My NSX was stolen right out of my driveway: Black '95 JH4NA1187ST00235

^ +1 Amen brother - you could always sell the Miata too...... What a mess. Sounds to me like you know something about your old NSX that 29.3k was "too good a deal to pass up". Sounds like you were ready for a change and to pocket some change. Good luck. So long to an old NSX owner maybe the Miata site will be as good as this one. Tha't's only a consolation cause we know the NSX is a better car than a Miata - but maybe not with needed extra dough in pocket. There is more to this story that meets the ear so far. Good luck though.

Yet another idiot spewing stupidity out his ass without any knowledge. Believe me, I was surprised as hell when I got the call late on Monday night that my car was found. The fact is, I DID attempt to make lemons out of lemonade by taking advantage of a settlement, and getting a lesser car and putting $17K in the bank. That's what's known as a responsible adult thing to do. But there is NOTHING more to the story than that. The car got stolen, and I made a responsible adult decision that I didn't need another exotic high end sports car, when an inexpensive, reliable, fun and economical low end sports car could meet my needs at 1/3 the cost. Grow up. I know that I did.
Ok you put 17K in the bank, great, does 50K in the bank sound better? get the car back, sell it or part it out. be done, and more money. and sleep well at night.

with a quote from ( Boiler Room ) " bank roll that would choke a hippo"

you just opened a Can Of"TIM" hold on.....
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Ok you put 17K in the bank, great, does 50K in the bank sound better? get the car back, sell it or part it out. be done, and more money. and sleep well at night.

with a quote from ( Boiler Room ) " bank roll that would choke a hippo"

you just opened a Can Of"TIM" hold on.....

I've got better things to do with my time than part out a car in a bad economy. OTOH, you are more than welcome to go buy the thing at auction and part it out yourself, since you apparently haven't got anything more productive to keep you occupied. And if you haven't noticed, the tires, which should be the EASIEST thing to part out, haven't sold yet, so your business acumen doesn't seem to have gotten this one right - not surprisingly.
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Yet another idiot spewing stupidity out his ass without any knowledge. Believe me, I was surprised as hell when I got the call late on Monday night that my car was found. The fact is, I DID attempt to make lemons out of lemonade by taking advantage of a settlement, and getting a lesser car and putting $17K in the bank. That's what's known as a responsible adult thing to do. But there is NOTHING more to the story than that. The car got stolen, and I made a responsible adult decision that I didn't need another exotic high end sports car, when an inexpensive, reliable, fun and economical low end sports car could meet my needs at 1/3 the cost. Grow up. I know that I did.

I have to agree with Doug. Everyone has a reason for not purchasing the same car that was molested by car theives. I had a 03 escalade truck and got many stares from people. When the truck got broken into and the asshole car thief thrashed the dash, seats, glass, headrests and rear seats and after the insurance paid to fix it all, we ended up selling it and purchased a 07 denali XL. We could have purchased another escalade but didn't want the attention. Point is, Doug made the right decision for his situation. He could have told the insurance company "you know what, I have a feeling were going to see the car somewhere 99% intact so lets just wait and see". Now that would have been suspicous. But he felt the car was gone forever and he moved on. I don't think he should leave the nsx community board and go to a miata board....
Yet another idiot spewing stupidity out his ass without any knowledge. Believe me, I was surprised as hell when I got the call late on Monday night that my car was found. The fact is, I DID attempt to make lemons out of lemonade by taking advantage of a settlement, and getting a lesser car and putting $17K in the bank. That's what's known as a responsible adult thing to do. But there is NOTHING more to the story than that. The car got stolen, and I made a responsible adult decision that I didn't need another exotic high end sports car, when an inexpensive, reliable, fun and economical low end sports car could meet my needs at 1/3 the cost. Grow up. I know that I did.


I believe you mistinterpreted my email by a whole lot. I called this one on the nose without knowing anything really - it was the tone in your emails on this topic that prompted mine. Actually the only thing I missed on this is that your old NSX was probably just perfect and needed nothing - no outstanding maintenance issues or anything - right?

