My ABS light went the honeymoon over?

13 April 2009
Atlanta, GA
Hey Guys,

I'm sure some of you have had this before. This morning on my way in to work driving my "baby" I was applying the brakes and hit a little bump in the road - nothing really but the ABS activated a little and that funny sound like a fan blade tapping on something came on - it has before but then goes right off after a few secs - this time it stayed on - or kept making the noise and around the corner and then the light in the dash came on and it stayed on even though it seemed the sound wained.

So what's the prognosis from all you experienced NSX owners out there and what's this going to cost?

I've heard a little about the ABS here but didn't think much of it really and have forgotten anything I've read. I'm sure some of you will chime in and say go to wiki - research it. I will but I'm always hoping some smart guy will chime in and say - yeah I just went thru this and .....etc.

I'm hoping after my car stays in the parking garrage today at 64 degrees it will magically "cure" itself.....oh I hope and pray.... I thought my car was going to be just perfect after spending 5k on it when I bought the car - now the dreaded idiot light....but hey it's an 18 year old automobile with 44k miles on it. I guess there is never an end to this kind of thing at this age. What should I expect guys?

Thanks for all your help in advance.
Time to flush the ABS with fresh fluid. If you are lucky and it isn't too gummed up you will be good to go. If that fixes it, try to test the ABS on a regular basis. It will keep things from getting gummed up in the first place.

If that doesn't work, start looking for a used working unit(have seen a couple pop up in the for sale section occasionally) or go with the ABS delete option.
Time to flush the ABS with fresh fluid. If you are lucky and it isn't too gummed up you will be good to go. If that fixes it, try to test the ABS on a regular basis. It will keep things from getting gummed up in the first place.

If that doesn't work, start looking for a used working unit(have seen a couple pop up in the for sale section occasionally) or go with the ABS delete option.


The ABS pump should be exercised once in a whiles by getting hard on the brakes....this was told to be by Jon Martin (NSX Guru), so that the pump doesnt go bad.....otherwise you will be looking at a $2400 replacement for the part unless you go with the NA2 ABS upgrade....which is better if you have to go there.

Hopefully like Ed said its something that can be flushed and good to go.

Good luck
Thanks guys, but it seems if I have to "go there" I would opt for the ABS upgrade - that surely seems logical cause it's only 1800 for parts from SOS. I don't know what someone would charge to install it. Is it a hard job? Anyone done this as a DIY project? I bet there has been someone - I'll look at that DIY section - but in the meantime if someone feels like telling me their story - please do.

Thanks again! Eddy your info is great btw. I really appreciate it.
Someone did DIY the upgrade and there is a thread about it somewhere. I recall he said it took a lot longer than he had anticipated, but that it was doable.
Thanks guys, but it seems if I have to "go there" I would opt for the ABS upgrade - that surely seems logical cause it's only 1800 for parts from SOS. I don't know what someone would charge to install it. Is it a hard job? Anyone done this as a DIY project? I bet there has been someone - I'll look at that DIY section - but in the meantime if someone feels like telling me their story - please do.

Thanks again! Eddy your info is great btw. I really appreciate it.

Go "excercise" the ABS and go from there, maybe get it flushed after.
Maybe it is just a bad speed sensor in one of the wheels, read the code first. It happened to me once, went over a bump too fast, abs light came up and it was a bad speed sensor, it only cost me around $150.
Tim, sorry to hear about your ABS issue. Hopefully a simple fix. I'll keep my fingers and toes crossed its just a fluid change.....

p.s. Like you, I spent $$$ to have the car in tip top shape only now to have a CCU problem. When I can finally finish getting the unit out of my dash, its off to Briank for the fix.
Just pull the fuse and reset it, then do the solenoid flush. It is a common issue, especially during cold weather.

I think if the pump runs for 60 sec, then light will come on.

Here is the link for the DIY and it is really easy:

This is the same thead Blodi sent me and he said the same thing and had just done this. It sounds exactly like what happened to me - exactly. I took it too the dealer today just cause it's close - he said he'd run codes - don't know if you can run codes on a 91?

Anyway they said the ABS actuator/modulator was leaking and needed replacement - the guys just don't know NSXs. He obviously mistook the overflowing described in the thread you sent for a "leaking" ABS modulator - which by the way for the OEM part is 3000 bucks - I am sure hoping that it's the solonoid - and I'm really sure it is. They also wanted me to get the pump and the some other part of the gismo and labor was - are you sitting down -! No wonder those dealers make the big bucks! A solonoid flush turns into a new ABS system - unreal!

I'm sure its the solonoid - well this adventure is really just beginning. I pulled the motor fuse on the ABS - so it's deactivated now. I'll let you know what happens.

Thanks to all for the comments and especially this thread link! Man you guys saved my bacon - however if I had to replace it - I was going with the SOS updated version for 1800. Much better unit - it may be the best thing in the long run but I'm going to try the cheap route first!

Thanks again everyone - I really appreciate this group!
you probably do not need the upgrade. Mine requires a flush exercise every 12 months.
Ensure you wash the leaked Brake fluid from the ABS assembly. Brake fluid will take paint off clean.
Follow the flush process (with or without the T-wrench) and exercise each soliniod and you should be good to go. be careful not to put too much Brake fluid in when you are done. I fill just past the low level mark.
Learn to do this yourself. It looks like you can save thousands.
I bought the T-wrench. It paid for itself after the first use.
again, when you own a '91, this is a skill you need to have.
I can flush and exercise mine in 15 - 20 min. (a lot of practice) and it is always the same soliniod that causes the issue. I don't touch the other 3.
You probably have something stuck on one of the solenoids. The fluid may also overflow eventually as the fluid keep leaking out from the solenoid.

