^ +1 Amen brother - you could always sell the Miata too...... What a mess. Sounds to me like you know something about your old NSX that 29.3k was "too good a deal to pass up". Sounds like you were ready for a change and to pocket some change. Good luck. So long to an old NSX owner maybe the Miata site will be as good as this one. Tha't's only a consolation cause we know the NSX is a better car than a Miata - but maybe not with needed extra dough in pocket. There is more to this story that meets the ear so far. Good luck though.
Yet another idiot spewing stupidity out his ass without any knowledge. Believe me, I was surprised as hell when I got the call late on Monday night that my car was found. The fact is, I DID attempt to make lemons out of lemonade by taking advantage of a settlement, and getting a lesser car and putting $17K in the bank. That's what's known as a responsible adult thing to do. But there is NOTHING more to the story than that. The car got stolen, and I made a responsible adult decision that I didn't need another exotic high end sports car, when an inexpensive, reliable, fun and economical low end sports car could meet my needs at 1/3 the cost. Grow up. I know that I did.