Anyway, what I did say and you confirmed in your emails that you took the check and bought a lesser value sports car - and Miatas are great cars ok not an NSX but so what- and put 17k in your pocket (didn't know the amount) and came out ahead in bad economic times and that was the point I made in my "there's more to this story than meets the ear" and that was true and your reply confirms some of my thoughts.

You know Doug we all make decisions that are the best for us at the time - at least we'd all like to think we do. You did that - nothing in the world wrong with that. For you - this stolen car thing might have just been a "Godsend" in disguise - really - I'm being sincere. In times like this there would be a lot of people that would like to put 17k in the bank as well as have a Miata to drive - no doubt.

I wish no one ill or have any bad judgements about you or your "exchange" at all - I wish you the best of luck. Not everyone has the time of inclination to part out a car. Although if your car was perfectly maintained and up to date and you could get it for 15k - you could resell it at a profit. Doubt if you could get it for that but hey - you never know. Anyway, good luck to you what ever track you take and I'll consider the "idiot" comment something said in the heat of exchange - how's that. All the best!

I have a quick question though and its something I have never thought about till I stumbled upon this post.
So lets say I have a highly modified nsx, the car gets stolen but the thievs don't strip it down for what ever reason. I already recieved the check but the ins didn't count for all the modifications on the car. The paid me for the value of the car and not the mod's. So if they put a salvaged title on the vehicle and then sold it for $15,000 the buyer would then get all the mods plus the car? I guess what Im asking is I put alot of money into the nsx and if it got stolen how does the ins count for that?

I believe you mistinterpreted my email by a whole lot. I called this one on the nose without knowing anything really - it was the tone in your emails on this topic that prompted mine. Actually the only thing I missed on this is that your old NSX was probably just perfect and needed nothing - no outstanding maintenance issues or anything - right?

Anyway, what I did say and you confirmed in your emails that you took the check and bought a lesser value sports car - and Miatas are great cars ok not an NSX but so what- and put 17k in your pocket (didn't know the amount) and came out ahead in bad economic times and that was the point I made in my "there's more to this story than meets the ear" and that was true and your reply confirms some of my thoughts.

You know Doug we all make decisions that are the best for us at the time - at least we'd all like to think we do. You did that - nothing in the world wrong with that. For you - this stolen car thing might have just been a "Godsend" in disguise - really - I'm being sincere. In times like this there would be a lot of people that would like to put 17k in the bank as well as have a Miata to drive - no doubt.

I wish no one ill or have any bad judgements about you or your "exchange" at all - I wish you the best of luck. Not everyone has the time of inclination to part out a car. Although if your car was perfectly maintained and up to date and you could get it for 15k - you could resell it at a profit. Doubt if you could get it for that but hey - you never know. Anyway, good luck to you what ever track you take and I'll consider the "idiot" comment something said in the heat of exchange - how's that. All the best!


As I said quite publicly, in a couple of other posts, the NSX was approaching 75K miles, which meant it was due for a timing belt replacement. But that's a non-issue if I were keeping the car. In 7 years and 25K miles, I hadn't put a nickel into the car other than oil, gas, tires, wiper blades, and a replacement battery. I was the 2nd owner, and the first owner was an Apollo 8 astronaut named William Anders, who later on became the head of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. My anger was because I was accused point blank by shawn110975 of having committed insurance fraud and staging the "theft" of my car to collect the cash, and it sure sounded like you were agreeing with him. It was that accusation, and your apparent agreement with it, that elicited the "idiot" comments.
I have a quick question though and its something I have never thought about till I stumbled upon this post.
So lets say I have a highly modified nsx, the car gets stolen but the thievs don't strip it down for what ever reason. I already recieved the check but the ins didn't count for all the modifications on the car. The paid me for the value of the car and not the mod's. So if they put a salvaged title on the vehicle and then sold it for $15,000 the buyer would then get all the mods plus the car? I guess what Im asking is I put alot of money into the nsx and if it got stolen how does the ins count for that?

