My Wife's New Invention

30 June 2003
Columbia, MD

We filed a patent application through a patent lawyer, and we hired an engineer to build a prototype.

From my research, it looks like we can either (1) build the units ourselves, market the product, and sell them; or (2) sell the idea/product to a company and collect royalties. We decided to take the second route because the first one requires a huge investment on our part.

We have contacted the new product development departments of several companies, and there seems to be some interest, but we don't have any takers yet.

Does anyone have experience with this kinda stuff? More importantly, does anyone on this forum work as a product developer at a major baby products company?? -- I thought it was worth a shot.

Any input would be greatly appreciated.


  • Baby Chef.png
    Baby Chef.png
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Man, that thing should sell like organic hot cakes. I have a sister in law who works in the all organic baby market. Care if I share this info with her?
Man, that thing should sell like organic hot cakes. I have a sister in law who works in the all organic baby market. Care if I share this info with her?
shhhhh, it's our secret ;)

slap a new label on it for "organic pet food" and you'll need a much larger wheelbarrow to carry your cash.

it looks very cool - good luck with it!
You need to popularize this with a best selling cookbook. Baby stuff can be a bit trendy so you need to maximize the revenue.
Once you do shore up production you need to pitch it on qvc, hsn ect.Good luck.
I think it's a great idea. With everyone on fitness kicks nowadays {and we should be}, why not keep the toddlers healthy. Your best bet would be to get Opra to give it her blessing. You'd be a millionare after that. A person could sell turds if Opra approved it.:biggrin:
Where was this for the past 4 years? My last kid just stopped eating baby food a few months ago.
I think it's a great idea. With everyone on fitness kicks nowadays {and we should be}, why not keep the toddlers healthy. Your best bet would be to get Opra to give it her blessing. You'd be a millionare after that. A person could sell turds if Opra approved it.:biggrin:

We actually took this to an inventor's expo at QVC sponsored by Oprah. The winning 10 inventions were going to be featured on Oprah. Unfortunately, our prototype wasn't ready for the expo, so we just went with an animated illustration on a laptop and some handouts. We didn't get selected, but I think things would have been different if we showed up with a working prototype and made baby food on the spot.
We actually took this to an inventor's expo at QVC sponsored by Oprah. The winning 10 inventions were going to be featured on Oprah. Unfortunately, our prototype wasn't ready for the expo, so we just went with an animated illustration on a laptop and some handouts. We didn't get selected, but I think things would have been different if we showed up with a working prototype and made baby food on the spot.

You should demo it at Costco on a Saturday morning. You'd sell them by the truckloads.
I might be able to help, please PM me.
That looks like a really good idea. My wife made baby food for our daughter because she wanted her to have the freshest and best food. She would have definately bought one of those.

We patented an invention related to barbequing so I have some experience talking to companies in an effort to get our idea licensed.

We talked to a invention expert (not one you see on tv) and it was suggested that we prepare some information on the product and take a prototype to the largest expo that takes place related to your product. Plan on spending a couple of days there at least. Go around to the booths for large manufacturers who you think have related products and might be interested. You'll find VPs there etc. who will meet with you right there to discuss the possibility of marketing and selling the product. Get information for your contact and make detailed notes about the meeting. The obviously won't want to strike a deal right there. You're there to get them interested. You can propose an exclusive license or just a regular license. If it's exclusive that company has exclusive rights to the product. An exclusive license will generally net you a higher percentage.

If you get someone interested and begin talking have your patent attorney prepare the licensing contract. Typically something like your idea may get you 5-7% of gross. So if it takes $20 to make it then it will probably retail for $80 and you would get $4 - $5.60 for each unit.

Remember that you can also write off the cost of your patent over several years and if you have your own company you can write off the cost of your expenses to go to the expos. You will need your own company before you start to get payments on your license contract I believe.

Best of luck with your product.

I have a patent on a an item called helmet hanger.. it was a lot of work and very time consuming. But if it was easy every one would do it right.. Any way I would really urge you to try to use
the big idea with Donny Duetch you will get a lot of exposure for free from him :biggrin:
since we are spinning jokes now....
the name is a tad cannibalistic.
i love kids.they taste yummy.:rolleyes:

good luck!
Yep, that is a winner if you can get the mechanics of the steamed food transfer into the grinder worked out perfectly.

Dont rush it to market at the expense of not protecting it properly.