My ABS light went the honeymoon over?

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Barney described a scenario even I can do - which should by it's nature jar the solenoids loose. If I can do this myslef I'll give it a try! Hope I don't screw anything up - right - that's always my fear is that I'll try and fix something and make it worse! Oh boy - don't need that so I may just take it to Eiffel unless when Barney calls me today he reinforces me to do this myself!

Thanks again for your encouragement - let's hope this is the solution and I really don't need a new unit. Barney said it should be easy. Easy for him to say! I'll be back on to give the final solution to it for me....thanks again to everyone that reached out with a helping hand.

What is this method ?
Did it work ?
What is this method ?
Did it work ?

I didn't do that - it's a wire to the battery that actually exercises each solenoid at the ABS unit. I took it to Eiffel and he used this electrical type gizzmo that induced the ABS at each wheel I believe. He's a primer and you can get in touch with him. That solved it for me.

I just here it come on every once in a while and it runs for a few seconds and shuts off. If I have it out in the rain - which is rare - I'll induce it myself several times just to get it going. It works fine.

I have no troubles with it at all.