The insurance forms asked for all the information about after-market upgrades and their value - including receipts if you had them. Then, when they look at comparables, they will supposedly try to find comparables that have after-market upgrades and value them appropriately. But, in the real world, there are very few NSX sales out there, so they probably wouldn't find any true comparables - most just cars that are closer to stock. So I would guess that they would use whatever NSXs that they found that sold in your geography, and use them as comparables. You could then try to argue for the value of your add-ons as part of the settlement. And I would bet that they would then take the cost of those upgrades and depreciate the heck out of them for a valuation purpose. So, you'd probably end up getting something like 25-30 cents on the dollar for your aftermarket upgrades.

In any case, none of that applied to my car, it was stock.
As I said quite publicly, in a couple of other posts, the NSX was approaching 75K miles, which meant it was due for a timing belt replacement. But that's a non-issue if I were keeping the car. In 7 years and 25K miles, I hadn't put a nickel into the car other than oil, gas, tires, wiper blades, and a replacement battery. I was the 2nd owner, and the first owner was an Apollo 8 astronaut named William Anders, who later on became the head of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. My anger was because I was accused point blank by shawn110975 of having committed insurance fraud and staging the "theft" of my car to collect the cash, and it sure sounded like you were agreeing with him. It was that accusation, and your apparent agreement with it, that elicited the "idiot" comments.

So since that wasn't the case and it wasn't then how bout the benefit of the doubt and a little - sorry didn't mean .....etc. That would be nice on your part cause it sounds like you still don't believe me after I took the time to express myself specifically. So you need to return the favor.

Otherwise I was right on another count - in my opinion - you probably got a good deal for your car from the insurance folks. Good for you!

All the best of luck...
So since that wasn't the case and it wasn't then how bout the benefit of the doubt and a little - sorry didn't mean .....etc. That would be nice on your part cause it sounds like you still don't believe me after I took the time to express myself specifically. So you need to return the favor.

Otherwise I was right on another count - in my opinion - you probably got a good deal for your car from the insurance folks. Good for you!

All the best of luck...

OK, fair enough if my initial reply to you sounded like I was still putting you in the group with shawn110975, I do apologize. He made the accusation, you didn't, and you certainly could have just been agreeing with some other innocuous parts of his post about how a Miata compares to an NSX. And I said all along that I thought I got a fair deal on the NSX, at just under $28k valuation, plus $2300 for tax and license, less my $1K deductible. I was actually attacked by other posters earlier for suggesting that was a fair valuation - they thought it was too low - but IMHO, that's ego and wishful thinking concerning a 15 year-old car, no matter how great a 15 year-old car. In my own mind, searching the marketplace, I had personally come up with the range of $27-29K as the fair value prior to hearing the insurance company's number.
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I did not Point blank say anything.. what I said quote

"I amnot saying he did that but it seems logical ya know. "

Sorry if it was taken the wrong way. If We knew everything and were put in your situation then we might have taken the same path as you.

But I would have stayed true to Acura/Honda. and not switch to Mazda! LOL
I did not Point blank say anything.. what I said quote

"I amnot saying he did that but it seems logical ya know. "

Sorry if it was taken the wrong way. If We knew everything and were put in your situation then we might have taken the same path as you.

But I would have stayed true to Acura/Honda. and not switch to Mazda! LOL

I was actually looking for an S2000, but none of the ones I saw was in anywhere close to the condition of the Miata I bought, and they were all asking for prices above $15K for higher mileage cars. I actually was not planning on buying a Miata, certainly not so soon - but I stumbled across a low mileage car that was absolutely pristine, and as we started talking price, it was clear my seller was hungry (it was actually a Ford dealership) and they ended up accepting what I thought was a low-ball offer for it, that was $3500 below Blue Book. And frankly, I was pleasantly surprised by the Miata when I drove it. Their initial asking price was $2K higher, and I thought they would laugh me out of the shop when I actually made my offer. Instead, they kept trying to get it just a little higher, and finally took my offer. As for the rest of your post, the less I say about it, the better.
Well Doug, usually when someone gets a new car on this site they post pictures...mmmmmm....we'd love to see what you got. You know there are none of us here that would trade our NSXs for a Miata - right now....but there may come a time when that might be a good thing.

