My e-hate of the Angus kit I don't own (don't worry, thread won't be deleted)

Wow. What a thread. I actually spoke to Wil today about his kit. This guy is an encyclopedia of nsx knowledge and more than willing to answer all my questions. Most of which he has probably replied to a thousand times. This guys opinion of his kit will NOT sway my deciding factor in buying from Wil. The 50+ users running his setup will.

It's too bad somebody who can't afford the price of admission chooses to bag on another vendors product. Then again, somebody has to bag my groceries.
Admin don't ever delete this thread! And guys keep it clean so they don't have to. Congrats Wil the reputation you built for yourself is doing what it should. Standing true and holding strong, people with integrity recognize a flash in the pan and in a few months.... rj who?
Posting this on the Angus thread was deleted. So that's probably why when it doesn't work we don't hear about it.

Enough said...

We don't want stuff like this polluting real vendor threads. But you're welcome to have your own thread here. If you view it with the right frame of mind you might gain some knowledge to supplement your opinions.
Wonder why he hasn't responded yet. ?
Maybe he's busy back at the drawing board !
Let me get this straight. rj45 posted on this forum a few months ago to ask for advice on how to build a turbo kit, a project that he's never attempted before, and now he's an expert on the flaws in turbo kits that have been successfully road tested for years. I'm sorry but his tactics with this forum is going to make it hard for him to sell his unfinished and untested kit at any price to the Prime audience. That is if he can even achieve his product at the $4K price point. Which I doubt he can if it is to have the quality that we all demand for our rare cars.
I am happy I came across this thread. After reading the hate on for Angus I decided to go over and read through the 48 page thread dedicated to Wils turbo kit. All I have to say is thank you rj45 for introducing me to an affordable, well built quality turbo kit for the NSX. After boosting my RSX and piecing the kit I was no where near the price for this full kit - gauges, clutch, etc. I also curse rj45 for really making me contemplate boosting my NSX, considering I told meself after the NSX that I would never boost another NA car again....

If Major Stoner was still around, he would claim that this thread is all an elaborate ruse by Will to pump up his own kit.

Fess up Will, we know your behind this! Haha haha!
You my friend, should not talk about what you know shit about. The pipe can not be just "re-welded." with that WG position there is almost certainly no room. Thanks for your "contribution". You should stick to name calling and school yard insults.

Even if you could spend 300$ that pipe alone would end up costing you like nearly 2k??? What? Are you insane!!!! You realize that's around 100$ in materials maybe 150 depending on how expense his turbo flange is. What you are paying for is his engineering and the fact that the kit is proven. Getting it redone would be insanity, better to just leave it. It will work ok but it will reduce the life of the turbo and you'll lose a small percentage of momentum / boost. As I said in the deleted thread I theorize that you shouldn't run a BB turbo with that pipe as it will give axial vibration on the turbine with that angle. However, since we putting a lot of K on our cars I would say it is fine.

Truth is if I had 10k to blow I'd do it, but since I do not I will build my kit and so far it's around 2k and the parts are of higher value except his welding and exhaust are going to be better than mine. His welding is pro.

I can get it fix for under 150 bucks. All u need it about 4" of 1.5 id stainless straight tubing, there is alot of room right next to the turbo for wg. I do run bb gtx35r turbo on it, no problem what so ever in 1.5 years beside about 2 psi boost creep from 4-8k rpm after install more free flow exhaust which i made and cost me 250 bucks with my 110v mig
You my friend, should not talk about what you know shit about. The pipe can not be just "re-welded." with that WG position there is almost certainly no room. Thanks for your "contribution". You should stick to name calling and school yard insults.


Didn't read this whole thread, but I recognize the photo pictured in your first post because I'm the one who took it. Above is another photo that I personally took that proves that the above quote made by you is in fact WRONG. You my friend, should not talk about sh...anything at all.
Trying to get pics for collectors plates is a scam? No, the fact you need stock rims to get them is just BS.

Yes, I do think the J swap will be huge.

I know hardly anything about cars in general. I admit I went overboard.

