My NSX got Owned by EVO

OK, I have two observations that are relevant to us 30+ married guys:

1) Who cares if he is a little bit faster, when you pull up to valet park and hand the keys of your EVO over they probably laugh quietly behind your back - IMHO its not a daily driver for anyone over 30

2) Chicks dig guys in NSXs - even someone who knows nothing about cars loves to look at an NSX, a friend's wife said she thought the WRX needed a nose job and the turmors removed! (you can apply her thinking to the EVO too, i'm sure!) :biggrin: - a great thing for us guys over 30, we need anything we can get to get attention from girls!

My conclusion: The NSX is a tool for us "older" guys, the EVO is just a fast car. :wink:
I was in Las Vegas last weekend and was fortunate to have experience the ride of my life! :biggrin: I took several spy photos...hehehe..but I'll let Faxtor X be the first one to post it...

"THE FX800"

The car is just mind blowing FAST!!!!!!
I wont give you the details but for a teaser...while under the testing/development stage it will do 3.2 sec in 0-60.. :eek: :eek: :eek:

Mike and Ken thank you so much for giving me a ride in the FX800 :biggrin: guys are awesome..I've never met anybody so genuinely passionate about the NSX...It was really exciting to have met Mike...unfortunately I didnt have much time in my hands to test drive the FX500... :frown: Well now the only thing I could think about is going FX Turbo :redface:

Now...can we all say that a modified NSX is way FASTER??? Enough said!!! :wink: