My NSX was stolen right out of my driveway: Black '95 JH4NA1187ST00235

Re: My NSX was stolen right out of my driveway

I dont know what color your NSX was but I might have found it they are selling the parts off it,, if you look at the pictures they cover the wheels so you dont know what kinda rims are on it since this is sort-of like a fingerprint, US NSX owners need to stick together heres the link,, the NSX is Silver
Re: My NSX was stolen right out of my driveway

Saw that earlier on E-Bay as well.
They're selling the entire front end so far from either a complete facelift or they nicked it and so stupid they didn't think it would be seen and reported.
What colour is yours?
This one is in New York.

Re: My NSX was stolen right out of my driveway

it looks like the ad was for just the fender, if I'm not mistaken

edit: but then one will also see the rest of the front end and wheels being parted out.

that DOES look shady.
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Re: My NSX was stolen right out of my driveway

Looks like an opportunity to upgrade! Color, year, CTSC, whatever! Sorry to hear, but I am the eternal optimist . . . KH
Re: My NSX was stolen right out of my driveway

Update: As of now, the car has not been recovered - I suspect it was chopped in Tijuana before I even knew it was gone.

On a positive note, I just got notified of the Insurance Company (Farmers) proposed settlement. I believe it's fair. They came up with a cash valuation of around $28K, plus they also give me around $2200 for costs to register a car of that value, and subtract my deductible of 1K, so I'm getting around $29.2 K cash settlement. To my mind, I was pretty sure that the range of a fair settlement was going to be something between $27-30K all in, so I really can't complain about that.

I really loved the NSX, but this is now the 2nd one I've had to receive an insurance settlement on (I wrecked one in 2001, but walked away from a flip-over crash). So I'm probably going to buy something else down the road.

BTW, I'll be listing in the classifieds, a set of 225/45/16 and 255/40/17 Sumitomo HTRZ tires for a good price, As I no longer have a car to put them on.
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Re: My NSX was stolen right out of my driveway

How many miles did you have on it? I'm just curios what the insurance company went by to determine the value. Thanks. If the mileage wasn't high then that seems a bit low.
Re: My NSX was stolen right out of my driveway

Mileage was between 73-74K.

I'm pretty sure that they went by actual sales prices in Southern California in the past several months. I personally saw cars that I considered comparable that were asking for prices in the $28-30K range, and I suspect that if someone showed up ready to buy at $28K, they could get the car.

I bought the car 7 years ago, with 25K fewer miles on it, for a little over ~$35K

Makes me glad I hadn't yet dropped $1K on the timing belt replacement - which I was getting ready to do.
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Re: My NSX was stolen right out of my driveway

So what happens if they recover the car next month with minimal damage due to joy riding? Do they give you the option to buy the car back at a lower rate? Or is it just considered salvaged no matter how bad the damage?
Re: My NSX was stolen right out of my driveway

I was told that if they recovered the car after I got a settlement, they would appraise the damage and I could buy it back for the value less the appraised damage, or just keep the money and they would dispose of the car.

But both I and the police think that's moot. The cops told me that NSXs only get stolen when someone has an order out for one. They highly doubt it was taken for joy riding - if it was, they would almost surely have recovered it within a few days.
Re: My NSX was stolen right out of my driveway

I think if the car is recovered after a settlement it will have a salvage title, even if it's in perfect condition.
Re: My NSX was stolen right out of my driveway

That sucks, I dont know what I would do if someone stole mine. but whats cool is that you get almost all of your original purchase price back, such a good investment, very little Depreciation,
Re: My NSX was stolen right out of my driveway

That sucks, I dont know what I would do if someone stole mine. but whats cool is that you get almost all of your original purchase price back, such a good investment, very little Depreciation,

Easy Shawn, you're headed down the ShiftyBob slippery slope...
Re: My NSX was stolen right out of my driveway

