Mr. Kerry, War Hero

Brian2by2 said:
And I'm still waiting for proof that he didn't get a purple heart for a foot fungus. I had asked a questions...I never said that he did. i said "I heard" and "didn't know for sure".
Brian, please provide proof that Bush and Cheney don't eat babies for breakfast.

It is generally accepted that the burden of proof falls on the person making an allegation. So, please prove to us that the foot fungus Purple Heart story has any credibility whatsoever.
Brian2by2 said:
Snopes claims that it was shrapnel and a scratch that caused Kerry to get one of his Purple Hearts.
Brian, are you being deliberately annoying, or are you really that slow?

Let me repost:
nkb said:
The text in the colored box is what Snopes is analyzing. In this case, it is a series of quotes from veterans that are speaking out against Kerry. The rest of the text is their (Snopes) analysis. If you read a little more closely, it mentions that only one of the quotes from Kerry opponents is from a person who actually served with Kerry.
The shrapnel comment is part of a quote that is being analyzed. Snopes is not making any claims as to how Kerry got any of his Purple Hearts.
I was worried when I thought people actually based their vote on bombast spewed forth by talk radio gasbags - the thought of people voting based on what they read on the internet is truly terrifying.:rolleyes:
nkb said:
Brian, are you being deliberately annoying, or are you really that slow?

Let me repost:

The shrapnel comment is part of a quote that is being analyzed. Snopes is not making any claims as to how Kerry got any of his Purple Hearts.

Are you being deliberately annoying or are you that slow?

Now, I went a typed in "John Kerry Purple Heart" (like I should have in the first place) and no, he did not receive a purple heart for a fungus, however, he did receive a purple heart for a wound which required nothing more than a band aid.

A band aid wound...biased site though :rolleyes:


Not Serious At All.....

Kerry, who piloted Patrol Crafts Fast (PCFs) as a young Lt.(jg) in the Vietnam War, has always made much of those Purple Hearts. An award often pinned on the pillow of a combat warrior so badly wounded that he cannot sit up to receive it, the Purple Heart recognizes the sacrifices of combat when a soldier or officer has sustained a wound "from an outside force or agent" and received treatment from a medical officer. The records for such treatment "must have been made a matter of official record," according to the military definition of the award.

In the confusion, Kerry claims to have received a "stinging piece of heat" in the arm, the result of a tiny piece of shrapnel. He was not incapacitated and continued with regular swiftboat-patrol duty. William Shachte, who oversaw this ad hoc mission, was quoted by the Boston Globe as saying Kerry's injury, from whatever source, "was not a serious wound at all."
RSO 34 said:
despite the fact that I am a trial lawyer I would never vote for Edwards for any office.

care to expand on this. I would think a Trial lawyer would prefer to have another trial lawyer in office.
NSXLuvr said:
care to expand on this. I would think a Trial lawyer would prefer to have another trial lawyer in office.

Personal preference not to entrust considerable amounts of political power to a relative neophyte whose experience has been in the litigation of plaintiff's personal injury lawsuits rather than in national and international affairs. I am not convinced that his political aspirations are not merely an act of self-aggrandisement rather than being altruistically motivated.

That being said, I do not mean to imply that Bush had substantially more experience when he ran the first time. I just do not feel confident in Edwards' background and experience to make him a heartbeat away from being the President.
Funny. Doing a search on "John Kerry Purple Heart" brings up dozens of anti-Kerry sites, but no neutral site that discusses this in an objective fashion.

The question nobody has answered so far is, what possible reason did the Navy have for giving Kerry a Purple Heart, if he didn't deserve it? Why would they bend the rules for him?

Also, after reading Louis Letson's recollections (the doctor that treated Kerry after the first wound), my BS meter is going off the scale.
Here is the link to what appears to be an ultra-conservative website:

So, this is a doctor that was treating casualties in Vietnam in 1968, and 35 years later, he recalls a lieutenant that came in with a shrapnel wound, and writes his thoughts down.

Is it just me, or is the incredible detail of his recollection (exact date of incident, exact size of the shrapnel, remembering specifics of conversations with Kerry and his boatmates) a little suspect?

I'm not saying Kerry's wound was substantial, and I have no opinion on whether he deserved the Purple Heart, because I just don't know. But I have serious doubts about the motivation of some of these accounts.

Ironically, nobody can remember whether Bush actually reported for duty in 1972, and payroll records disappear and reappear, but a doctor, who presumably treated thousands of military personnel, remembers minute details from 35 years ago? Give me a break.
Yes, some of these claims just do not pass the "sniff test" for those who are not ready to swallow a political charge hook, line, and sinker. And that's exactly what I am objecting to (as is RSO 34). It has nothing to do with politics or what side of the political spectrum you are on - and everything to do with spreading lies, especially when done with the motive of character assassination for political reasons.