You can do the solenoid flush with a few wires as illustrated on the Dano instructions. It is really simply. I would suggest also replace as much brake fluid as possible in the process.

I am pretty sure it will fix your problem. Good luck.

The post that Honcho was referring to is here

I did the full upgrade myself and outlined many of salient points in the post. It is not a simple unplug the old and plug in the new parts. Overall, the whole process is quite a bit more involved than one would initially imagine.

As for finding people to do the work, that depends on your area. I can tell you that many of the dealerships will not embark on such a project even though it is primarily composed of genuine Acura parts due to potential liability.

The recommendations of warren & Ed are quite good. Having been through this whole ordeal, I would strongly urge you to first try the techniques described on Dano's site. You may have to go through that routine a few times and maybe even periodically.
Thanks 2k,

After reading your write up on the replacement - that is something I know I'll never attempt. If it took you 7 days would take me 14 days. I'm just not that good at stuff like this. I'm barely able to monkey with the solonoids as in the solonoid flush on the sites I've been given. I'm reluctant to do that - I know I couldn't tackle something like the SOS upgrade by myself. I'd have to have someone like you show me or watch over me. 7 days....geez...I'd be fit to be tied man. My brain would surely be fried.

But actually I would like to have that upgrade. I've been informed by Barney, the barn man, that to replace the stock system will cost 3600 in parts alone. That's unreal. I can't see that. I'm just hoping that I can get thru the flush ordeal. Say where do you get that special bleeder tool?

Thanks to everyone, man I tell you the support you guys give on this site is just awesome. I don't know what I'd do without you guys.

I have repaired EVERY ABS system that has come to me with this problem. It is common. Take the car over to EIFFEL, in MARIETTA, GA, and he will take care of you.

My $.02,

Tim, you have been given great advice and the problem is an easy fix. When I first got my NSX the ABS light was on and I took it to the stealership near me to get checked out. Same response; you need a new ABS system at $6k. I told them to do a flush and a few good hard stabs at the brakes and all was fine afterwards. I think the charge was $210 at the end, and the service manager and tech felt like complete idiots. Btw, that was almost ten years ago and I've never had a problem since.
Tim, you have been given great advice and the problem is an easy fix. When I first got my NSX the ABS light was on and I took it to the stealership near me to get checked out. Same response; you need a new ABS system at $6k. I told them to do a flush and a few good hard stabs at the brakes and all was fine afterwards. I think the charge was $210 at the end, and the service manager and tech felt like complete idiots. Btw, that was almost ten years ago and I've never had a problem since.

Hey Doc,

I've talked with Barney via emails and i know the advice here is great! I am so glad I'm a member here. Just saved me 4k - not that I would have paid that - but now I know that I don't need to! That's a huge load off.

Thanks for the encouraging words. I've been in touch with Eiffel here in Atlanta and his price is within 5 bucks of what yours costs. I'd say that was fair. However, Barney described a scenario even I can do - which should by it's nature jar the solenoids loose. If I can do this myslef I'll give it a try! Hope I don't screw anything up - right - that's always my fear is that I'll try and fix something and make it worse! Oh boy - don't need that so I may just take it to Eiffel unless when Barney calls me today he reinforces me to do this myself!

Thanks again for your encouragement - let's hope this is the solution and I really don't need a new unit. Barney said it should be easy. Easy for him to say! I'll be back on to give the final solution to it for me....thanks again to everyone that reached out with a helping hand.
I had that thing making the noise for like 3 months but it rained this week so I took out the NSX when the streets were wet and just slamed on the brakes about 10. I would go up to 50mph then just slam on the brakes. Problem is gone. You should try that first. I get this problem because I dont drive the NSX's I have in the rain. I am sure your car will be fine after that.
You know Vamp that sounds about like what Barney told me to do. It should be raining this weekend some. I'll try it then and get back with you guys!
having the same problem as well. did the abs bleed but abs still "ticks" while driving. and when slam on the brakes, the front will lock up. going to bleed the actual brakes again and see what happens.

any feed back for people with the abs deleted? TIA
having the same problem as well. did the abs bleed but abs still "ticks" while driving. and when slam on the brakes, the front will lock up. going to bleed the actual brakes again and see what happens.

any feed back for people with the abs deleted? TIA[/QUOT

I'm just guessing here but that's exactly what mine is doing and I believe that we both need a solenoid flush! That should unstick any sticking solenoids. Worth a try - check out the DIY link and read that- see if that doesn't sound like what you need. I am sure I need someone to help me with it so I'm going to our local NSX mech. - Eiffel. I'll be back with what i find. I'm also hearing some strange kind of creaking thing in the right front. Can't tell if its the shock or something else it kind of creaks and pops. Geez. I'd like to get all this behind me - stuff like this bugs me.

Good luck to you !
Well---i'm still having my ABS problem. The intermittent pumping noise would stop after I do some hard braking, but goes on again the next time I start up my car. I do not get any ABS lights tho... so any local Socal NSX mechanics with ABS experience?

Thanks guys ;]
Well---i'm still having my ABS problem. The intermittent pumping noise would stop after I do some hard braking, but goes on again the next time I start up my car. I do not get any ABS lights tho... so any local Socal NSX mechanics with ABS experience?

Thanks guys ;]

How often do you drive your car? When Eiffel worked on my car he had a gizmo that activated each brake on the car. Since then I get the occassional pumping from my ABS and then it goes off. Only had a couple of times since then that have required me to get on the brakes to activate the ABS. Best to do it when its just a bit wet out. But I drive mine a lot. Not everyday but I'd say 3 to 4 times a week. If your car is sitting a while between drives that's probably normal.