Terrible news! Where in San Diego are you if you don't mind sharing? Looks like I need to get lowjack, and quick status! I had my brand new (at the time) 2000 civic SI, and it got stolen 6 months after I got it. I felt really violated. Sigh. Keep your spirits high though, no matter what happens. Best of luck, and keep us posted with the status.
Re: My NSX was stolen right out of my driveway

Update guys heres his Parts for sale comment, hope its still intact

<TABLE class=tborder id=post1288585 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=6 width="100%" align=center border=0><TBODY><TR vAlign=top><TD class=alt1 id=td_post_1288585 style="BORDER-RIGHT: #d1d1e1 1px solid"> Re: Sumitomo HTRZ and HTRZII tires for sale for NSX
<HR style="COLOR: #d1d1e1; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #d1d1e1" SIZE=1><!-- / icon and title --><!-- message -->I need to pull this ad - I just got a call that my NSX may have been recovered intact - so I still may need the tires
<!-- / message --><!-- sig -->__________________
<!-- / sig --><!-- edit note --><HR style="COLOR: #d1d1e1; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #d1d1e1" SIZE=1>Last edited by dougjgreen; 03-23-2010 at 09:39.
<!-- / edit note --></TD></TR><TR><TD class=alt2 style="BORDER-RIGHT: #d1d1e1 1px solid; BORDER-TOP: #d1d1e1 0px solid; BORDER-LEFT: #d1d1e1 1px solid; BORDER-BOTTOM: #d1d1e1 1px solid">
</TD><TD class=alt1 style="BORDER-RIGHT: #d1d1e1 1px solid; BORDER-TOP: #d1d1e1 0px solid; BORDER-LEFT: #d1d1e1 0px solid; BORDER-BOTTOM: #d1d1e1 1px solid" align=right><!-- controls --></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>
Ironically, the car was recovered, with supposed quite MINOR damage to the trim yesterday but that the car appeared intact and functional). But my insurance company had already completed the transfer paperwork, so I am getting a check, not the car. I haven't seen the car, it's in a storage lot about 40 miles from my home. I don't know if it's going to have clean title or salvage title when the insurance company re-sells it. Given the economy, I'm probably not going to pursue getting the car back rather than the roughly $29.3K I am getting in it's stead.
What if they offer it to you at a price you can't refuse? Say they let you have it for 15k? I would do it since you know about the car. They have to pay money for the storage of the car, sending it through the auction, paying the auction fee and then people in general will want to pay less for a car they don't know about. It doesn't hurt to ask what they would sell it back to you for. This is one of those times when you can low ball the "seller" and not feel like an a$$hole for it.
The only problem with me taking the NSX back at a low-ball price is that I just bought a really clean Miata over the weekend ($12K exactly for a loaded '06 with 30K miles on it that looks like a brand new car) to replace the NSX. I can't rationalize owning 2 two-seat sports cars right now - although I will be the first to admit that a Miata is nowhere near the class of an NSX - it is a more practical daily driver around town. I think I could turn around and sell the Miata for close to what I paid for it, given it's pristine cosmetics and low mileage, but I would certainly end up losing the cost to register one or both of these cars again.

If the NSX had been recovered 2 days earlier, I'd still own it, and wouldn't have bought the Miata. If I really could get the NSX back for the vicinity of $15K, that's probably a low enough price to justify taking it back and selling the Miata even with the hassle factor and the expense of tax and license on both cars, but for $20K or more, probably not so much. Especially since there is some cosmetic damage (I don't know how much, since I haven't seen it - could be in the hundreds, could be in the thousands - given the cost of NSX repairs). In any case, I'll let the board know what eventually happens, because I know that mechanically, the car was sound and I was only the 2nd owner when it was stolen (although, at approaching 75K miles, it's due for a timing belt replacement which is a thousand dollar job).
Well woulda coulda shoulda, its like replacing your pet dog and its not even buried yet, I think you jumped the Gun when you got this huge check in the mail, was like lets go spend it... like a lottery Winner curse.

But think if you could low ball the insurance company and get the NSX back for 10K you could sell it and double you money back since you have proof about the salvage title/stolen etc. or part it out and triple your money back. ya know..

