N S X P O 2 0 0 6

For the state of Florida (and the outer banks of NC who see more consistent hurricane damage year over year) to not see travel during the summer months would be laughable.

Gee, no school's out vacation to Disney this year kids, seems we could all drown with Mickey and Minnie during the Main Street USA parade. Sorry:D

My Mutual Fund quip was in regard to the warning that is always stated in ads saying past performance cannot be used as a guarantee of future returns. Just because this was a bad year for gulf storms does not mean that next year will be too. Quite the contrary, the law of averages says just the opposite.

How many years between Camille and Katrina?
That's too bad I was hoping they would move it up to like July 06. Before the season starts.

Wow, just as hot as Phoenix but with humidity:D

Plus extra high motel/hotel and rental car rates:D
Re: Point-Counterpoint

RSO 34 said:
Okay, you got me. I may be a trial attorney but you have managed to leave me somewhat speechless by the sheer ignorance of this comment.

For those like you who are not satisfied with aligning yourselves merely with Chicken Little but find a greater affinity with his paranoid cousin who refuses to go outside because the sky may be falling, feel free to live in a cocoon until the mothership arrives to whisk you away to Paradise.

I, on the other hand, choose to live.

Hense the tag... Yellow Rose.:-)
Peter Mills said:
Hense the tag... Yellow Rose.:-)

Nice, very nice.....what color is your NSX? Yellow. :cool:
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Yellow Rose said:
Ignorance? Yes - ignorant of the McDonalds trial that the judge allowed to carry on in the first place. He should've concluded the outcome in chambers in no less than five minutes.


I don’t see how me expressing concern of the welfare of NSXPO attendees during hurricane season, merits rancid comments in my direction. Sniffle sniffle.

Not to hijack this thread and interject some rational thinking into it, but the McDonalds case, although seemingly illogical, had some merit to it. The corporation had a policy regarding the minimum temperature at which the coffee would be sold to customers. It was determined that the mandated temperature was so dangerously high that a customer could be injured simply by attempting drink it. Although I still disagree with the amount of the outcome, there was evidence to support the verdict and it did result in a policy change regarding the sales of coffee in the franchises.

As for your purported concern for attendees, there were ways it could have been expressed without resorting to hyperbole.
RSO 34 said:
As for your purported concern for attendees, there were ways it could have been expressed without resorting to hyperbole.

Or in "lawyer speak" I will re-direct you to my original post where I hoped that the planning team gave consideration to the hurricane season when planning NSXPO 2006 dates.

The very same post where I wished the planners good luck, so it is not like I am undermining the efforts thereof.



Please see Exhibit A (that would be post # 1).
Yellow Rose said:
Or in "lawyer speak" I will re-direct you to my original post where I hoped that the planning team gave consideration to the hurricane season when planning NSXPO 2006 dates.

The very same post where I wished the planners good luck, so it is not like I am undermining the efforts thereof.



Please see Exhibit A (that would be post # 1).

Upon re-cross examination, the jury's attention is directed to Post #14.

The defense rests.
RSO 34 said:
Upon re-cross examination, the jury's attention is directed to Post #14.

The defense rests.

Exactly my point......prosecution rests. However, there are too many evidence bags floating about, so you do not know what I am refering to vs me not knowing what you are refering to vs Peter Mills not knowing that I know he has a yellow NSX vs........darn, my head hurts.
Yellow Rose said:
.........(though Gary will debate that a person who is often a dick, which he called me in another thread, cannot be helpful)....nothing more and nothing less.

Wow, call a guy a dick once and he still brings it up this many weeks later:D
Why do all of you inferior thinkers choose to argue actuarial,meterological,metaphysical,car club events with an Engineer! :eek: BTW I think Gary was calling you a.... detective,(thus-Dick) because you Andy are dedicated to the search of truth in our chaotic,entropic world! :tongue:
92NSX said:
I for one am really looking forward to it next year.
I realize that we can have storm trouble again, but that is one of the prices we have to pay for living in this state.
I'm sure that as the time draws near for the event to take place, everyone will be watching the weather and praying for the best.

