (no chance for the S2k)



PS: You CAN remove around 150 lb's @ least from an Na2 on stock stuff
Too bad no one has ever plugged a Zanardi rack into non Zanardi NA2.
You guys do know that the power steering on the NA2 turns off after about 20mph or something like that. (I think I read that somewhere once upon a time)

Basically it just makes parallel parking easier, unless you "track rats" drive REALLY slow around the track.

Having owned both, my preference is the NA2... but obviously you have to take ownership on a case by case basis.

The stronger engine more than makes up for the extra weight... and the gearing (stock) of the 6spd is just spaced way better than the stock 5spd. (btw weight is pretty damn relative since some of you guys weigh 150lbs and some of you are probably pushing 250lbs) :wink:

As for the roof, well, it's pretty much the coolest thing ever when you take it off.

Honestly, at the end of the day, both cars are equally entertaining and you're really splitting hairs when you compare the two. The pros/cons list pretty much equals out on both cars when you're all done.
For me the NA2 feel way stronger during launch and in general than an NA1.

Also, one must take into consideration the following:
- Bigger Brakes
- Six Speed
- Bigger Engine with internal modifications
- Body panels are stronger yet lighter
- Factory headers
- Other enhancements as outlined in the Wiki

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For me the NA2 feel way stronger during launch and in general that an NA1.

Also, one must take into consideration the following:
- Bigger Brakes
- Six Speed
- Bigger Engine with internal modifications
- Body panels are stronger yet lighter
- Factory headers
- Other enhancements as outlined in the Wiki


All of those add weight.

Not to mention that chassis flex. I've been in a few NA2 and they all flex - with or without the targa.

And lastly, there is more $$$ left over to toss on all sorts of mods.
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honestly, this thread is such a colossal waste of time. it highlights nothing more than the "what i have is the best" attitude, and tendency to be divisive that apparently is natural to being human.

forget which is the better driver's car and just become a better driver.
^ +1 - big time. Divisive is the word for this thread - you put your finger on it - I've been lurking on this one; just had to give you a thumbs up on the post!
^ +1 - big time. Divisive is the word for this thread - you put your finger on it - I've been lurking on this one; just had to give you a thumbs up on the post!

Well stands to reason a "vs" thread would be divisive just by origin.
How right you are Lightguy! I feel smarter already just reading that post. There was are real good post here - gist was when all is said and done and all points weighed - it's about an even match.

I know one thing I don't find my 5 speed to be a problem. If you rev the car close to redline in first shifting into second doesn't leave you bogging at all! I like the fact that second is so tall. I bet in autocross it might be faster than an N2. I do have a comptech header and late model exhaust system so that is also an equalizer of sorts.

I will say this I sure would like to drive an N2. It is something that will haunt me till I do. I'd just like to feel first hand what they're like. My good buddy John Perkins who befriended me early on the site has a beautiful 05 Silver I'd love to drive but then John hardly drives it himself.

Maybe I'll find a willing soul one day. :biggrin:
as a total n00b to the NSX, this thread has been helpful. Sure, there's lots of "mine is bigger than yours" going on, but there's lots of good reasoning as well. As least in this forum people have explained why they like theirs better, and I've learned a lot. I take all opinions with a grain of salt, but the factual information is enough to help me make a decision. Try this discussion on a board that has chebby and frod folks if you want to see a real (and totally useless) pissing match.

so thanks for the generally civilized discussion.
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every one seems to say go with na1. Is that because most of you guys have the na1 lol. No, but in all serious there is no way to guage the car for you. no one really knows who you are. Do you enjoy building up the car or are you just buying it and saying i have an nsx. For me, wheni bought mine i did what you are doing. it went from all ranges cause i wanted a nsx to 97 up because i wanted teh bigger engine and 6th gear along with the other stuff like power steering and what not. then it was about the price in relation to the amount of work that had to be done. Some 91 have had the maintaince ignored this entier time. Everyone here says look for service records which is good, but not enough. I try to save all mine from all my cars but if you asked me to see my recored and i told you i only had a few, you would probably assume i slacked on even a oil change. So after thinking, i decided to try to get the newest at the best price. I think 97up a few months back, a clean one was going for about 39ish up to 44 right guys, and high 40 for a low miles, super clean one. I dedided on my 02 because i wanted a newer one and then i wanted the different look. For 40g's if you buy a 97-01, it will cost you almost as much for the head lights and hood ect just to make it look 02, so you mind as well just gone for the 02 (at lesst for the price i got my 02 ;) ) Thats my logic. No one can tell you cause no one really knows you. Either way, its still a nsx and everyone here is way cool, unlike the z and g guys.....
NA1 drivers are generally accepted as being handsomer and have smarter children as well.

I shoulda bought an na1 :(, if only i had known this before lol. i retract my previous statement
well us coupe owners argument is that if we did the 02+ swap than we will lose another 30 lbs so with minor weight reduction, we can have a chassis that is both stiffer and lighter than a 02 na2. There are guys here with coupes that weights 2800 lbs with all the interior intact, that is significantly lighter than the base 3150lb weight of a targa top.
Ehh, who cares if you weigh less. I like the top off. That and my tall ass fits better. You could always ride solo or limit the weight of ur passangers lol. My passanger is only 120, she probably would equalize the spare and a few other minor parts ;) plus the bigger hp helps to correct the na2's weight issue
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well us coupe owners argument is that if we did the 02+ swap than we will lose another 30 lbs so with minor weight reduction, we can have a chassis that is both stiffer and lighter than a 02 na2. There are guys here with coupes that weights 2800 lbs with all the interior intact, that is significantly lighter than the base 3150lb weight of a targa top.

when I got my 95 I realized I wasn't going to make it a dedicated race car, and it's pretty much awesome being able to take the top off on a nice summer day

it really is splitting hairs comparing the different years of NSX, they all have their minor pros and cons, but really they are so close in terms of performance just get what you want and be happy :)
well in all honesty I would like to one day own a 02+ na2, however the only thing I hate about it is that it will be a targa top, and the roads in NYC can and will tire out the chassis fast and I am not a fan of hearing squeaks or rattles, also not a fan of potential water leaks. But I still do see a 02 + na2 as a overall upgrade, I really love the white stitching and silver trimming on the interior with the perforated leather.