More than you can afford pal......

MSRP says it all...

Generally speaking, tacky & inappropriate question(s) in most situations:

- how much did you pay for it
- how much do they go for
- how much is it worth

Though, at times such inquiries can be valid & justifiable in most enthusiast circles & car communities. It's not what you ask, it's how you ask it!

What's a slick way of answering w/o acting offended or seeming reactionary?

- Brand-new, it was over $60k (for '91, though went up ~$5k each successive model-year from '92-'94)
- Brand-new, it was over $84k (for '95-'96 5-spd)
- Brand-new, it was over $88k (for '97-'01 6-spd)
- Brand-new, it was about $90k (for '02-'05 6-spd)

... and then leave it at that! :cool:
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I usually tell them what they go for - starting at $25-30K up to $60-70K. That tells non-intrusive people what they want to know ...and avoids bragging and the none-of-your-business folks. Who wants to talk to them anyway? :biggrin:

When you buy an exotic or unusual car, you have to expect questions like that.

See the exotic car owner's guidelines posted on this forum. It's better to promote the hobby. :smile:
totally think of that F&F line whenever i get asked this. I know its been discussed in the past but not recently.

What do you say when someone asks you how much your car costs? My typical response is "its not for sale" but when hounded i tell them to look them up, i dont know what going rate is. Or lastly depending on my mood i tell them, no money down and the bank paid the rest.
but Never actually answer the question.

what do you guys say when a person (whomever or wherever) asks you how much your car is/was.

I simply tell them I have had the car a long time and do not remember. Simple as that.
One person asked "because he'd never seen one before" but was a total jerk about it. I told him "$10 million. The reason you haven't seen one is because this car was custom-made for me and there aren't any others out there. I had to sell my first company to get it."

PS -- I'm 24, so it's not like I look like I've founded a series of successful companies.

Generally, though, people seem to ask in a curious, friendly, and genuine manner and I say "about $40k including getting it back from Florida, but they hold their value really well."
I get that question in both the NSX and the GT, and to be honest, it makes me uncomfortable to answer in either case. I feel the same way about people asking me what I paid for my daily driver, and I handle peoples' money for a living. These are personal questions, and I don't tell strangers my "business". I usually tell them that when the car was new it went for "X" # of $$$ and in today's market, it all depends on condition and mileage, that the prices range all over the place. I tell them that to me they're priceless and not for sale, but if they want to make me a ridiculous offer, say north of a million dollars, I'd consider it. Usually by then, they've turned and walked away. If I feel that the person is interested in the car, as an enthusiast, not just being nosy, I'll answer the questions and give some guidance. I'm sure in the 8+ years that I've owned my NSX, I've probably "sold" people on "buying" at least a dozen NSX's, and maybe even a Ford or two. If a kid asks the question, and I don't think that they're doing it to be rude, but they're curious and just don't know any better, I will respond with "if you like something and want to buy it, you have to work hard and save your money to be able to afford your toys" You wouldn't walk up to people on the street that you don't know and ask them how much money they make, to me, that's the same sort of "intrusion" asking someone you don't know, how much they paid for their car!!!!:eek:
I have had this car a little over a week and have only driven it five times. I've been asked this very questions five times. I guess I better get used to answering the question!

My standard response to date has been "I just spent $7,000 rebuilding the motor". That usually ends the questions as to cost and they just look at it and stare at the car.

I sure love this machine!
"About what you'd pay for a nicely equipped new Accord or Camry. But it's 20 years old."(That almost always changes the course of the conversation). "When it was new it would have sold in the high 60s"...
Some i wont say. Like at work. Explain how co workers in same position pinch pennys and i bought a 60k car. No one at work would wana hear that.... Throw in my age and thats a lot of unhappy work tension. To stranger i dont care. I paid what i paid.
You wouldn't walk up to people on the street that you don't know and ask them how much money they make, to me, that's the same sort of "intrusion" asking someone you don't know, how much they paid for their car!!!!:eek:

Yeah, thats true... So GT and an NSX eh? MAN... what kinda scratch do you have to be pullin down to make that happen?! :biggrin:

I keed I keed! :tongue:

Salary I agree is out of bounds (although I know some folks who are totally open about this which I find sort of uncomfortable), but a material item like a car I figure no big deal. As someone said earlier, any idiot with an internet connection can just check eBay/Google in 10 minutes anyhow (of course it IS amazing how lazy people can be - even Googling is somehow too much effort in many cases)
I get asked every now and then and usually it's a genuine question so I tell them in a nice manner becuase most people in my experience think becuae I drive a car "like this" that I am a total cock anyway..
in my 5 years of ownership it's very rare that someone does not say "nice car"...i quit counting the days it's happens so often. it's such a rare sweet car that i feel honered to drive it.
When asked about my car or house or other stuff, I simply say "a lot" because its none of their business and "a lot" means different things to different people.:biggrin:
People find the NSX unique and interesting. Nothing wrong with that. Of course the next natural question is the cost of any object of desire. Wouldn't you want to find out what something cost too if you like it. How are people suppose to know the cost of something if they do not know what it is in the first place. If you own a NSX, count your lucky stars. Be a NSX ambassador and tell them Honda built this spaceship gem. If you prefer not to disclose the cost of your NSX, refer them to nsxprime website for current market NSXs for sale. Come on folks, don't take yourself or the NSX so serious.

yesterday on my way home from nsx stock, Someone in a van pulled up next to me..

is that one 250? i ignored it... then looked over at him (curiosity) and he said is this one 250,000! i smiled and just said "yes it was expensive" and he just said enjoy it... and the light turned green and i made a left LOL