MY NSX got stolen...

:frown:Sorry to hear, hope the criminal burns in hell:mad:.

I got lo-jack in my NSX and the civic. It's worth the money.
May someone needs to run a group buy for lo-jack.
as of today...

NOTHING.... :mad:

Few call from Insurance Company... :thud:

I take her back no question ask... or on any condition... :cry:
I don't understand what a thief does with a car this rare and uncommon. If it was just a joy ride the car would end up on the side of the road somewhere, eventually found by the police. This isn't a Camry stolen for its parts or shipped to Mexico.

What do you think happened to it?
I don't understand what a thief does with a car this rare and uncommon. If it was just a joy ride the car would end up on the side of the road somewhere, eventually found by the police. This isn't a Camry stolen for its parts or shipped to Mexico.

What do you think happened to it?

When I lived in Scotland there was an attempt to steal my first NSX. At that time, there were only 300 of them in the UK and only 13 in Scotland. Now talk about being rare and uncommon.

I asked the police the same question you're asking. They told me that it was most likely a professional ring and that it was probably headed for a container and then shipped overseas.:eek: They also said the people were probably following me around for a while. They had a frequency grapper that globbed into my keyless frequency. (You were able to purchase these devices in the UK.)
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