N S X P O 2 0 0 6

Yellow Rose

22 November 2001
From another thread, those are not my words but I borrowed them to emphasize the venue.

I will be at NSXPO next year in Orlando.....

The dates of the last several NSXPOs have been in the September-October-November timeframe. To the organizers of next year’s event, please keep in mind that Hurricane season lasts through the end of November. Be careful and good luck planning NSXPO 2006 in Florida.
Just a thought so we can push the date past hurricane season...

If those in northern states are worried about driving/transporting cars with snow on the road maybe they could ship cars down a month or so early if arrangements could be made with a florida sponsor to store them temporarily.
Yellow Rose said:
From another thread, those are not my words but I borrowed them to emphasize the venue.

I will be at NSXPO next year in Orlando.....

The dates of the last several NSXPOs have been in the September-October-November timeframe. To the organizers of next year’s event, please keep in mind that Hurricane season lasts through the end of November. Be careful and good luck planning NSXPO 2006 in Florida.

Great idea and suggestion Andy. I'm not involved in the planning of it or anything but hopefully will be attending meeting coming up soon and will offer assistance.
Or have it in our nations capital! We don't have hurricans here! :smile:
Way to late to even worry about this. NSXPO planning is done more than a year in advance.

Plus you are planning the future based on past results.
Haven't you learned anything from the Mutual Fund Industry? :D
splitz said:
Or have it in our nations capital! We don't have hurricans here! :smile:

Have you already forgotten Hugo, Floyd and Isabel? The last two just in the last 5 years!
ncdogdoc said:
Way to late to even worry about this. NSXPO planning is done more than a year in advance.

Plus you are planning the future based on past results.
Haven't you learned anything from the Mutual Fund Industry? :D

So I don't need to bother with volunteering for anything then?
ncdogdoc said:
Have you already forgotten Hugo, Floyd and Isabel? The last two just in the last 5 years!

Shhh, don't tell them that...

But ok, Hugo (1989) and Floyd (1999) was before I moved to the area, and Isabel...well ok, Isabel kicked my ass. I had two remote telephone nodes go down because of a loss of power; try to restore telephone service hung over...it sucks.
92NSX said:
So I don't need to bother with volunteering for anything then?

Who said there was not any need for help. The dates have to be set very far in advance to get both the track and social events to coincide.
ncdogdoc said:
Who said there was not any need for help. The dates have to be set very far in advance to get both the track and social events to coincide.

That's too bad I was hoping they would move it up to like July 06. Before the season starts.
ncdogdoc said:
Who said there was not any need for help. The dates have to be set very far in advance to get both the track and social events to coincide.

The impression I got from your prior post was that all the planning and coordinating was finished. Guess I misunderstood what you said.

ncdogdoc said:
Way to late to even worry about this. NSXPO planning is done more than a year in advance.

Gary - having been on a previous NSXPO planning team, I realize what you say is the case. :rolleyes:

I was just thinking outloud that the people on the 2006 committee who live in hurricane-prone areas consider the obvious......no NSXPO during a timeframe to have widespread, potential loss of life. To me, track availability dates are a lower priority than living to see the next day. :mad:
There is never any guarantee that weather will cooperate in any location just as there was no guarantee that there would not be any earthquakes in California during NSXPO 2003. The NSXPO 2006 Planning Committee considered all the options and chose a time and location to make it an enjoyable and successful event for all who attend. The "widespread, potential loss of life" comment is unnecessarily alarmist and inappropriate.
November in Florida is very nice. Would be a nice break from the cold for the northerners.

RSO 34 said:
There is never any guarantee that weather will cooperate in any location just as there was no guarantee that there would not be any earthquakes in California during NSXPO 2003.

Oh contraire, my sweet. While an earthquake cannot be predicted, if the National Weather Service publicly states that there is high probability of hurricanes in the Gulf of Mexico and Western Atlantic Ocean from June through November, wouldn't you want to take that into account when selecting event dates?

RSO 34 said:
The "widespread, potential loss of life" comment is unnecessarily alarmist and inappropriate.

