more questions on mothballs

17 September 2002
Today i was talking with a customer of mine explaining how i was storing my car this winter. Namely, i put little tin foil bowls near each tire with a few mothballs in each, and under the hood i put two more tin foil bowls with mothballs in there with hopes of keeping mice out of my car. He mentioned to me that he thought that the fumes given off by the mothballs corroded metal.

My question is, is any of this true? I'm starting to freak out that i'm doing something bad to my car by having mothballs near it. Can some "expert" speak up on this subject????????
Can that "expert" also tell us whether moth balls make the car smell when you take it out again in the spring?
that i've heard isn't really too much of an issue. Just open the doors and let it air out for a couple of hours. But i still do not put any mothballs inside the car, just a box of arm and hammer in a footwell. But i still want to know about any corrosiveness that mothballs may or may not cause???????????
Originally posted by dnyhof:
i put little tin foil bowls near each tire with a few mothballs in each, and under the hood i put two more tin foil bowls with mothballs in there with hopes of keeping mice out of my car. He mentioned to me that he thought that the fumes given off by the mothballs corroded metal.

My question is, is any of this true? I'm starting to freak out that i'm doing something bad to my car by having mothballs near it. Can some "expert" speak up on this subject????????

I am a expert on freaking out and yes, you already have.

[This message has been edited by pbassjo (edited 04 January 2003).]
Why not just put some cheese near the tires if you're concerned about mice!

Also, won't your car end up smelling like my grandmother's closet with the mothballs under the front end?
the goal is to keep mice AWAY from the automobile, not invite them to make a home there....

i must be the only one trying mothballs i guess...
I've heard that mice (and snakes too) eschew the odor put off by moth balls. I never heard that it was corrosive and don't know that it is or isn't.
Serves them right if their noses corrode, putting them where they don't belong!(sorry couldn't resist!)

[This message has been edited by pbassjo (edited 04 January 2003).]
Originally posted by nsxtasy:
Can that "expert" also tell us whether moth balls make the car smell when you take it out again in the spring?

I now see that this is a silly question, since you were asking about mothballs on the outside of the car, not the inside. My bad.