I had car I wrecked and could have gotten it back for real cheap but i didnt want my drivway to be cluttered with cars so I let them take the wrecked car, then I relize later that I could have parted it out and tripled my money,, I wish I could go back in time and Keep my old car ya know.. just think about it before it to late. good luck

But the next NSX you see down the road you gonna Kick yourself in the butt for letting it go..
well you cant say "you were never told".
Well woulda coulda shoulda, its like replacing your pet dog and its not even buried yet, I think you jumped the Gun when you got this huge check in the mail, was like lets go spend it... like a lottery Winner curse.

But think if you could low ball the insurance company and get the NSX back for 10K you could sell it and double you money back since you have proof about the salvage title/stolen etc. or part it out and triple your money back. ya know..

I had car I wrecked and could have gotten it back for real cheap but i didnt want my drivway to be cluttered with cars so I let them take the wrecked car, then I relize later that I could have parted it out and tripled my money,, I wish I could go back in time and Keep my old car ya know.. just think about it before it to late. good luck

But the next NSX you see down the road you gonna Kick yourself in the butt for letting it go..
well you cant say "you were never told".

^ +1 Amen brother - you could always sell the Miata too...... What a mess. Sounds to me like you know something about your old NSX that 29.3k was "too good a deal to pass up". Sounds like you were ready for a change and to pocket some change. Good luck. So long to an old NSX owner maybe the Miata site will be as good as this one. Tha't's only a consolation cause we know the NSX is a better car than a Miata - but maybe not with needed extra dough in pocket. There is more to this story that meets the ear so far. Good luck though.
Tim, it just seems funny with this one ya know?

I remember when I wrecked my car, I got a check in 2 days, and I know the feeling cuz I took that money and some savings and went and bought a brand new Acura TL w/Navi, and didnt look back till I thought a little and was like I could have parted out my old car and tripled my money, Oh well

But to go and buy a Miata wow what a downgrade he said he didnt want 2 2seater cars, well should have bought any 4 door instead. but we live and let learn.

Its almost as if he parked it somewhere for 30 days till they sent the check and then after he gets the check wow they find it. I amnot saying he did that but it seems logical ya know.
Its almost as if he parked it somewhere for 30 days till they sent the check and then after he gets the check wow they find it. I amnot saying he did that but it seems logical ya know.

I have heard that cars don't float. :wink:
Tim, it just seems funny with this one ya know?

I remember when I wrecked my car, I got a check in 2 days, and I know the feeling cuz I took that money and some savings and went and bought a brand new Acura TL w/Navi, and didnt look back till I thought a little and was like I could have parted out my old car and tripled my money, Oh well

But to go and buy a Miata wow what a downgrade he said he didnt want 2 2seater cars, well should have bought any 4 door instead. but we live and let learn.

Its almost as if he parked it somewhere for 30 days till they sent the check and then after he gets the check wow they find it. I amnot saying he did that but it seems logical ya know.

If you think that seems logical, you're an idiot. I needed a car. I had been told in no uncertain terms that if the car didn't show up in a few days, it was gone. And the insurance paid it off - so I bought another car. They obviously know more about the likelihood of that happening that the peanut gallery here does. Frankly, the Miata is NOT a downgrade for a general purpose car to drive around town. It is a huge downgrade for a performance sports car. But I frankly didn't NEED a performance sports car, I'd owned an NSX for 10 of the last 12 years. I'm now 50 years old, and I don't plan on ever putting a car on a track, or exceeding 100 mph in any vehicle I drive ever again. In terms of my insurance company, I had totaled two NSXs, which I considered to be an omen not to get another one - not to mention the very strenuous opinions voiced by parent and significant other about not getting another one. I got a car that happens to be fun to drive, reliable, economical, practical, and allowed me to put $17K of my settlement into the bank during difficult economic times. Yes, I did downgrade from an expensive extreme performance toy to an economical moderate performance one. It's called prioritization of needs.

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