my next newbie question?? buy high?

31 July 2009
Palm Bch Co Fla
Lets say I have 45K in my pocket and I want an NSX Would you guys recommend getting the BEST...CLEANEST...NEWEST...NSX I can get for 44,999.00 oooorrrrrrr Say a very nice one for 34,999.00 and keeping the extra cash for repairs...maintenance...etc over the next couple yrs? Just curious your experience and thoughts on these cars as they become a tad older...I like the T model so prob stuck on 95 and newer...


(Hypothetical question so don't offer me your NSX for 44,999.00 just kidding ) lol Just trying to get an idea of your thoughts since you guys actually OWN them, care for's just a number I pulled out of my butt!!!

Do you have any other money laying around? Need to keep some for running the car and maintenance.

So if $45k is all you can scrape together, Id go with something lower priced.

This also assumes you have income.
+1 to the above. I wouldnt buy an NSX at all unless the money was completely disposable. Meaning that insuring, fueling and maintaining it just fit in the normal budget along with every other expense and still allow me to save money every year. Then, whatever is left over that can be played with, I would consider reasonable to allocate for a big purchase. Whatever that number is, I would spend.

The biggest ticket items for the NSX are the major service (TB/WP/hoses,etc) which will run ~$2000 on the high end and should be done roughly every 7 years or 60k miles and then tires which will use up as fast as you use them. Of course it is a Honda so it's reliable, but its also an Acura and its out of production, so parts and labor arent exactly cheap and arent necessarily a piece of cake to find (cant really take the NSX to just any old Acura dealer).
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Everyone has made good points and with all that said ;....

The best advice anyone can give you is buy the best and newest one you can AFFORD!

If you have expendable cash and a job and your just talking theoretically then lets be honest here!

In my opinion and I just bought my first one and it's a 91 and it was in my comfy budget range - but if I'd had more dispensable cash I'd have bought a newer car one with power steering and the 3.2 /6 speed 2001 cause I like the disappearing headlights and while I'm at it I'll add in the < 20k miles too! If I'd had 60k I'd have tried to get a 2005 cause it would be close to a new car and I'd love to have a new NSX that is only a few years old.

From a purely technical standpoint I can't imagine anyone here arguing that a 91 is a better car than a 2005- no way!

So then it would stand to reason except for the 95 and 96 which were the nether years of targa and no increase in hp to offset the additional weight (only reason) the N2 and N3 are technically better cars than the N1 in a lot of ways and the least of which, not to be discounted, they are just plain newer less wear and less age.

What's best for you - only you can answer but no one would spend every dime they had on the newest car and not have anything in reserve to take care of it - just plain good sense- so for the sake of a theoretical - purely technical discussion - newer and later gen = better in my book and every other book too I'm sure. Surely is in Honda's mind or they wouldn't have "improved" it now would they!

Kind of a rhetorical question actually in my mind. All things being "equal" a newer model is better than an older one cause we aren't talking vintage here by any means ok - this isn't a Ferarri or Porsche discussion looking for the "raw" feel of the early cars except that the early NSXs didn't have power steering. I'm sure there are pluses and minuses but let's face it in the modern world good inobtrusive power steering is a good thing.

There I've said it - not trying to hurt anyones feelings - I feel I have earned the right to speak cause I have a 91 - ok. Oh, and I love my car but I love NSXs too -all of em- but I'm sure I'd really love a 2000 mile 2005 more! I could be wrong.....

Not everyone that purchases a car pays cash. I took out a loan for my 91 NSX. It was in original condition with 10,000 original miles on it. I had to pay to have the WP/TB and 60K service done. I wanted a hard top so my choices were limited. My car still runs and looks like new inside and out.
I am very happy with my choice.

It is said that nobody drives a new car. I feel that the condition and mileage of the car are more important than the year if you want the new car feel.
Not everyone that purchases a car pays cash. I took out a loan for my 91 NSX. It was in original condition with 10,000 original miles on it. .

IMHO you are crazy to take out a loan on a 15+ year old depreciating asset.

Avoid it if you can.
99.9% of all cars depreciate. 90% are financed. Are only 10% of all car buyer sane, or do only 10% have liquid assets for this size purchase? I financed my 91 at 3.99%, which is less then the interest on the my business line of credit, and leaves it and my home equity line available for other things. Every one's financial situation is different, and you should look long and hard at your situation before financing a car like the NSX. I'm glad you can pay cash for your, and I am a little nuts, but I'm far from crazy.:smile:
I've been financing cars for a long time. Doesn't matter how new or old they are. This NSX is the first one, well second that I've bought with cash. So I surely understand anyone buying on credit. However, they are depreciating but then what the heck - you only live once.

The only thing that doesn't depreciate are cars you keep a short time and don't drive much. I did that with 2 Porsches and lost no money. You can't do that with an NSX I don't think not and own it for 5 or forever but then if you own it forever then who cares.

Just buy the one that makes you comfortable with your available funds. Have fun and enjoy life.