All the car magazines for years have touted the Miata - it is and was the first Japanese sports car to break the mold and really return sporty driving to it's rightful place - economical and unlike British cars needed little maintenance and had few problems and there are a ton of them on the road. I've always liked the Miata and like this latest gen. They've become more powerful - some would argue not enough- but I think they have been a great exercise in sporty design that is true to the basic idea of open air motoring. I almost bought one once - but I wanted faster - but for you faster is not something you need. I can sort of understand that cause I'm getting a bit older myself - actually have passed the mid century mark - but as long as I can get in and out of my NSX I plan to keep it cause I love driving and all that power stuff in a NA sort of way.

Anyway put up some pics of your new ride man. BTW I agree with you - you got a fair price out of the Insurance company with 75k on it. Not that it may not be worth a little more but hey you didn't do so bad.
Glad it all worked out for you in the end. :smile: I wouldn't have wanted the car back after theives have their way with it. :mad: You feel violated and it leaves a bad taste. Sometimes life throws you a curve and you do the best can. You decided not to get another NSX and put some $ away for a rainy day. Thats a smart move for your family. Now tie it up and get a better return so your not tempted to take a trip to Tahiti...:wink:
I also vote that you will enjoy the Miata. I have an NSX and two Miata's (one soon to be spec Miata).

I've tracked both and love them both, albeit differently. The Miata is such a great handling nimble little car, I think they offer one of the best used car performance values on the market (obviously handling biased, not like you will beat a Mustang in a drag race).

Enjoy the Miata! Maybe we will see you back in an NSX in a few years after the economy picks back, there is nothing wrong with having multiple two passenger cars (my parents may disagree with this, they often tell me so when they come out and visit).
FYI, some new info about my NSX' theft. According to the cops, it was recovered in a sting of a chop shop operation. So it wasn't taken for joyriding, it was taken to be chopped, it just hadn't been yet when it was recovered.

Here are some photos of my new Miata:


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Hope I'm not to late into this but do you have any idea from the police how it was stolen? What I'm trying to understand is, once they jimmy the door to get in, what about the alarm system? Then how do they start it? Or maybe do they just put it in neutral and roll it onto a trailer down the street.

It seems like an easy one to steal. Is it any easier than most other cars? Any experts out there (in auto theft )(I won't tell:cool:) who know most likely how it would be done?

Really makes me leary leaving it out!

However, I would get back $79,000 from Hagerty if it disappeared. Even with that, I still wouldn't want to lose it!

fascinating read.......
I don't know how it was stolen. The car was taken late at night from my driveway - with no evidence of a break-in. It had an alarm, but frankly, the alarm isn't that loud, and at 2 or 3 AM, I could see people sleeping through it on my street.
If the car didn't have an alarm or imobilizing device, it would be a piece of cake to steal.

With no alarm, why a piece of cake? With no key how do they steal it? How about some details, "not a piece of cake" stuff! (even though I love cake):smile:

Wanted:Don't we have some retired (or not) pros out there with some real life answers? Could give us some info that we could actually decifer.

How would a thief steal our cars? The bastards will hate you for it!

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With no alarm, why a piece of cake? With no key how do they steal it? How about some details, "not a piece of cake" stuff! (even though I love cake):smile:

How would a thief steal our cars? The basterds will hate you for it!


If the car was parked nose first in the driveway, all they have to do is hook it up to a tow truck and adios amigos.
I was out at the casino one "lucky night" and saw someone had parked in front of the valet entrance and took their keys inside. After about 30 min of trying to have the person come back, two valet people jacked one side and put both wheels on a 4 wheeled dolly and did the same to the other side and just simply pushed the car into a parking spot. I don't know if the thieves would have gone to this much trouble to take the car but very possible. It only took the valet's 4 min to have the car rolling.
If the car was parked nose first in the driveway, all they have to do is hook it up to a tow truck and adios amigos.

Now here is something we can work with.

So far, the best way to stop your NSX from vanishing.
Always back into the driveway.

Well it's a start!:smile:


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