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I don't think you understand what my point was. This angle doesn't really show the percentage of flow that favors the wastegate. It is recommended to be 50%. I was just sayin.

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So you do get boost creep with his design?

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Your welcome. I think Lovefab lowered their price and the intercooler design is a obviously more pro IMHO...

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Let me get this straight. rj45 posted on this forum a few months ago to ask for advice on how to build a turbo kit, a project that he's never attempted before, and now he's an expert on the flaws in turbo kits that have been successfully road tested for years. I'm sorry but his tactics with this forum is going to make it hard for him to sell his unfinished and untested kit at any price to the Prime audience. That is if he can even achieve his product at the $4K price point. Which I doubt he can if it is to have the quality that we all demand for our rare cars.

I would agree with your statement for the most part. However, the toughest part to the turbo kit is just finding the best mounting positions. There is not much room down there. My welding sucks, but then again you can't see it because it's all heat wrapped and silicon sprayed as it should be.

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I really am not trying to bash Wil, there was some background to this thread that was deleted.

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Admin don't ever delete this thread! And guys keep it clean so they don't have to. Congrats Wil the reputation you built for yourself is doing what it should. Standing true and holding strong, people with integrity recognize a flash in the pan and in a few months.... rj who?

I don't think I said I was going to sell my kit. Everything I learn will be free for you to ignore, heckle or for some maybe some try yourself. For myself I would rather blow my engine than pay 10k for a kit but that is me. For me that is a lot of money maybe not for you guys. When you buy his kit your buying the design and the proven track record and his support when things go wrong. I wouldn't be able to supply this I'm not a mechanic.

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So hold on. If I point out a question that my imply a flaw such as the waste gate position in the angus thread are going to delete that? Basically if anyone says anything negative I guess that is "pollution". Just as above someone said that he experienced boost creep with the angus kit? (Or at least I think he did)

In my case I had a question for angus that I will now admit was self serving because it's not easy to improve on what he has. I just wanted to ask if he had problems with boost creep because from my investigation ( that you deleted) it appears not the ideal position and I wanted to know why he did it the way he did.

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Bottom line that is getting you called out as being a troublemaker is that you didn't buy the kit and review it. You inquired and decided that it wasn't for you and now you went public pointing out issues you have with it. Truthfully I feel that in its price range it is probably the best option available for our cars. If someone wants a high end kit capable of massive power then there are definitely other avenues to explore.....but none in the comparable price range. I do not have Wils kit nor would I go that route, but he has helped me out with other things and I will say he was always very responsible and eager to help me out on every occasion.

I was pissed off my thread was deleted. I probably too far, this was just me posting again what I did in he thread. I should not have called it a review but the WG position I do not understand why he put it there.
Just to be clear, the original t67 turbo that came with the kit work great with the wg placement, no boost creep what so ever. I only experience boost creep after I install fast spooling turbo
The reason I have boost creep is because I told will I didn't want the t67 I wanted it to spool sooner so he made some adjustments for me and this is the first time he used a certain turbo with a certain type of housing wg size for my specific needs. The creep would never happen with the kit he usually made but for my wants he made sometjjng else work and like anything else there is a bit of trial and error. Anyways 1-2 lbs is a non issue especially when I turn the boost up in a couple of months.
Trying to get pics for collectors plates is a scam? No, the fact you need stock rims to get them is just BS.

RJ some of us do dumb, learn from it and move on. In your case because you continue to try and defend your actions I feel an obligation to post the facts.

You wanted BC Govt Collector Plates on your 1995 NSX to save money on insurance.

Unfortunately your 1995 NSX doesn't qualify for BC Collector Plates. It has non-period correct wheels, an 02+ front end, a modified incorrect interior, an 02+ rear spoiler, modified side skirts, and apparently a turbocharged engine coming up. Any one of these items disqualifies your car from qualifying for BC Collector Plates not just the wheels.

Because your car was too modified to qualify you went on the Prime Forums and requested an owner of a stock red NSX supply you with pictures of their car so you could use someone else's pictures and include them in your application for Collector Plates.
You would then sign your application to the Govt of BC Insurance Corporation certifying that the pictures in your application were of your stock NSX.
Furthermore you offered to pay an owner to furnish these pictures.

