Here's a few pics from the listing. I did not take these pics, they were from the people we bought it from. I buy property sight unseen all the time, I don't think I've looked at a property I've bought in the last 3 years. It can be scary, but when your dealing with a min of $500k in equity, it's worth the risk...
...and might you have an insane inkling to get rid of the orchards etc, you could build a race-track there. I'm sure that wouldn't go astray and NSX Prime can have an official race-track. I'm sure it could pull in some nice earnings from other interested parties too.
Although, if anyone finds this comment offensive, I sincerely apologise in advance.
Sometimes life can have its low points. Although things are not looking up for you right now, please keep in mind that we appreciate you turning to us here at Prime for support.........(your driveway rocks!!!!!!!!!!!)
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