I concur!! :tongue: I too am looking forward to the event !! Anyone know of the exact dates ?
Re: Duh

Yellow Rose said:
Gary - having been on a previous NSXPO planning team, I realize what you say is the case. :rolleyes:

I was just thinking outloud that the people on the 2006 committee who live in hurricane-prone areas consider the obvious......no NSXPO during a timeframe to have widespread, potential loss of life. To me, track availability dates are a lower priority than living to see the next day. :mad:

I didn't think you even own an NSX.
I haven't seen you at any NSXPO's since TX.
So, you don't have to worry about losing your life.
A tornado could strike at any NSXPO on any date and cause loss of life.
So, do we just cancel them all? Jeez
RSO 34 said:
Not to hijack this thread and interject some rational thinking into it, but the McDonalds case, although seemingly illogical, had some merit to it. The corporation had a policy regarding the minimum temperature at which the coffee would be sold to customers. It was determined that the mandated temperature was so dangerously high that a customer could be injured simply by attempting drink it. Although I still disagree with the amount of the outcome, there was evidence to support the verdict and it did result in a policy change regarding the sales of coffee in the franchises.

As for your purported concern for attendees, there were ways it could have been expressed without resorting to hyperbole.

Correct, and it was my understanding that the lady involved did not just receive simple burns. The coffee was so hot it gave her severe burns on both thighs as well as her genitalia that would impair her function in that area for the rest of her life. I HATE stupid law suits, but this one was not one of them. They had the temperature of the coffee up so high so the smell would encourage customers to buy coffee.
Drum Roll, Please...

Ladies and Gentlemen,

The actual dates are:

Monday, October 9th until Saturday, October 14th 2006

The track event will take place at Sebring International Raceway, the most historic road course in the country. (continuous sports car racing since 1949; site of the first Formula 1 US Grand Prix (1959) )
The social events will be in/around Orlando/central Florida.

NSXPO 2006 will begin with the track event, on Monday and Tuesday, then there will be a 'flex day' Wednesday, and the full social program Th, Fri, Sat.

The historic statistical peak of hurricane season is August and September. Planning any NSXPO, in any region of the country, requires compromises on dates or location. If you wait until later in the year, NSXers from northern climes and Canada are reluctant to venture out. If it were in the summer months, the heat in Florida is oppressive (it's a humid heat, you know... :wink: ). The dates for 2006 have been chosen with care, and they are set. You may start asking for time off.
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Nsxpo 2007?

And, for all of you dedicated members of the NSXCA, the board of directors will be accepting bids for NSXPO 2007 beginning in early 2006, so get your regional groups together, and sharpen your pencils, if you'd like to take a stab at impressing NSX owners from around the world with your version of how this great event ought to happen....

The planning cycle is for site selection to take place early in the preceding year. I.E., 2006 in Fla was selected early in 2005. 2005 in PHX was selected early in 2004. It takes a year+ to put everything together....
Re: Drum Roll, Please...

the nsxnut said:
Ladies and Gentlemen,

The track event will take place at Sebring International Raceway, the most historic circuit in the country.

Hmmm... I would have thought Indy for that label...

Sebring will make for a great track event. I will keep my fingers crossed that ya'll have terrific weather.

Have fun in 06'

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Re: Drum Roll, Please...

H-carWizKid said:
Hmmm... I would have thought Indy ...
So noted, see edit above... :wink:
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Sounds great Mark! :smile: Weather is ALWAYS beyond the control of any committee, but I know that much thought has been given to the dates, and FWIW I completely concur in the date selection.

Heather and I are definitely planning on attending next year and trying to represent the West Coast (unless something unforseen arises in the next 12 months). We still are disappointed not to make it in '04, but that really didn't work with my schedule.

We look forward to NSXPO '06 as being another GREAT NSXPO!! Best wishes for the committee's planning and let us know if we can be of help in any way.
You are right about the infield of Indy having right turns, but I was refering to the original track, which I know you probably knew. :wink:
Besides, I would imagine that it is probably a lot easier to get use of Sebring than it is Indy.
Good observation, Maurice. In fact, ALL tracks are difficult to schedule. Indy is actually impossible...! The only track activity that takes place there are the 500 , the Brickyard, and the USGP, and test days associated with those events. It is not available for any other use, race, or club. Oh yeah, you can ride the tourist bus around at 20mph for a track tour !