I think Spencer started this topic to test us to see who is broad-minded enough not to believe everything they read over the internet. :D
nkb said:
I haven't heard the background on how Kerry got his Purple Hearts (or didn't deserve them).

Do you have a neutral site that analyzes this, or are you basing it on pro-Republican sites?
Snopes (which is decidedly neutral, and specializes in debunking urban legends, with no political agenda) has a complete description here. Note that the text with the shaded background is the propaganda that is being debunked. Also note that this is a different anti-Kerry urban legend, and a different Snopes web page, than the link which RSO 34 provided.
I didn't watch this video but I am assuming it is the same one that is runnin on the air here in ohio.

First things first I am goign to be voting for bush... No doubt in my mind he has what it takes to continue leading this country in the right direction. All this talk about the economy doing bad, war in iraq going bad is just a bunch of crap. Bush came into office at the hardest time when stocks were WAY overrated (tech) and there were unresolved issues that i am sure clinton didn't want to start up at the end of his term.

Now for the ad: I think that it shouldn't have been ran. Honestly I could care less about Kerry's war record because it was some 20 odd years ago. Let kerry dig his own hole on running on "I am a war "hero" and also I am a "anti-war" theme.
Tho bush had nothing to do with it it may hurt him.

Didn't Kerry nomniate himself for one of those purple hearts?:rolleyes:
First of all, Kerry campaigned for his purple hearts...they weren't "given" to him.

Second of all, to all of you who are claiming "Those guys didn't serve UNDER Kerry, so they don't know $#!t about him..."...neither did the guy he pulled out of the water to get his 2nd purple heart, but everyone sure values his opinion.

Kroger: you're exactly right. Bush came into office at a hard time. He started to head in the right direction in my opinion, but unfortunately, he was struck with another set back and a great tragedy.

I would love to have a democrat in office right now! The masters of foreign policy! :rolleyes:
This is just my opinion, but I don't think military duty has any bearing on how qualified someone is to be president of the United States. Kerry's time in the Senate and Bush's time as Governor of TX (and his first term as President of course) matter much more than how each of them served in the military.

As everyone knows, Clinton dodged the draft entirely, and the American public did not seem to care as they elected him twice, both by healthy margins.

If I had been alive then, I'm sure I would have been against the war and would have probably found a way out of going to Vietnam as well -- perhaps even the same way Bush did.

That said, this criticizing of Kerry's record is rediculous. First of all, there seems to be confusion between those that served WITH Kerry and those who simply served at the same time as him. Those who served WITH him were on stage at the Democratic Convention when he gave his acceptance speech. The guys who run this organization cited above, and who have made an anti-Kerry commercial are simply other Vietnam vetrans who served at the same time as Kerry, some even in the same area, but their interaction with him was little or in some cases, none.

Second, Republicans seem to think that if you change your mind about something, then you are a Flip-Floper. There is nothing wrong with someone who believed their government in the 1960s, joined the military and went to Vietnam, but then later on due to their experiences over there, and the fact that they were lied to, they no longer supported the war. That is called being intelligent. If when presented with new information, you stick to your old position regardless of the new information, then that is just being thickheaded.

And when he came back from Vietnam and reported war crimes, he and the other soldiers implicated should have been charged with war crimes and sentenced to jail time. However, instead of that happening, to avoid embarrassment, the military swept this entire episode under the carpet. A couple of people were tried and received slaps on the wrist and this was chalked up to being a couple small and isolated incidents.
ak said:
Why am I not surprised that this swift boat group is based in Texas?

Interestingly, I am very good friends with the president of Perry Homes, a regional home builder here in Texas. I was surprised to read that Bob Perry, the founder of the company, was the $$$ behind the Swift Boat Veterans campaign. Now, obviously there are a lot of machinations behind the scenes that you and I never know about, but it's always intriguing to me to see where the actual money comes from. I haven't had the opportunity to ask my buddy about this yet, even though I know he's a die-hard Republican.

Also, you might want to note that the Bush campaign has said that they don't support the ad, and don't question Kerry's military service at all. (Although I'm sure they are grinning! :D )

It was funnier when Kerry made a comment about supporting the mighty Ohio State Buckeyes, forgetting that he was giving a stump speech in Michigan. Oops!
LeftLane said:

It was funnier when Kerry made a comment about supporting the mighty Ohio State Buckeyes, forgetting that he was giving a stump speech in Michigan. Oops!
LOL, Now that's funny. Maybe Southwest Airlines will offer Kerry some $ to use that clip in their "Do you want to get away" advertisement campain. :D
Eric5273 said:
This is just my opinion, but I don't think military duty has any bearing on how qualified someone is to be president of the United States. Kerry's time in the Senate and Bush's time as Governor of TX (and his first term as President of course) matter much more than how each of them served in the military.