When the owners of NSX Prime realized you were using their Forums to try and perpetrate this fraud, they deleted your thread. I use the word fraud meaning "a deception deliberately practiced in order to secure unfair or unlawful gain." a definition from Wikipedia.

So RJ no matter what you say on this Forum, you have displayed your character for all to see and that speaks louder than anything you write.
RJ some of us do dumb, learn from it and move on. In your case because you continue to try and defend your actions I feel an obligation to post the facts.

You wanted BC Govt Collector Plates on your 1995 NSX to save money on insurance.

Unfortunately your 1995 NSX doesn't qualify for BC Collector Plates. It has non-period correct wheels, an 02+ front end, a modified incorrect interior, an 02+ rear spoiler, modified side skirts, and apparently a turbocharged engine coming up. Any one of these items disqualifies your car from qualifying for BC Collector Plates not just the wheels.

Because your car was too modified to qualify you went on the Prime Forums and requested an owner of a stock red NSX supply you with pictures of their car so you could use someone else's pictures and include them in your application for Collector Plates.
You would then sign your application to the Govt of BC Insurance Corporation certifying that the pictures in your application were of your stock NSX.
Furthermore you offered to pay an owner to furnish these pictures.

When the owners of NSX Prime realized you were using their Forums to try and perpetrate this fraud, they deleted your thread. I use the word fraud meaning "a deception deliberately practiced in order to secure unfair or unlawful gain." a definition from Wikipedia.

So RJ no matter what you say on this Forum, you have displayed your character for all to see and that speaks louder than anything you write.

Think what you want, I firmly believe that I am on side with the spirit of the law in the sense that what is "collectible" is largely in the eye of the beholder.

Some people have bypassed the system and got plates in BC and their cars are NOT stock. This is a slippery slope in my opinion either you need stock or you don't. It's all just ICBC insurance BS, and that is my take on it think what you want. I do not deny I will fuck ICBC any change I get, I hate them with a deep deep raging passion. That said, there is one moral issue about about claiming an injury that is false and there is another about bypassing a system which is clearly opaque in the regards to it's judgement of what is collector and what isn't. You clearly need to take a better look at this world if you think I'm the bad guy. My brother broke his skull because someone ran a red light and ICBC wanted to give him nothing! His jaw was clearly fucked up and he had to get it wired shut. What kind of BS is that, now that is morally wrong. This is ICBC and we are forced in our friendly dictatorship here in Canada to buy insurance from them. What a joke.

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I'm planning on heat wrapping and silicon coating pretty much the entire hot side. Maybe I should not have said as it should be. + and - to that I suppose.

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what turbo does the kit not work properly with?

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So from what has been posted IMHO it looks like pipe positioning to the wastegate is only guaranteed to work with the turbo supplied by Wilson if the spooling is faster, which as I claim is due to the positing ( at least on some of his older revisions). Anyone care to actually debate the position of the wastegate and the fluid dynamics that explain why it is in an ok or wrong position? Which actually was the point of the original post that was deleted ( maybe because the admin is on the payroll ). Or should we just continue with name calling and shit? That does appears to be what prime is all about so be sure to throw some insults in and discredit me without actually defending the actual topic of debate. We wouldn't want this to get meaningful.

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I'm not sure whats up but I can't use replay with quote or post pics of my latest setup ( for you guys to bash on.)

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Didn't read this whole thread, but I recognize the photo pictured in your first post because I'm the one who took it. Above is another photo that I personally took that proves that the above quote made by you is in fact WRONG. You my friend, should not talk about sh...anything at all.

Ah looks like reply with quote is working so I can answer you. The debate is not on the WG itself, its where the pipe comes off the Y before the turbo. That angle is what is important the WG itself doesn't matter (other than trying to place it away from heat.) I don't claim to be an expert here I did a quick google on fluid dynamics and WG placement.
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I'm not sure whats up but I can't use replay with quote or post pics of my latest setup ( for you guys to bash on.)

It's clear you are the victim of a global conspiracy perpetrated by the Insurance Corporation of the Government of BC. :eek: