More revenue for Kalifornia

8 November 2001
If this is true, it is worth our concern and action. Don't know who JimThomas is but sounds genuine. Perhaps Primers in Norcal should also read this.

On June 23, next Tuesday, the California Senate Transportation and Housing Committee will hold a hearing on Assembly Bill 564 (AB564).

This bill will gut the CA speed trap law, by allowing cities and towns to ignore the historic requirements for setting speed limits.

No longer would engineering and speed surveys be required for the use of radar or lidar in order to determine the safest speed (the 85th percentile). Should this bill pass and become law, the cities and towns across California will be able to justify greatly reduced and unsafe speed limits.

Please contact the members of the Senate Transportation Committee and your representative, and urge a NO vote on Assembly Bill 564. Please do it today!

Jim Thomas
NMA California Activist

Here is a listing of the members of the Senate Transportation Committee:
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If this is true, it is worth our concern and action. Don't know who JimThomas is but sounds genuine. Perhaps Primers in Norcal should also read this.

On June 23, next Tuesday, the California Senate Transportation and Housing Committee will hold a hearing on Assembly Bill 564 (AB564).

This bill will gut the CA speed trap law, by allowing cities and towns to ignore the historic requirements for setting speed limits.

No longer would engineering and speed surveys be required for the use of radar or lidar in order to determine the safest speed (the 85th percentile). Should this bill pass and become law, the cities and towns across California will be able to justify greatly reduced and unsafe speed limits.

Please contact the members of the Senate Transportation Committee and your representative, and urge a NO vote on Assembly Bill 564. Please do it today!

Jim Thomas
NMA California Activist

Here is a listing of the members of the Senate Transportation Committee:

The 85th percentile rule sucks. If there is a particular street that people continually speed on, then the 85th percentile would RAISE the speed limit, so people are within the law and not speeding anymore. The street I used to live on had many speeders and when I inquired about what to do, the county said if they do a study and use the 85th percentile, it would increase the speed. WTH!!!
The 85th percentile rule sucks. If there is a particular street that people continually speed on, then the 85th percentile would RAISE the speed limit, so people are within the law and not speeding anymore. The street I used to live on had many speeders and when I inquired about what to do, the county said if they do a study and use the 85th percentile, it would increase the speed. WTH!!!

I guess its a good and bad thing. There is a street were I live were the speed limit is 20 MPH and there are no houses or people around in that street ever. When people drive there they are going 40 mph.
I'd much rather have fast cars than slow cars on the street. Tells pedestrian to watch out and keeps traffic flowing. One of the great things about my way to work is that, although it is not a freeway, the speed on a "street "Is 55MPH! I guess the reason is that there are no houses on it... It's probably the only street/mini-highway w/ stop lights that has this speed. Guess what, people go about... 55MPH and despite my house being about 7 miles away from work, I can get there in about 10-15 minutes rather than spending 10-15 minutes at 12 stop lights within a mile of work...

On the other hand, a second alternative route by the lake has 35MPH, WTH? My wife, who doesn't "speed" was going 50MPH and got a ticket for driving dangerously fast of 50MPH in a 25 mph. 40 - 50 is what people go when cops aren't around and in the 3 years I've been tehre, I've not ONCE seen a kid or dumb pedestrian chilling on the street. There are some houses (mainly on the lake with long driveways etc..), but people earn how to look before going out in traffic.

First they came handing out tickets... then...Socialism folks. Read Atlas Shurgged, - "the problem with taxing 'illegal' behavious is that as the govt. runs out of money, they need to find more actions to deem 'illegal' "(.something to the effect of.. ) In Europe, they take your Aston Martin for burning out in a parking lot!
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