Mt. Baker Drive? Yes!! Saturday, August 27th.

Dean, Anada: Do you guys have any idea of what we will be doing when we get up the Mt. Baker Resort?? Looks like the weather would be nice... I remembered last year we were talking about an Mini Auto X at the lot... Well, I guess even if with lack of timing device, set up couple cones and have someone snapping pics of our cars in action would be cool...

Another thought, if you are going to open up the room like last year, we could, of course, have Hot Version and Best Motoring on the TV... But better idea is that we could have a mini X Box Forza Challenge..... or PlayStation GT3, I can provide the console and games. It'll be a fun time, as it will at least draw more interation between the participants.

I read and some from last year felt like us nsx owners have a big nose and seems don't care talking to them S2k owners.... which is not true, and I kind of want to do something as to bring the group together...

just a suggestion.

Optikal said:
How often does Boeing have auto-x events?

We have practice days about twice a month. These are timed events, but just for fun. If you run, you one group races on the course, the other group works the course (picks up cones, etc).

Its great practice...and there are lots of guys there with some serious skill to help anyone out who wants it.

Also fun watching Z's, STI's, 911's, Vettes, Stangs, Civics, etc etc duke it out. I have yet to see an NSX run...guess I'll be the first!

I'll make a post about it when the next practice rolls around in early September...see if I can't talk a couple of you guys into coming...

Back to the Baker drive.....
NSXDreamer2 said:
Dean, Anada: Do you guys have any idea of what we will be doing when we get up the Mt. Baker Resort?? Looks like the weather would be nice... I remembered last year we were talking about an Mini Auto X at the lot... Well, I guess even if with lack of timing device, set up couple cones and have someone snapping pics of our cars in action would be cool...

Another thought, if you are going to open up the room like last year, we could, of course, have Hot Version and Best Motoring on the TV... But better idea is that we could have a mini X Box Forza Challenge..... or PlayStation GT3, I can provide the console and games. It'll be a fun time, as it will at least draw more interation between the participants.

I read and some from last year felt like us nsx owners have a big nose and seems don't care talking to them S2k owners.... which is not true, and I kind of want to do something as to bring the group together...

just a suggestion.


Unfortunately, we won't be able to have any auto-x style activities while we are at the lodge because the lodge wants an insurance policy in place. Due to some problems trying to get communication in place we didn't have enough time to get it started this year. However, Dean would like this to be an annual event in August so next year we will be able to have an auto-x.

But we can try having some activities while we are at the lodge to help bring both groups together.

This is where I could use some help if someone could take charge with thinking up things to do while at the lodge. Last year we had a video running and it helped create some conversations among members. However, after a long drive I noticed some people were comfortable with just talking to people that they knew while eating lunch. This occured with both the S2000 and the NSX club.

Maybe, we can try to limit the seating available at the lodge so people sit together during lunch. Or we can create a more formal presentation to introduce key people, talk about the club, and answer any questions about the drive or future track events.

Here is another idea, have a fun game identifying fun things about car club members and their cars. For example, "Find someone who's initials spell a word," or "Who's car has forced induction?" Whoever finds the most information can win something. Well, let me know if that sounds cheesy or not. Anyone else have a better idea, perhaps?
DrVolkl said:
We have practice days about twice a month. These are timed events, but just for fun. If you run, you one group races on the course, the other group works the course (picks up cones, etc).

I'll make a post about it when the next practice rolls around in early September...see if I can't talk a couple of you guys into coming...

Back to the Baker drive.....

Wow, that is pretty often. I never realized the Boeing Club was so active. Well, keep me in mind if you can... if you would like to add a S2000 to the list!!!
I have a friend in town and we have some stuff planned for sat afternoon. So I think we might make a "halfway drive" up there - depending on time, etc. :biggrin:
VE7NSX said:
Nooksack is great for us. We should be there around 10am as instructed by Dean. I have 4 NSXs and 5 owners confirmed. We seem to be short one motor.

Short one motor? Not yours I hope, cause I would love to get a ride in your car again.

Dylan from Bellingham will be at Nooksack as well... hopefully you will find each other there before the group arrives.
We are using the same driving instructions from last year. Feel free to copy these before the drive.

A few more things to remember before showing up for the drive:

1) fill up on gas, check tire pressure and oil
2) bring a FRS radio and a lunch
3) a map, just in case

6:45-7:00am Arrive at NE 70th Pl park & ride in Kirkland (exit 17). This is located on the east side of I-405.

7:00am Leave for the Smokey Point rest area (coffee break) on I-5 north bound, set your tripometer to 0 before leaving the P&R.
Arrive at rest area located after exit 206 @ mile post 207.
Estimated travel time 35 minutes, tripometer @ 38.9 miles.
20 minute stay.

8:00am Leave rest area and head north on I-5, take next exit (208), turn right and head east on HWY 530 for about 3.5 miles and turn left onto HWY 9 north, tripometer @ 44.2 miles.

When entering the town of Sedro Woolley turn right onto the
North Cascade HWY (HWY 20 east), tripometer @ 71.4 miles.

Turn left back onto HWY 9 north @ the intersection of Arco-am/
pm and Dairy Queen, tripometer @ 72.7 miles. (Regroup at the school on the right hand side)

9:00am Arrive at photo-op @ tripometer setting of 84.1 miles, there is no landmark at this spot, lead car will stop. 15 minute stay.