When you have a roll of leadership, such as Lt., your leadership qualities definetly do matter.

As everyone knows, Clinton dodged the draft entirely, and the American public did not seem to care as they elected him twice, both by healthy margins.

And he was elected by those that would have probably dodged the draft themselves ;) Oh, that and the pot-smoking, promiscous youth of America! ;) that whole statement was a flames :)

If I had been alive then, I'm sure I would have been against the war and would have probably found a way out of going to Vietnam as well -- perhaps even the same way Bush did.

Bush still served...don't kid yourself, but he was college educated (or in the process) and chose the smart route by volunteering for the ANG on his own. He did fly an F-102 for 6 years...

That said, this criticizing of Kerry's record is rediculous. First of all, there seems to be confusion between those that served WITH Kerry and those who simply served at the same time as him. Those who served WITH him were on stage at the Democratic Convention when he gave his acceptance speech. The guys who run this organization cited above, and who have made an anti-Kerry commercial are simply other Vietnam vetrans who served at the same time as Kerry, some even in the same area, but their interaction with him was little or in some cases, none.

Kerry served in a boat where there were SEVERAL soldiers around him at all times that weren't in his platoon. In fact, as mentioned, the guy he "saved" to win a Purple Heart was not only NOT in his platoon, but he wasn't even NAVY...he was Army if I read correctly. Kerry served beside Navy and Army soldiers alike.

The commercial is full of men who had little or no interaction with Kerry? Such as the medic that worked on him for one of his injuries? No contact there...I mean, he only diagnosed the cut as curable by band-aid :rolleyes:

Not to say they were all in his group, but I'm sure they have a reason for speaking out against him and making accusations like they have.

Second, Republicans seem to think that if you change your mind about something, then you are a Flip-Floper. There is nothing wrong with someone who believed their government in the 1960s, joined the military and went to Vietnam, but then later on due to their experiences over there, and the fact that they were lied to, they no longer supported the war. That is called being intelligent. If when presented with new information, you stick to your old position regardless of the new information, then that is just being thickheaded.

Then you flip-flop against those MAKING the decisions and not those who are simply being paid or being forced to act on them. Kerry, the "all great war hero" :rolleyes: should have had more respect for his fellow comrades than to throw paint on them upon their return. Protest against the queen, not the worker ants.

And when he came back from Vietnam and reported war crimes, he and the other soldiers implicated should have been charged with war crimes and sentenced to jail time. However, instead of that happening, to avoid embarrassment, the military swept this entire episode under the carpet. A couple of people were tried and received slaps on the wrist and this was chalked up to being a couple small and isolated incidents.

He reported war crimes??? I thought he was too busy campaigning for a Purple Heart??? Anywho, there seems to be several discrepancies as to Mr. Kerry's allogations. I'm sure he'll change his mind eventually as to his side of the story though :cool:
Brian2by2 said:
He reported war crimes??? I thought he was too busy campaigning for a Purple Heart??? Anywho, there seems to be several discrepancies as to Mr. Kerry's allogations. I'm sure he'll change his mind eventually as to his side of the story though :cool:

There are no discrepancies. He testified under oath in front of the Senate committee that was investigating this, and he was not the only person who testified. Nevertheless, all the testimony was swept under the carpet by the Nixon Administration and the Senate, neither of who wanted to admit that there war human rights abuses going on in Vietnam as a matter of policy, not a few isolated incidents.

Several low level people were tried and convicted and received slaps on the wrist, and the entire issue was put to rest.

Eventually the public became aware of what was going on due to several reporters doing stories on the subject, as well as the famous photo of the little kids running from a Napalm attack.
LeftLane said:
It was funnier when Kerry made a comment about supporting the mighty Ohio State Buckeyes, forgetting that he was giving a stump speech in Michigan. Oops!

Not as funny as this:

President Bush yesterday:

"Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we."

Perhaps he went off script and began to improvise and speak his mind. :D
Eric5273 said:
Not as funny as this:

President Bush yesterday:

"Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we."

Perhaps he went off script and began to improvise and speak his mind. :D

Actually, I think Kerry's comment was much funnier...saying "Go OSU" in Michigan?? OUCH.

Bush's comment (while, yes, it is pretty funny!) is just being misinterpreted.

Both are very funny though (and I'm trying to look at it without political bias)! :)
Eric5273 said:

Aren't you the one always screaming about unbiased articles? :rolleyes:

George Dubya clearly stated he doesn't support the ad's. Sure he's loving it, but he doesn't support it. So what if they're buddies? Doesn't distort facts.