Oh really? You must have your head in the sand.....remember Katrina? 1200 dead! As a lawyer, how would you defend NSXCA / NSXPO if a lawsuit was filed because of intentionally selecting an event date during a tenuous weather timeframe, which resulted in a death? Admittedly, that is a stretch. Than again maybe not. Remember the lady that sued McDonalds because she spilled their hot coffee on her lap in an automobile?
Originally posted by <b>Yellow Rose</b>

As a lawyer, how would you defend NSXCA / NSXPO if a lawsuit was filed because of intentionally selecting an event date during a tenuous weather timeframe, which resulted in a death?

If a hurricane was bearing down on North Central Florida, the evacuation orders would take priority over any car event scheduling issues. When mandatory evacuations are issued and ignored, there are already legal consequences to non-residents that ignore them.

If what you say was valid, then the state of Florida and entire Atlantic/Gulf coast would be a free from any organized events for the entire hurricane season.
I'm not a lawyer and I don't wish to get into a debate.

My original post was just a helpful (though Gary will debate that a person who is often a dick, which he called me in another thread, cannot be helpful) reminder for the planning committee to avoid that treacherous weather window for NSXPO 2006.

That's all.....nothing more and nothing less.
Re: Point-Counterpoint

Yellow Rose said:
Oh really? You must have your head in the sand.....remember Katrina? 1200 dead! [/QUOTE

The deaths that followed Katrina were due to the breaching of levees that filled a 'soup bowl of a city' with water. Further, if the local/state/fed govt. paid more attention to the evacuation of special needs (poor, sick, handicapped) individuals, they would not have been marooned in a city that sits below sea-level.

Not only does Orlando sit above sea-level, but the Florida state govt is far superior to the New Orleans/LA govts with regard to dealing with hurricanes.

What happened following Katrina is physically impossible unless we're talking about another below sea-level city that is surrounded by water, held back by manmade walls.
Re: Point-Counterpoint

Yellow Rose said:
Oh really? You must have your head in the sand.....remember Katrina? 1200 dead! As a lawyer, how would you defend NSXCA / NSXPO if a lawsuit was filed because of intentionally selecting an event date during a tenuous weather timeframe, which resulted in a death? Admittedly, that is a stretch. Than again maybe not. Remember the lady that sued McDonalds because she spilled their hot coffee on her lap in an automobile?

Okay, you got me. I may be a trial attorney but you have managed to leave me somewhat speechless by the sheer ignorance of this comment.

For those like you who are not satisfied with aligning yourselves merely with Chicken Little but find a greater affinity with his paranoid cousin who refuses to go outside because the sky may be falling, feel free to live in a cocoon until the mothership arrives to whisk you away to Paradise.

I, on the other hand, choose to live.
I for one am really looking forward to it next year.
I realize that we can have storm trouble again, but that is one of the prices we have to pay for living in this state.
I'm sure that as the time draws near for the event to take place, everyone will be watching the weather and praying for the best.
RSO 34 said:
Okay, you got me.


RSO 34 said:
I may be a trial attorney but you have managed to leave me somewhat speechless by the sheer ignorance of this comment.

Ignorance? Yes - ignorant of the McDonalds trial that the judge allowed to carry on in the first place. He should've concluded the outcome in chambers in no less than five minutes.

Oh wait - I bet you mean my ignorant example of NSXCA / NSXPO being sued. What? You mean the club doesn't have millions of dollars to pay out in a settlement? Gasp, the shame. I was jokingly stretching the fathom of possibility and even admitted so. Cripes, no need to take it literal.

RSO 34 said:
For those like you who are not satisfied with aligning yourselves merely with Chicken Little but find a greater affinity with his paranoid cousin who refuses to go outside because the sky may be falling, feel free to live in a cocoon until the mothership arrives to whisk you away to Paradise.

I must go now.....I want to be first in line when the mothership arrives. You know, us K-paxians have a unique sense about us. :tongue:

But in all seriousness Robert, I was not attacking you nor the NSXPO team. I was not tossing a turd in your salad bowl. Like you, I choose to live, as you poignantly put it. I was merely suggesting / hoping that when the planning committee was considering the dates of NSXPO 2006, that somebody who lives in Florida that is part of that committee might say, "Uh guys, category 5 hurricanes are no fun. Can we schedule NSXPO outside of the weather window?"

I don’t see how me expressing concern of the welfare of NSXPO attendees during hurricane season, merits rancid comments in my direction. Sniffle sniffle.