9:15am Leave photo-op spot and head to Nooksack Casino. Follow HWY 9 north til it intersects with HWY 542, tripometer @ 95.5 miles, at this entersection turn left (heading west) for about a mile.
We will enter the casino area from the back and stage parking on HWY 542 (east bound). This will be a place for bathrooms or fuel and to meet the Canadian crew.
This will be a 15 minute drive from photo-op. 30 minute stay.

10:00am Leave casino and head east on HWY 542 (Mt Baker HWY). Next stop will be 15 miles east of the town of Glacier, tripometer @ 130.1 miles. This is the DOT Hwy garage. 45 minutes from the casino stop. 15 minute stay.

11:00AM LEAVE DOT Hwy garage and continue about 6 miles to enterance
of the White Salmon Lodge parking area. This last leg of the drive
is over rough roads, but they are paved.

We should arrive at the White Salmon parking area by 11:30, the gate to the parking area is usually closed, but will be open for us between 11:30 and noon. It will be important to arrive by these times. The gate will not be open after noon.

There is plenty of parking (paved) at the lodge. We should have some access to the lodge for bathrooms. Estimated time at the lodge about 1-2 hours. If at all possible would like to leave as a group so we do not have to open the gate to many times when leaving.
A strong reminder to everyone regarding Ananda's comment of
1. Fill-up before arriving
We will be leaving at 7am sharp, we may have Kirkland Police escort from the Park & Ride to I-405 (1 traffic light), so everyone gets on the highway together. Let's be ready to go by 7am....
So, family I didn't know were still alive showed up at my door, so now I can't go to Mt Baker :frown: I would let my boy take the drive but he is only 5 years old..I have heard the state patrol frowns apon that..thanks to Dean,Ron and Anada for putting this together...JZ
1. I spoke to the Kirkland Police Dept today and they will provide a traffic officer to help us on to I-405 as a group. They will be available at 7:15am, so everyone must be ready by 7:10am sharp.
2. I spoke to Duncan Howat - General Manager of Mt Baker Ski Area - and everything is a go for this saturday. He is asking for us to arrive as a group so we can keep the gate opening to a minimum. He has also informed me that most of the Mt Baker HWY from the town of Glacier has been repaved, and the drive is a lot better.
3. And the last update item - the White Salmon Lodge is usually a few thousand dollars to reserve, but he is asking for a small amount to cover cost of opening the lodge and starting the generators for us. These are not small Honda 5hp generators, we are talking about catepillar D9 motors. He is requesting a small fee of about $6.00 to $10.00 per person for use of the facility. We need $150.00 to $200.00 just to cover operating expenses. I think this is reasonable, and hope everyone is ok with this. I will collect the fee at the beginning of the drive (park n ride), so try to have 1's & 5's. The more people who attend the cheaper the cost per person. NOTE: This lodge is normally closed during the summer months.
2nd UPDATE *******

On a personal note, last friday my best-friend's wife back into the NSX and damaged the right rear 1/4 panel. The car is still at Bellevue Auto Rebuild now and they are trying to get it completed by friday night, but it's not looking to good to be on time.
So I may be driving a non-Honda vehicle on saturday. I have a miata line-up so far for a replacement, trying for a Porsche 968, or possibly try to demo an AMG car from work (not likely!). The one event I organize all year and I don't have my car. Maybe I'll just get an SUV and bring the tv's and x-box/playstation consoles. Regardless I'll be there no matter what. :frown:
NSX-D said:
2nd UPDATE *******

On a personal note, last friday my best-friend's wife back into the NSX and damaged the right rear 1/4 panel. The car is still at Bellevue Auto Rebuild now and they are trying to get it completed by friday night, but it's not looking to good to be on time.
So I may be driving a non-Honda vehicle on saturday. I have a miata line-up so far for a replacement, trying for a Porsche 968, or possibly try to demo an AMG car from work (not likely!). The one event I organize all year and I don't have my car. Maybe I'll just get an SUV and bring the tv's and x-box/playstation consoles. Regardless I'll be there no matter what. :frown:
Let me know if you want to ride with me - looks like I'll have a vacant seat :) The wife decided to not come along.
In case anyone read this, please let Dean or Ananda knows that me and Jackson (Freelance201) will meet you guys at the rest area @207 on I5, as we are living closer there than the Kirkland park and ride. See you guys there at 7:30am :)

Couple things I would like to add:

Make sure you bring a coat and something to drink. I believed it will still be a little chill up there if the sun is hiding.

Might also want to check on the tire pressure, brake pads, oil level...etc.

Last thing you wanted is you and the car stranged somewhere in the woods because of a stupid slow leak or something, and you could imagine calling for a tow would be $$$ :wink:

Fast car, fast driver please stay at the back of the group. You will have more fun back there, guranteed.
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Thanks to Dean and Ananda for pulling this together (not organizing :)) Great meeting you all! Hope everyone made it home safely.

Photos are on

Hope I got everyone in some form or other :) Please let me know if you want any specific images in full resolution. However, I don't have the time to do any post processing but do let me know if you'd like any of them post processed - I'm sure we can work something out :)
That was fast, S2ktaxi. But seems like the msn website is down.

zahntech, missed you there, it was a fun day...

Thank you Dean and Ananda putting this together. photos will be up soon.
Yes, we had some encounter with the patrol units but noone actually been stopped so it was cool.