N S X P O 2 0 0 6


DONYMO said:
I didn't think you even own an NSX.
I haven't seen you at any NSXPO's since TX.
So, you don't have to worry about losing your life.
A tornado could strike at any NSXPO on any date and cause loss of life.
So, do we just cancel them all? Jeez

I have had two NSXs - black and red. The next one will be white.

I haven't been to NSXPO 2003 nor NSXPO 2004 because of a major disagreement I had with the NSXCA Board of Directors, back when I was a member of the BoD. You need to do some homework to understand the issue as it related to Sears Point vs Watkins Glen. I sold the red one back in March 2005, and unlike others, I won't go to an NSXPO without an NSX. What was it about SP vs WG that irked me? Go do your homework, but I wonder if they will tell you every detail that went on which lead to my decision.

One should always worry about loss of life.

There has not been an NSXPO in a part of the country when tornados occur during tornado season. Speaking of weather, while I was not at NSXPO 2005, it is communicated to me that there were a few conversations where the possibility of hurricanes during NSXPO 2006 is a concern. I am not the only person thinking about this, and I wasn’t even there to talk about it.

Jeez indeed, do your homework before you attempt to debate with me. Oh, how many NSXPOs have you been to? I've been to four - 1998, 2000, 2001, 2002.
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Re: DONYMO, DONYMO.....sigh

Yellow Rose said:
Oh, how many NSXPOs have you been to?

I've been to three NSXPO's...You've got me there.

I do not think anyone will need to worry about loss of life due to a hurricane at NSXPO. There are plenty of opportunities to die any day of the year, but hurricanes can be predicted many days in advance. So, if one were truly concerned about dying due to a hurricane, they would be able to cancel their trip in time to prevent the impending death.

Regarding your problems with the board and not attending, I'm not privy to that gossip. I really don't know what you're talking about, so I cannot do homework on that nor do I care to.

Regarding doing my homework about tornados, you're right - I'm no tornado expert. I was trying to make a point that any weather event (a severe thunderstorm. etc) could cause bad things to happen - to the point of loss of life. Orlando Florida is one of the biggest, if not the biggest, tourist destinations in the country. Additionally, every cruiseline in the world (just about) cruises out of either Tampa, Port Canaveral, Ft. Lauderdale or Miami. People vacation there year round. Just because a hurricane COULD occur doesn't mean we should change the dates. Nor is it feasible to do so - racetracks are very difficult to book and need to be booked far in advance.

By the way, are you going to supercharge your next NSX?
I will attend and I'm a hell of alot more worried about my drive from SoCal to Central Florida then anything Mother Nature delivers! Especially when I have time to get out of the way, should the unexcepted happen. Remember, I'm driving an NSX! :biggrin:
DONYMO said:
Just because a hurricane COULD occur doesn't mean we should change the dates. Nor is it feasible to do so - racetracks are very difficult to book and need to be booked far in advance.

I understand. But if you go back and carefully read my posts, not one suggested to change the dates. I realize this is virtually impossible. All I did in post #1 was ponder outloud that I hoped the planning team took hurricane season into consideration, and I wished them good luck. Eventually "the nsxnut" explained the rationale by avoiding the months of statistically higher storm frequency.

DONYMO said:
By the way, are you going to supercharge your next NSX?

No, but it will be FI'ed. :smile:
The dates have been set for NSXPO 2006

Track event at Sebring raceway Monday and Tuesday Oct.9-10 (conveniently following a Chin Motorsports track event on Sat. and Sun. Oct.7-8 to help train instructors).

Social stuff starts Wed. Oct.11 and runs to Sunday Oct.15.

With all due respect to the organizers of NSXPO, but why in the heck are these being held in states at the edge of the country. Seems to me if it was in a more central location (Illinois for example), more people would attend.
If the "flyover portions" of the country would like to organize and host an NSXPO I am sure there would be interest in people attending but first you need to get a group of volunteers organized to make a two year commitment to submit a bid package and pull it off. Not to be sarcastic but it takes a lot of effort to make an NSXPO happen and just wishing or griping is not going to make a difference.

Also, you may not be aware but NSXPO 1998 was in Ohio and NSXPO 2001 was in Wisconsin.
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There Were .....

djdrock said:
With all due respect to the organizers of NSXPO, but why in the heck are these being held in states at the edge of the country. Seems to me if it was in a more central location (Illinois for example), more people would attend.

..... two NSXPO events within very close proximity to Illinois. In 1998, NSXPO was in Ohio and in 2001, NSXPO was in Wisconsin. Let's see, Ohio is only two states away and Wisconsin is GASP your immediate neighbor. Oh, you're in Indiana. In that case Ohio is your immediate neighbor (another GASP) and Wisconsin is but two states away. And not that Texas is close to you, but it did split the East-West coast with the event held there in 2002.

Now what was it that you are complaining about? Oh I see.....now hush.
NeoNSX said:
Hey Andy, you're going to scare everyone away before NSXPO'06 even gets near.

mike i didn't even think about your screen name when i had that dvd loaded at my house.. it just so happens that I use the Matrix to showcase the system.. i just realized that staring at your avatar..
peiserg said:
mike i didn't even think about your screen name when i had that dvd loaded at my house.. it just so happens that I use the Matrix to showcase the system.. i just realized that staring at your avatar..

LOL.. that's ok Jerry. I got a laugh out of it, and I really enjoyed your kicking bass system during the freeway chase. :eek: Just seems like yesterday i was flying down that freeway... :rolleyes: ...at NSXPO'05 I mean. :D
Re: There Were .....

RSO 34 said:
Not to be sarcastic but it takes a lot of effort to make an NSXPO happen and just wishing or griping is not going to make a difference.

First expected smartass comment!

RSO 34 said:
Also, you may not be aware but NSXPO 1998 was in Ohio and NSXPO 2001 was in Wisconsin.

I was not aware of this. I do however appreciate the information.

Yellow Rose said:
Now what was it that you are complaining about? Oh I see.....now hush.

And yet another smartass comment. I was simply making a polite point and had a simple question. I was not comlaining. Please try and pay attention next time!
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When you phrase it"why in the heck" you came off as smug,sarcastic,and complaining,jmho.Also this whole issue of "why can't xpo be in my backyard" has worn thin with those of us who will travel to xpo no matter where it is :wink: Part of the xpo experience is driving or caravaning to the venue with fellow enthusiasts!
docjohn said:
When you phrase it"why in the heck" you came off as smug,sarcastic,and complaining,jmho.Also this whole issue of "why can't xpo be in my backyard" has worn thin with those of us who will travel to xpo no matter where it is :wink: Part of the xpo experience is driving or caravaning to the venue with fellow enthusiasts!

Point taken! :wink:
I'll make sure I PREPAY! :wink:
docjohn said:
with those of us who will travel to xpo no matter where it is :wink: Part of the xpo experience is driving or caravaning to the venue with fellow enthusiasts!

Thats what im talking about! I dont care where NSXPO is or if I even have my car; Im going every single year no matter what- Its written in my job contract :biggrin: